Chapter Twenty Four

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The first week of your stay on Dohbar went by smoothly. A mix of royal duties and down time, you thought that maybe the months that you'd be spending here wouldn't be that bad. You'd be more able to balance out work and relaxation better than when you were on Coruscant, with not having to fight alongside your battalion. You could focus on things going on here and work to improve your planet.

The weeks after go by the same as the first. Days filled with politics followed by days of nothing. You tried to find as much time to enjoy yourself as you could, but you didn't want to go into the city much, as you were beginning to show signs of pregnancy. You were safe here, yes, but if news got out of Dohbar that you were expecting, there was no telling who would find out, and what might happen.

Kwol and Ahni helped you prepare as much as they could. They helped you decorate and set up a room for the baby, bringing in some old things they'd used with the twins, and buying some other new things. You and Ahni painted the walls in a pastel version of your battalion's color, with an accent wall the color of the Batch's red. The colors didn't quite go together, but you didn't care, it represented both sides of the baby's family.

One week, once you'd begun to show quite a bit, Jawa Squad came by for a visit, and the boys immediately, without your permission, began to paint their CT numbers on the wall. Sans labeled his as "best uncle" and Steele wrote "ACTUAL best uncle" under his. Tie painted a tribute to Bomber by his name, something that brought a sad smile to your face.

When they'd finished painting, the boys marveled over your bump. They took turns holding it and waiting to feel a little kick, claiming that whoever was kicked the hardest would be the chosen favorite uncle. Of course, you reminded them that you were the one being kicked the hardest, but Sans just brushed it off and said that they were kicking through you to choose one of them.

It brought immense joy knowing that your men were excited for you, and excited to be uncles. Having the support of that many people, especially ones you know you can trust, assured you that you'd always have someone there if you needed it. And your child would have plenty of uncles to watch over them, especially if it was a girl. You could already imagine Sans, Hex, and Steele interrogating potential partners that will be interested in your child when they grow older and start to date.

Codo visited often as well, insisting that he be here in case anything happens. You appreciated his desire to be involved, but you didn't want the Council growing any more suspicious, so he agreed to come only once a month. It was a day before one of his returns back to Coruscant on one of these trips that brought some changes to the palace.

The conversation of months ago came to mind again, and you knew you had to discuss it. Ahni and Kwol knew as well, but had been putting it off for as long as possible. The twins were growing older, and their opportunities to connect with the force were slipping. They needed to decide whether or not to train in the Jedi arts, or let their connection fade.

"So," you said, looking between Ahni, Kwol, Ringo, and Tayah, with Codo sitting next to you. "As you know, you both are force sensitive. You are being given a choice many do not get, and that is to decide whether or not you want to go to the Temple and train, or stay here."

"If you choose to go to the Temple, again, you will not be able to see your parents. You must remain there, and you must learn the ways of the Jedi, which would include letting go of your attachment to them," Codo said.

"If you choose to stay here, your connection will fade. You will not be trained in the ways of the force, and you will not live the life of a Jedi. But, once you make your decision, it is final," you added.

"We have given you time to consider this, and now you must tell us what you've chosen. Kwol, Ahni, as the parents of Ringo and Tayah, it is ultimately your decision on what happens to them."

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