Chapter Thirty Four

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Uhhhhh hi! I'm kinda back? Basically, instead of writing any of my three essays due within the next 7 days, I wrote this :3 Hope you enjoy!

You wake up early and throw on some casual clothes before meeting up with Sans in the courtyard. He'd asked the day before to join you in picking up Cyar'ika from Mrs. Dure since Codo had to take Tayah off somewhere, and you of course agreed. He's wearing comfortable clothes that accentuate his physique, and his skin glows beautifully in the early morning light. He turns to you when he hears your approach, and his smile is warm as he takes you in. "Good morning, Queen Monako," he says, "are you ready to be escorted to pick up your daughter?"

You huff and roll your eyes at his formality, a smile breaking across your lips. "Of course, Commander Sans. Thank you for waking up so early to ensure my safe travels."

He takes your hand into his and pulls you slightly closer by it. "I'd wake up any time to ensure your safety," he replies with a kiss to the top of your hand, "and I'd do anything for you." You can't help but fluster at his words, his flirting giving you a new feeling since Crosshair left you broken hearted. His hands brushing against your cheek doesn't help, either. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine," you reply, "a bit fitful because I'm nervous about today. I realized half of these games, if not all of them, aren't really fit for someone Cyar'ika's age," you admit.

"I'm sure she'll still enjoy being there," he replies, "all her uncles will be spoiling her, so it can't get much better than that."

"Well, not all of them," you correct with a laugh, "there's about two million more of you that don't even know of her existence."

"Alright then, her favorite uncles," he clarifies teasingly, "since you want to be so accurate."

"Hey now, I was just correcting you," you defend with a giggle.

He huffs and folds his arms sassily, saying "whatever," like a teenager would. You nudge his side playfully before deciding to take off, surprising him before he runs after you. "I can't protect you if you run from me!" he calls after you, and you just laugh loudly as you enjoy the feeling of the early morning breeze whipping around you.

When you finally stop, you're breathing hard, but your body feels like it's buzzing. You haven't had that much fun in a while, even if it's just playfully running from Sans. When he catches up to you, you're surprised that he wraps his arms around you and picks you up. You let out a yelp before laughing some more as he twirls you around, holding you up in the air and watching you with his own laughs falling out endlessly.

In the moment, the entire galaxy falls away from you. You forget about the war. You forget about Dohbar. You forget about Crosshair and Cyar'ika. In that moment, it's just you and Sans, and you feel whole. Your heart swells with love and you want to stay in this moment forever, just you and Sans.

Before you know what's happening, Sans's lips meet yours, and your eyes subconsciously flutter closed at the contact. Your lips move in tandem with his, and your hand tangles into his curls. A sigh leaves you as his hands rest on your waist, pulling you gently closer to press into his chest. When he pulls away, his eyes sparkle with so much love, and you can't help but melt into his hand that is now resting on your cheek.

"Y/n...I love much."

You blush, the words making a smile paint your face. "I...I know, Sans," you reply before looking down and swallowing hard. "And...I love y-"

Suddenly, it seems as though time has skipped and you've just woken up again to find yourself at Mrs. Dure's place. The smell of fresh bread baking fills the air as Sans opens the door for you, and when you walk in, giggles meet your ears. "Mama!" Cyar'ika calls out in her small voice, a toothy grin lighting up her face.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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