Chapter Three

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When you woke up, it took you a second to remember the events of the previous day. You smiled to yourself when you did, thinking about the games you played with Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker. Yesterday had been the most fun you'd had in years, and the thought of another day like that made you jump excitedly out of bed. You took a minute to wander out onto your balcony, watching the morning sun. It was earlier than you usually woke up, but the possibility of another fun filled day had made sleeping in nearly impossible. Standing on the balcony made you remember the decision you made last night, and you internally groaned. You were going to befriend Crosshair.
"What have I gotten myself into..." you grumbled before you shook your head. You weren't going to let the impossible task ruin your mood. You practically skipped back inside, going straight to the bathroom to wash your face and then put clean clothes on for the day. As you got ready, you wondered what you could do to surprise the boys. You wanted them to know just how much you enjoyed their company, so you decided to make them a big breakfast. You eagerly made your way to the kitchen and once there, looked at the ingredients and food you had. As you scanned the cupboards and weighed your options, you also wondered what they might like. You settled on making pancakes with eggs and sausage, hoping that everyone liked at least one of those items. You started by mixing up three batches of pancake batter, as you knew one certainly wouldn't be enough for everyone. As you did that, you let all the cooking pans heat up. You placed the sausage on first as you could keep that warm the longest. As that started to cook, you wondered how many eggs you should make. You tried thinking of different ways to determine the amount needed, and were pulled from your thoughts only when you started to smell burning.
"Kriff!" You said, running over to the pan that had been for the pancakes. You forgot you had started one, and had ended up leaving it on a bit too long. You quickly scraped it out and made sure the pan wasn't ruined. That's when you sensed him. He was still somewhat unfamiliar, but you would have been able to point out his force signature in a crowd of people. His snarky feeling was recognizable enough. You didn't acknowledge him, as you didn't know what to say. You just kept cooking, ignoring the feeling of his eyes on you. You continued to rush back and forth between the three pans, trying to make sure nothing was undercooked or burnt. As you went to check the sausage again, a little splatter of grease landed on your arm, causing you to let out a small hiss. Though he didn't laugh, you felt amusement coming from Crosshair behind you. You rolled your eyes at the feeling of him finding your situation funny.
You finally acknowledged his presence a few minutes later, saying, "you know, you could be useful and help me with this instead of just standing there." You felt slight shock from him before it disappeared, likely remembering you could sense him as you still hadn't turned to see him.
"I'd much prefer to stand here. It's far more entertaining," he said casually. You rolled your eyes and moved back over to the pancake, just in time as it was ready to be flipped.
"I would appreciate it if you could set up the table in the dining hall," you said after another silent minute, using the force to bring down some plates and cups while you ran between the pans.
"Why don't you just float them to the table with the force like you just did?" Crosshair responded from his spot.
"Because," you replied, "just because I can use the force, doesn't mean I need to. I enjoy doing things manually, it makes me feel more...normal."
Crosshair let out a snort like sound and said, "princess, you're anything but normal. You're not even close to being a normal Jedi."
"It's queen, for one, and you don't have much room to talk about not being normal."
"Never said I was, princess."
"You're also certainly not a princess," you mumbled to yourself. "And, if it isn't obvious," you said louder, turning the heat off and beginning to put pancakes onto the serving plates, "I'm kind of busy already." You heard a small huff come from him before you heard him move, the plates slightly clinking together as he picked them up. You risked a glance at him when he was walking out of the room. He was in his undersuit, with sweatpants on as well. You briefly let your eyes roam over the definition of his muscles under the tight top before you shook your head and began filling some large bowls with eggs. When you turned to carry the bowls into the dining room, Crosshair was standing right next to you, which you weren't expecting. You jumped back slightly, surprised by his proximity.
"Maker! Don't stand right there! I didn't see you and I almost dropped these." He raised an eyebrow at you questioningly, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Aren't you Jedi supposed to be able to sense people?" He asked.
"Well, yeah, but I wasn't focusing on that so I didn't notice you sneak up on me." He merely let out a small sound and you assumed it was the closest thing to a laugh he could manage. You watched for a moment as a hint of conflict came to his eyes as if he was debating something. The next thing he knew, Crosshair was doing something he never imagined he would ever do.
"I apologize for the way I acted yesterday. It was quite rude of me," he spoke while holding your gaze. You were slightly taken aback, but quickly responded.
"No, it's okay. I understand where you're coming from with being upset about all this. It'll be over soon, though, so you'll be back to the battle in no time." Crosshair held your gaze and briefly nodded before he took the bowls from your hands and carried them into the dining room for you, and you followed behind with the plates of pancakes. When you went back into the kitchen for the sausage, he grabbed the silverware and placed it on the table.
Your thoughts lingered on his apology. Everything about this man confused you. One second he's acting one way towards you, then the next is completely different. Maybe this was his way of keeping you from becoming friends - by making it practically impossible to understand him. You sighed, wondering if you would ever crack him.

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