💔Chapter 1💔

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(WARNING ⚠️⚠️) THIS STORY CONTAINS EVENTS AND WORDS THAT MAY NOT BE COMFORTABLE FOR READERS TO READ. SUCH AS - Suicide events , suicide talk , depression and suicide attempts . Abuse and other things that you may NOT want to read . So PLEASE!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! DO NOT READ IF THESE THINGS MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️.
Now if you are reading , I hope you enjoy ❤️

"Come on Sophia" My "best friend" Hazel pulls me into a empty class room. "What are we doing" I mumble "can you talk regular" she snaps before taking a deep breath "I need you to keep this guys friend company" she says "what do you mean"

I ask "That one guy in our math class , Carson" she says and I nod "well I'm meeting him here and he's bringing his friend Mason , so I need you to keep mason company so I can have my fun with Carson"
She smiles "I really don't wanna" I say "if you are really my friend you will do it" she demands just as the classroom door opens "ah Carson" she goes up to him and his friend as I sit at one of the desk .

"You come with me and you can go talk to my bestie over there" she pulls Carson into the classroom closet , eww. The guy mason sits next to me "hey pretty" he says "hi" I whisper "you can't speak up" he moves over to look at me closer . He puts his hand on my chin "don't" I say "oh feisty" he chuckles "what's your name" he ask me

"Listen I don't even wanna do this" I tell him
"What? You think I wanna f*ck you , hell no" he shakes his head "I would never mess with someone like you" he says "oh" I whisper "your so god boring and speak tf up" he says "you don't have to talk to me" I say "you right I don't" he stands up and walks to the closet door "yoo chick over here mad boring let's go" I hear him and I roll my eyes

The door opens for Carson and a angry Hazel to walk out "I'll see you around" Carson tells her before they two boys leave and she storms over to me "you can't do nothing right" she says "your such a f*cking failure" she throws her hands up "forget it , I'm leaving" she walks to the door and I stand up "but you're my ride home" I say "find a new ride Sophia" she leave and slams the classroom door . I sit back down and start to get teary eyed

Okay , let me explain it all. I'm Sophia Bosh that right there was my "best friend" Hazel Kade. She's a horrible person , I say 98% . Why do I keep her because I have no friends . I put on this act everyday when I come to this high school the act is that I'm so happy and I love my life . But I'm so broken and I hate my life with a passion . Sometimes I just wanna end it all but I just think maybe one day it will get better. But it's been 5 years since I been telling myself that and I haven't gotten any better. I'm gonna tell you everything.
When I was 12 my mom passed away from drugs . She was my whole world and I was her's.
So I had my dad and he hates me . He blames me for my moms death everyday. He puts his hands on me all the time , he controls me. He controls where I go , what I eat , what I wear , everything .
Ever since I was 12 he has been like that
Then when I was 15 I had my virginity stolen .
I was drugged at a party and a guy that no longer goes to this school to advantage of me. I become pregnant but suffered a miscarriage at 6 weeks . The time of that my dad was on a business trip. I had to call 911 . No one knows , I told absolutely no body . It makes me feel disgusting and so embarrassed. At 16 my first boyfriend cheated on me . Now I'm 17 and my life is horrible. About 3 weeks ago I found out Hazel hooked up with my ex . But she's still my "best friend" she's all I have , her mean controlling self is all I have . I have no one , no one who cares about me , no one who loves me . The last person that ever loved me or cared about me was my mother and she has been gone for 5 years now. Some kids in this school make fun of me or pick on me and some just don't care . Do I want friends? Of course I do , just not the ones in this school. But besides all of that I'm still just a high school student. I have homework and projects . I get into little drama and of course I have that high school crush that I liked since 6th grade that will never like me and I will never be with . Brandon , Brandon Arreaga is his name. The only bad thing is when I do get picked out he just sits there and laughs sometimes . But he also isn't like the boys here . He cares about everything, he's not that bad boy type , he gets his shii done and then parties on the weekends . He has these 4 best friends that are just so great . Nick , Edwin , Zion and Austin plus Austin's girlfriend Ansley . She seems just so happy and a great friend . Brandon and his friends are like kids but the good type . They aren't bad and they don't do stupid shii they just have fun and do goofy stuff that makes everyone laugh including me. I would love to have friends like that but things just don't work out. If you wanna know something else sad I lost my dog about 2 months ago after my dad left her outside on the fire hot weather for 2 weeks while I was on a school field trip . It hurt cause she was like my only real friend and I definitely have noting . No one knows anything about me about my life . No one knows about my dad. No one knows about the r*pe , no one knows about what I go through . My mother passing now that is something only Hazel knows . No one knows about my dog either . Now when I read things like this or watch movies I often see that people who live this life sometimes cut themselves, now do I? Yeah I do , at least once a day , I know that's so so bad but I can't help it . Sometimes I hope I don't make it and only certain times I do hope I make it. But recently it's been bad and I see something called "the hanging tree" I think about it a lot . I think about going there but
1) idk how I would sneak out my house
2) my dad hides my car keys and it's kinda far
3) I don't wanna make my mom disappointed
But I think about going there all the time.

I look at my phone and - oh shii I'm a hour late from when I'm supposed to get home . My dad is gonna be so angry at me . I walk out the class room . Now I'm gonna be even more late cause I have to walk home since Hazel f*cking left me

I finally get home and open the door to see my dad just standing there looking at me . I start to breath really fast . "Dad-" he cuts me off "where the f*ck were you" he steps closer to me "I-I'm sorry" I apologize "you were supposed to be here almost 2 hours ago" he says "I know but-" he cuts me off again "what was you doing , being a hoe with some dudes huh?" He questions "what no!" I say "watch your tone" he adds . He grabs me by my hair and drags me upstairs to my room . Before throwing me on the floor and the pain in my arms hurt.

"Do not come out of this f*cking room" he slaps me across my face "if I see you , I swear to god Sophia" he says and slams my door as he leaves . I sit up and the tears begin to fall . There is some of it , it's way worse than that . Here's the life of Sophia Bosh , my life , my fucked up life

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