💔Chapter 26💔

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Two weeks went by pretty fast , Brandon gets to come home today. His injuries are getting better , he's healing well. He still has to take some medications but he will be okay to move to LA.

In 2 weeks la is the next move and I still haven't made up my mind on what to do. My dad will be back next week. My 18th birthday is in 2 weeks .
Word has gotten out about what happened to Brandon. Police are 100% involved and Noah barely comes to school these past two weeks. He even knows he is guilty

Police are fully aware Noah was the driver. They've looked at security cameras , license plates, all of the above to prove he's guilty. I just really hope it happens and it happens really really soon.

"Brandon I'm gonna go sign you out" I tell him as he sits on the hospital bed and I walk out to see the boys walking my way "hey girl" Edwin says "hey boys" I wave "ready to go" Nick ask "yeah I just gotta go sign him out but he's in there" I point to his hospital room "just bring him out and our stuff please" they nod and walk in.

I reach the front desk "I'm here to sign Brandon Arreaga out" I say and she types some stuff up before handing me a clipboard and pen. I sign my name , his name and what I need to sign then I hand it back to her. I see the boys comes out as Zion wheels Brandon in his wheelchair "this isn't fun" Brandon pouts "well it's safe" I take over and wheel him out to Nicks car.

"I used to wanna try these when I was younger but I don't like it now" Brandon adds "it's for the best , you need to heal and rest" I say "yeah yeah" he whines "Yeah yeah" I mock him

(My house) I wheel Brandon in "Feels good to be back" I giggle "I missed being here cause being in that hospital was rough" he says and I help him sit down on the couch as the boys walk in "we got two weeks of school left" Nick sings "then LA here we come" Edwin says "Have you made up your mind yet about coming with?" Zion ask "no" I answer

"But I'm closer to agreeing" I smile "I'll take it" Austin nods "but we should get going so Brandon get better man" Nick says and Brandon shakes his head "thanks" he says "call us if you two lovebirds need anything" Edwin laughs "get out" I Joke before they wave goodbye and leave. "What do you wanna do" I ask "I can't do anything" he says

"Are you hungry, thirsty?" I ask and he shakes his head "umm do you wanna go lay down upstairs" I ask "It would be nice to sleep in the bed since I been in that damn hospital bed for 2 weeks" he says "come on" I help him and guide him upstairs into my room. He lays down and sighs "better already" I smile before laying next to him . He squeezes his eyes shut tightly "you okay?" I ask "a little dizzy"

I poke my lip out "well that's normal with a concussion or whiplash" I hold his hand "in my case both" he says "it's okay , you won't feel like this forever" I kiss his lips softly "you go to sleep and I'll be right here" I run my thumb over his cheek "you are the best" he smiles "I try"

(That night) "my dad comes back next Saturday" I say "I know" Brandon says "then it's your birthday 5 days later" he says "I don't care about my birthday" I admit "why" he ask "every since my mom passed it just been a horrible day for me. I haven't gotten a gift since my 12th birthday from my mom" I explain "then you know after that my life went pretty down hill" I nod

"This birthday will be a good one" he rest his hand on my knee "trust me" he smiles "Well now im sorta excited" I tell him and I lay next to him on my bed . He takes a deep breath before making eye contact with me. "Sophia" he calls out "yes" I reply "are you happy" he ask . "I don't know"

I sigh before speaking again "but because of you I have gotten so much better , I've smiled more in 8 weeks then I did 5 years" I add "these have been the best 2 months since I was 12" I revealed "that makes me happy" he says and I kiss him gently
"But when I'm with you , I get to shut everything else out and focus on us . That makes me happy"

He turns on his side to face me "be careful" I warned him "I wanna be close to you" he brings me closer to him slowly "I just can't get enough of you" he exclaimed . I yawn as he turns the light off "tired?" He questions and I nod

"I'm excited to sleep in my bed tonight since I been sleeping in that hospital chair for 2 weeks" I stated "well now we can cuddle and be in your bed finally" he rest his arm around my waist "goodnight Brandon" I kiss him one last time "goodnight , I love you" he says "I love you more"

(Next Saturday) "is that all your stuff" I ask Brandon as he grabs his bag "yeah I'm 99% sure" he nods "this feels like we are saying goodbye forever" Edwin whines . "I'll see you boys in school" I smile "then we out in 2 weeks then LA here tf we come"

Zion says and they look at me "still haven't made a decision" I chuckle "but we will see you on ya birthday" Nick says "yeah I'll come over on my birthday after school" I nod and my phone dings and it's a text from my dad.

"I'll be home in 10 minutes"

"He's gonna be here in 10 minutes so you guys have to go" I tell them . Brandon sits in his wheelchair which he only has to be in for 3 more days . I walk up to him before grabbing his chin and kissing him "I love you" I smile "I love you too" he pecks my lips again "call me please" he bags

"I will might be late though" I say "just text me through out the day too" I nod before they wheel him out and I close the door before making sure everything looks good and not that Brandon has been living here. I sit on the couch after that.

I'm scared really scared actually. My dad is definitely mad about what Hazel has lied about and I don't know what he's gonna do when he walks through that door. I'm so freakin nervous.

(10 minutes later) I hear the car pull up and my heart starts racing. The door opens and it feels like a scary movie when he walks in and I hear his footsteps. . He walks closer to me before my dad is now in front of me "hey .... Dad" I say "I am very disappointed in you" he shakes his head

"I didn't do anything wrong" I whisper "why do you keep lying to me" he ask "I told you the rules to follow and you broke them" he sets his bag down. "No I didn't-" he puts his hand up "quiet" he demands "before I left I said if you broke my rules you would be punished" he says slowly.

Then he grabs me by my hair "AND YOU BROKE THR RULES" he yells and then this goes on got another 15 minutes.

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