💔Chapter 4💔

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(Sophia) I stand there on the stool crying with the tied rope in my hand. Apart of me hopes someone stops me and cares but at the same time I want no one to stop me . I look up at the rope . This is it , this is the end , I quit , I-I give up on everything.
"Sophia" I get scared by a voice . I look over to see Brandon Arreaga . "Hey what are you doing" he ask "what do you think" I ask "but this is the hanging tree" He tells me "yeah I fucking know"

He looks me in my red and watery eyes. "Listen why don't you get down" he says "don't tell me what to do" I shake my head "you don't want to do this" he adds "you don't know that" I say "please just listen to me , I could help" he stated "you can't help" I shout "you don't know that , please just take my hand" he holds his hand out "no no no no" I whined "what about your family" he ask which makes me cry even more "I have no family" I answer "okay just you need to get down and come with me" he tells me "No Brandon" I refuse

"What about your friends" he ask "I HAVE NO ONE" I yell "y-you have me" he stutters "you don't even know me" I mumble "I know your name and you know mine that's a start" He says "please Sophia just grab my hand" he has his hand back out . I let go of the rope "Why did you even come up here , why are you doing this , I need to do this" I say "Because I care" he tells me "again you don't know me" I tell him again "you deserve to live , whatever is going on will get better" he tilts his head "it's been horrible for 5 years" I bawl .

"I will help you just please , just please please come here" he begs and I take a couple deep breaths before basically falling off the stool and into his arms. I begin to sob as he holds me in his arms. "I got you , I got you" he assures me as he runs his fingers through my hair "It's okay now"

After about 10 minutes of that he looks at me but I can't make eye contact with him "do you have somewhere to go , I'll come with you , I'll stay with you" he says "yes but my dad and if you are there but then he will and ugh it's so complicated" I whine "okay calm down , we can go to my house and you can stay there" he says

"I will be in so much trouble" I say "with who" he ask "My dad" I say "oh so you do have one family member" he questions "like I said it's complicated , it's a long story" I cry "and you don't have to tell me anything yet or ever" he tells me "where is he" Brandon inquired "just away" I say "we can go to your place or mine but I do live with 4 other guys and it's gets pretty wild" he chuckles "I don't know" I shake my head .

"I say we go to yours , I don't want you to be overwhelmed with my friends there and Craziness . Plus your house is where you feel more comfortable" he says and I sigh "it's not , I hate it there" I sob "I'm sorry" he apologizes . "This is to much I-I" he cuts me off "is that your car" he ask

I nod "why don't we sit in there and figure out everything" he helps me stand up and guides me to my car by my waist lightly . Any other day I would be loving this right now but the situation we are in and the way this came about there's nothing to love.
I get in the passenger seat as he's in the drivers seat . I look down and watch my fingers as I let the tears fall. He rubs my back before starting my car

"Are you hungry, thirsty?" He ask "no" I whisper
"Can we go to your place , I just can't go to mine" I ask "of course" he says and begins to drive.

He parks my car in front of his house "you know I don't wanna bother any of you" I say "no no don't worry , I offered" he says "don't worry about what the others think , it's gonna be fine" he smiles before getting out and opening the door for me to get out . I follow him into the house and the lights are off . "Follow me" he says and I do up into his bedroom . I walk in and shuts the door before looking at me and I start to get that feeling.

Those flashbacks from when I was 15 . The guy he brought me to his room after drugging me. He closed the door and gave me that look Brandon is giving me. "You okay?" He ask and grabs my shoulders making me yell and his eyes widened . I gasp "oh I'm so sorry" I apologize "I-I didn't mean to yell like that" I cry "no don't cry , it's okay" he says and someone knocks on the door.

"Oh I know that person is gonna hate me" I say "I need you to relax . It's gonna be fine" he nods before walking and opening the door . I stand back so the person doesn't see me . "Yoo tell the girl you f*cking to be quiet" I hear and my eyes widened, wow. "Dude stop , I'll see you tomorrow" Brandon says and shuts the door "sorry about that" he says

"Here umm some clothes to sleep in" he hands me a shirt and sweatpants . He hands me them "can you maybe step out so I can change" I ask "oh yeah definitely" he walks out his room and I change . Aww damn my cuts are showing on my wrist .
"Are you done" Brandon ask "y-yeah" I panic before he walks in . I put my arms behind my back

"you can sit down" I sit on the edge of the bed as he sits next to me. He looks behind me "stop it" I demand "I think I know what you are hiding" he says "can I see" he ask and I begin to sob for like the 8th time today. "It's nothing" I lie 

"You need to rest why don't you sleep here in my bed" he says "Brandon this is your bed" I say "it's okay , don't fight it" he says and lays on the comfy chair on the floor "thank you" I whisper "no need to thank me" he smiles before laying all the way down
I sigh and lay down on his bed. What a night.

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