💔Chapter 22💔

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Next day) Brandon and I are currently in the bathroom as we finish getting ready. "Ready?" He ask "yeah" I sigh . He looks my way "you okay?" He ask and I turn to him "what the hell is gonna happen when we get to school" I ask "we are gonna umm go to class" he chuckles "I'm serious" I stated

"Well I don't know what will happen , or if anything even will happen" he replied "but don't worry about it" he invited me into his arms as he spoke . "All I'm doing is worrying about it" I say "well when we get there let's just go on with our day" he began to say "and if anything happens we will go from there" he adds

He walks out the bathroom before turning right back around "just promise me one thing" he holds his pointer finger up "what is it" I ask "if anything happens and I'm not around , you gotta find me and tell me right away" he says "like it doesn't matter if Noah just says one word to you or anyone actually"
He expressed "promise you will tell me"

I smile "I promise" I walk past him and grab my bag "ight well let's get going"

(School) we walk into the school and it's all eyes on us. "I don't like this" I whisper "relax" he grabs my hand "just walk to the lockers" he follows me to my locker . "Everyone is staring at us" I tell him "I see that just let it go" he watches my every move as I close my locker "come to my locker" I walk behind him as we reach his and he opens it for a piece of paper to fall out "oh gosh not a note" I say

He opens it and I look over his shoulder
"Watch your back" it reads "Brandon" I gasp . He looks around and no one is looking anymore "look what you did to yourself" I say "Noah's friends are gonna be looking for you" I whine "it's okay chill" he says "why are you always so relaxed in these situations" I ask "because you have to be" he answers before closing the locker .

Nick , Edwin , Zion and Austin walk up to us "wassup guys" Zion says "someone threatened Brandon" I blurt out "Sophia" Brandon says and Nick snatches the note out of Brandon's hand "watch your back" Edwin reads it "who put it in there" Austin ask "probably Noah or one of his friends" Brandon shrugs his shoulders

"What if they jump you" I worry "Sophia you need to calm down" Brandon says "we won't let that happen" Nick says "you have a class with at least one of us every period" Zion adds . I shake my head . Edwin puts his arm on my shoulder "don't worry girl , we will protect him" Edwin says and I chuckle lightly "I don't need protection" Brandon chimed in "but I have to get to class early, so I'll see you later" Brandon turns to me "okay"

He smiles "and remember what you promised" he whispers and I nod before he leaves "damn didn't even kiss you goodbye" Zion shakes his head "I know right" I agree . "Brb" I speed walk to Brandon before he walks into the classroom I step in front of him then kiss his lips . He kisses back and smiles into the kiss. I break up "you forgot to kiss me goodbye" I cross my arms

"I thought you didn't like being romantic in school" he smirks "everyone basically knows something is going on so I don't care" I smile "next time I'll remember" he says

"I love you" pecks my lips "I love you too" I say before he walks into the room and the bell rings. Zion comes up to me since we have the first 2 periods together

"Don't panic but I see Noah" Zion says and I look over and see Noah talking to a couple people "how you expect me not to panic" I ask "well I said don't" he says as we reach the classroom. "Just go"

(After school) Brandon and I are in his car right now as he gets ready to drive off "wait" I say and he looks at me "I left my charger in my locker" I say "I'll get it" he says "no I got it" I nod "I'm coming with" he says "Brandon it's okay , it will only take like 3 minutes" I assure him

"Ight" he nods and I kiss his lips before getting out and walking back into the school. I speed over to my locker and open it before grabbing my charger then closing it to meet Noah's eyes "you do know I can really hurt your boy" he says "don't" I mumble "don't? After he came to my house and fought me"

I sigh "I'm not letting this go Sophia" he says "you deserved it" I say "why" he steps in front of me "tell me what I did to make him try to beat my ass" he ask "try , he did beat your ass" I cross my arms "now if I was you I wouldn't wanna try me right now Sophia" he says "because 1 Brandon has a target on his back" he tells me "and so do you"

He points at me "yeah that's right you do too" he smiles "I will not hesitate to hurt you again" he steps closer to me and I step back "you're a sick person" I shake my head "that night at the fuckin party you wanted me" he says "I didn't want you at all" I say "you were all over me" he lies

"You lied and took my upstairs then r*ped me" I snapped "that's what you think" he says "but you know you had fun" he says "no , no not at all" I shake my head. "Well" he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer "I did" he lets go of me before walking the opposite way. I take a couple deep breaths before walking out "that was not 3 minutes love" Brandon says as I get into his car

I feel his eyes on me as I try to hide the fact that I'm freaking out. "What happened" he ask in a low tone "nothing" I mumbled "you promised me you would tell me" he says "Noah was in there" I say and I can just see a wave of anger wash over him

"What did he say" he ask "that we both now have targets on our backs" I say "shii , Sophia I'm so sorry" he says "no don't be" I take his hand in mine "did he say anything else" he ask "he said he won't hesitate to hurt me again and I get what he means by that" I say and Brandon looks at me "he's not gonna hurt you ever , I promise on everything" he says "did he do anything in there" he ask

"Umm no" I lie "come on now tell me" he says "he grabbed me" just like yesterday Brandon gets out the car making me get out and step in front of him on his way back into the school "no no no" I hold my hand up to his chest "don't Brandon" I say "he touched you" he whispers "please don't please" I beg "Sophia he can't do that" he says angrily

"You can't just beat him up every time he does something you don't like" I say "Sophia I-I" he shakes his head "what" I ask "You know when it comes to you I can't help but wanna basically kill him" he says "I know and I love that you care about me" he cuts me off

"care? Of course I do , like I said you are my person" he says and we hear the school door open and Noah walks out . "So have you fucked her yet or is she not ready" Noah says and Brandon goes to walk to him "stop it now" I say "he's talking about you" Brandon says "I hear but you need to relax"

He sighs "no" he says "Just know Brandon , I hit it first" Noah chuckles. "ARE YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS" Brandon yells and I lower my head "can we please go" I almost cry and I know Brandon realizes that . He sighs "yeah come on"' we walk to the car "imma see your ass tomorrow" Brandon says "BRANDON SHUT UP" I yell

I get in the car and so does he "Sophia" he says "just fucking drive" i say and he does

We get to my house and I walk in "Sophia talk to me" he walks in after me and closes the door "what's wrong" he turns me around to face him "no matter what he always talks about the r*pe and gets to me every time" I cry "it makes me feel so ... disgusting and horrible" I tell him "you're not"

I wipe my eyes but it's not use as I just keep crying "you can tell me that but I can't believe it" I say "it's been all about me getting r*ped , it's all coming back up and I'm worried" I say "the whole school knows about how you beat him up and what if they found out what he did to me" I ask

"Then you fight him again and it's overwhelming Brandon" I look at him "what do we want me to do , tell me and I will do it" he says

(Third person) "just never leave me" Sophia says and wraps her arms around his neck. "You know I would never leave you" Brandon can't help but smile at her as Sophia finally calms. Little do these two know something is about to hit them well hit Brandon ...... literally

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