💔Chapter 5💔

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I open my eyes and realize I'm not home. I sit up quickly before looking around and seeing Brandon on the floor. All of sudden last night starts popping in my head . I have to get out of here fast like right now. I grab my clothes I had on yesterday and I start to panic trying to find my car keys .

"Hey" i Jump from his voice scaring me . I turn around and he's sitting up "I-I I need to leave , now!" I tell him "calm down" he puts his hand out "no no , give me my car keys" I say "you had a rough night relax" He tries to convince me "I've had a rough life I'll be fine" I say "no cause I literally stopped you from killing yourself last night" he says "MY KEYS" I yell "Sophia" he says calmly "please just hand them over" I beg "take my number" he writes it down and hands me the small piece of paper "text me when you get home"

He hands me my keys "bye" I open is door and all of sudden here voices from downstairs. My breathing speeds up as I start to get nervous. I have to walk past them to leave . Nothing can ever go right. I walk into the nearest bathroom and change back into my clothes . I just leave his on the bathroom floor. I walk out more nervous so I knock on Brandon's door and he opens it "oh I thought you left" he says "can you walk me out , I think your friends are all down there" I say not making eye contact and he chuckles "yeah come on"

I walk behind downstairs and see 4 boys look up and watch us walk outside . He opens the car door for me I get it before starting the car "text me when you get there" he says and I just nod "and umm just call me if you need something" he says "why because I wanted to die last night so you feel bad for me like I need help living now" I snap "just make sure you are okay" he says "I'm never okay and I'm not gonna call you when I need anything" I roll the window up and drive off .

(Brandon) she drives off and i sigh , what a night. What a girl , what a beautiful girl. I need to find more out . I need to know why she was there last night , why are life is that bad , I need to know and I wanna know , I wanna help her . I walk back into my house "walk of shame for her" Nick says "bro seriously shut up" I say "damn man" Zion says "was she not good" Edwin chuckles "she's the girl from the hanging tree" I say and they gasp "ohh"

I shake my head "you saved her?" Austin says "and that's why not all heroes wear capes" Nick says "why was she there" Zion ask "she's bad" I say "like bhad or like she's not doing good" Nick ask "she's doing bad and she's beautiful but that's besides the point" I tell them "she won't tell me anything, she doesn't want me help or nothing" I shake my head "I will help her" I say "how if she don't want help" Austin says "I don't know but there's something to her , something is going on and if I don't do something soon she's gonna go back to that damn tree" I throw my hands up

"What's her name" Edwin ask "it's Sophia from our school" I say "What?!" They all say "that whole time she looked happy" Edwin tells us "it's always the ones that looked happy" Zion shakes his head
"Isn't Hazel her best friend?" Austin questions "yeah I think" I say "I wonder if she knows anything" I think and say out loud "you would think she be there for Sophia tho" Nick says "unless she didn't know" Edwin adds "how did you get her to come with you" Nick ask "I just talked to her"

I think back to last night "she was just crying and crying" I say "I was just telling her I could and help and anything to get her down" they look at me as I tell them "she got down and cried in my arms for like 5 minutes before I brought her here" I explain "then she slept in my bed and I slept on the floor" they nod "I wonder what drove her to do that" Austin ask "she said she's been like this for 5 years"

Their eyes widen "thats a long time" Edwin nods "she said she has no family but she has a dad" I say confused "so her dad isn't her dad" I shrug my shoulders "I don't know , I know nothing but that" I take a deep breath "listen I'm gonna go to my room and lay down" I say and they nod before I walk upstairs into my bedroom and I lay on my bed.

My phone dings and I look at it . It's random number

"I'm home" it reads . Oh Sophia "okay thanks for texting me" I send back and Save her number


(Sophia) I turn my phone off as I sit in the couch in tears like always. He's really nice , but he just is acting because he feels bad that I live this life he doesn't even know about. Once I seem "happy" again he will just let it all go. He needs to leave me alone I don't wanna no attachments . Plus my dad won't be very happy if he finds out about this especially if he finds out about Brandon . He might literally kill me . Not like I even care anymore.

(Monday) I walk into school on a Monday morning.
Brandon texted me a couple time over the last 2 days but I haven't responded, I don't want him to "care" and then walk out cause I'm ok . Nothing can make me better , everything that made me happy is gone or I lost it. There's no point in being on this damn earth anymore . But Brandon just had to come and save me . He saved me , I'm not sure if I like that he did that but I won't say anything.

"Bestie" Hazel hugs me . Haven't talked to her since Friday when she freaked out on me . "Hey Hazel" I stupidly hug her back. "Monday's suck" she whines "yeah they do" I say "but you know what would make me feel better" she says "what" I roll my eyes "You doing my math homework" she smiles "oh come on Haze" I complain "Sophia"

She smiles "pretty please" she begs "You love me right" she pouts "Here it is" she holds it up. I snatch the paper "you almost ripped it" she says "but yay thank you , now I'll see you later" she walks away to where I can't see her anymore. I'm nervous to bump into Brandon or even the me of his friends.
I don't wanna be at this school either. I just wanna stay home and be in bed all day long.

I walk out my last class (2:50) Today was actually okay . I had no problems today it was just chilled .
I walk outside to see Brandon and his 4 friends talking and laughing about who knows what.
Here we go again I have to pass them to get to my car. Fuck it! I just walk right pass them with my head facing forward . I get to my car and hear footsteps approaching me. "Sophia"

I turn around to see Brandon "hello" I say quietly "how are you" he ask "don't worry about me" I tell him "I mean you just left without telling me anything" he says "what do I have to tell you" I ask "I mean I thought you were gonna tell me why you were there Friday night" he suggest "I don't have to explain anything to you , why now?" I throw my hands up "everyone never cared and now you see me about to kill myself now you care" I shake my head "where was this caring shii a while ago"

He sighs "I didn't know you were upset like this" he says "and let's keep it that way" I get in my car "but I know now and I'm willing to help" he comes to my window "I don't know you , you don't know me so please leave me alone just like everyone else and just like you used to" I nod "but so-" I cut him off "we are strangers" I say "I saved your life"

I turn my head to in front of me "wow thanks , you shouldn't have , you should have just let me go through it" I snap "but I wasn't , you have a life to live" he tells me "I have a life that I don't want to live" I just make direct eye contact with Brandon.

"Things can get better" he says "quit talking to me like we been friends forever , we aren't friends you just happened to be riding past the tree and you just had to help me" I start to get teary eyed "leave me alone" I shout . I back out the Parking lot before driving right past him and to my house I go.

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