💔Chapter 20💔

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I show him the phone and he freezes "Sophia" he says "how could you" I cry "you made out with Hazel" I say "it was a dare during truth or dare" he says "you didn't back out" I ask "it was either that or she would text you whatever she wanted and I didn't wanna lose you if she texted you" he says "you not telling me might make you lose me" I say

"No please , I was scared to tell you" he says "you should have told me , I would have understood a little" I shout "this is why you didn't sleep here last night" I realize and say "WERE YOU WITH HER LAST NIGHT" I ask "no I promise , I just kissed her cause the dare" he says "I can't believe you kissed her . I don't even wanna kiss you"

He sighs "I had to or she was gonna text you crazy things and i would lose you" he says "I swear that's the reason why , I'm sorry it hurts you but I had to" he says  "I know but now I can't get that image out my head" I say "I'm sorry" he says "whatever"
I walk upstairs and into my bedroom.

(Brandon) she walks to her room and I look at the boys "you guys stood there the whole time" I question "told you we should have went outside" Edwin whispers "Zion and Nick wanted to stay and be in the business" Edwin says "bro shut up" Nick says "You guys can go , I'm gonna stay here" they nod and gather their stuff before walking out .

(Sophia) (might) Brandon and I been sitting on my bed not talking or anything. Just watching a movie .
"Sophia talk to me" he says "Brandon I don't think we are gonna work out" I say "what?!" He ask "I been thinking and we both have stuff going on" I say "I don't think we should keep doing this thing anymore" I tell him "Sophia just because I did that dare" he ask

"No , just I'm basically still broken , you are wasting so much time on me Brandon" I tell him "you have other things to worry about and I'm in the way , you helped as much as you could but this shouldn't go on any longer" I say "are you serious" he ask "Sophia you aren't holding me back" he adds "I want you , I need you" he tells me

"Brandon I'm not okay" I throw my hands up "I can't have you wait on me to be okay , you have things to do" I nod "we can't do this anymore" it pains me to say that but I have to "Sophia don't say that" he shake his head  "move on , I'm used to the heartbreak and the painful moments" I say

"You will move on fast from me" I say "what would you say if I told you I loved you" he ask "I say you are crazy" I say "then I'm crazy" he says "Brandon you are saying anything right now" I say "I mean it" he says "no you don't" I say "yeah I do" he says "no you don't" I shout and he sighs

"I love you" he says "stop it" I say "stop what? Loving you" he ask "stop saying dumb stuff" I say "i love you , there I said it again" he says "leave" I say "no" he says "what do you mean no , this is my house" I say "I know but I told you I'm never leaving you" he says "GO" I yell "NO" he yells
"You love me? You are fucking crazy" I shout

"FOR YOU YES" he yells "gosh Sophia , i love you" he says "Since the moment I met you I fell for you" he says "why do you push me away" he ask "I'm done with your fucking help" I say "Sophia for so long now I been telling you I'm here for you , I care about you and I'm not LEAVING" he says

"Why can't you just let me be here" he ask "Why can't you get that , seriously Sophia" he says "Brandon just get out" I begin to cry "Please stop" he begs "I don't care if you aren't okay , that's why I'm here" he says "you matter to me" he adds

"I never felt this way about anyone , I never cared for someone so much" he says "I never fell for someone hard or so fast" he nods "please don't do that , we need each other" he says "but I'm difficult and so complicated" I cry "that's okay" he whispers "I don't care about that" he says

"Cause when you love some one you are there for them through thick and thin . No matter what" he smiles and he cups my face "and I love you" he whispers . He wipes my tears with his thumb "and you don't have to love me-" I cut him off

"I do , I do love you" he smiles . He kisses my lips "you know you are the best thing that has ever happened to me" I whisper "I could say the same thing about you" he says . His phone buzzes "it's Noah" he says and I take a deep breath

"How come every time I say his name you get ..... weird" he ask "do you guys have a past" he ask "no" I shake my head fast "you are lying" he says "I won't Be upset" he says "you can tell me"
I shake my head slowly "umm it's nothing"
I mumble "seems to bother you though" he puts his phone down and grabs my hands. "He's my friend ya know" I roll my eyes as he says that

"Why does that bother you Sophia" he ask "it doesn't" I say "tell me" he says and I hesitate for like a minute "why so hesitant" he ask "just say it" he says "I can't" I say "but baby why" I smile at the nickname "you got a couple new nicknames now" he says "but back to this situation, why can't you tell me" he ask "I'm scared" i say

"Scared to tell me?" He ask "don't be scared to tell me anything" he says "just let it out" he chuckles . I make eye contact with him and bite my lip "he did it" I say "did what?" He ask "the thing" i say

"say it Sophia" he says "what did he do" he waits for my response as I start panicking "hey just relax okay? And say it" he says "he was the one who" I go to say but stop "oh my gosh Sophia please say it" he begs "he was the one who r*ped me"

I whisper . He stands up straight but doesn't say anything. He turns around he walks out my bedroom to downstairs "Brandon!?" I call out and follow him to see him putting his shoes on "Brandon no" I say . He ignores me and grab his keys before walking out to his car "Brandon" I grab his arm and he doesn't even look at me

"Come back in the house please" I beg "Sophia let go of my arm" he demands and I do . I never seen him like this or this angry. "Just come back inside with me" i say . He gets in the car "where are you going" I ask "where do you think" he ask "please do not go to Noah's house" I say "I love you" he says before driving off.

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