💔Chapter 28💔

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(A/n - there's 2 chapters left so it's a little rushed cause I'm trying to finish this . And there's some time skips and stuff

(Sophia)  "Lift your shirt up" he begs again "Brandon stop" I say as we sit on his bed "you told me you would tell me about the bruises today" he says and I break down "Sophia" he says "I need to get out of that house Brandon , I wanna move to LA so bad but I'm so scared" I cry "scared of what"

I look at him "my dad" I answer "those bruises that you see last night and the the ones that are covered by makeup are from him" I finally say "he abuses you?" He ask and I nod "since I was 12" my voice cracks "and you didn't tell me" he says "you always keep things from me that I need to know"

I place my hands on his face "I know but it's just I don't ever want you to get hurt and you already have" I say "I'd go to hell and back for you" he tells me "but that doesn't mean I want you to" I let go of him "well now neither of us are getting hurt" he walks out "you can't go and beat my dad up"

He turns around "im not but we are sending his ass to jail Sophia" he says "but Brandon" I say "but what" he ask "Sophia you have proof, literally on your body" he says "and some in my phone" I say "baby we can send him in and then we have nothin stopping us to LA" he says

"I get you care about him since he is your dad but he doesn't love you or care about you and I hate to tell you that" he holds my hands "I know" I whisper "it's the right thing to do" he says "so what we are gonna go to the police station and tell them" I ask and he nods "come on , lest go"

I sigh "but" I say "baby but what , but what , he can't get away with this" he says "you got this" He says "I told you I was never leaving you and I'm here for you , and we are getting through this right just like we have been" he smiles "together" I repeat

"Forever" he exclaims "yeah yeah okay , then we should go now" I suggest "this nightmare you say you live in is bout damn near over" he grabs my hand "you just wake up" he chuckles "right now"

(Police station) we walk in and up to the front desk "I would like to report something" I mumble "for?" She ask "I been getting abused since I was 12 and I am now 18 and tired of it" she just looks at me before looking at one of the cops "talk to her in the back" she says "follow me hon" the female cop takes me "Sir sit out here if you aren't family"

Brandon looks at her "I am her husband" he says "oh then you may go" I smile "and is that our excuse for everything" I ask "yes it is"

(3 hours later) "I would thank you for sitting down with me" the cop says "and sweetheart im so sorry for what he has done and what you went through" she says

"thank you" I say before she walks out "little does she know that's now even half of what I went through" I shake my head "but now what?" I ask Brandon "they are gonna get him , they have the evidence to prove he's guilty" he says "so what that's it" I ask "baby that's it" he says

"I'm done with it?" I question "I'm ... free" I say "no more of your dad , no more Noah , no more Hazel no more of that . It's you , me and the boys and our next stop is LA" he says "wow"

He smiles "you okay?" He ask "yeah I mean it's just shocking" I answer "I feel like my life should be bad , I'm not used to having a good one" I add "you are the strongest person I know" He says "I'm proud of you Sophia" he nods "I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you" I smile

"Like I said together forever" he kisses me and we stand up from the sound of my fathers voice.
We see him through the window in the other room "you bitch" he yells and I flinch making Brandon wrap his arms around me from behind "and that boy , I'm glad I did what I did" he says

"Good luck Sophia . You won't last one day without me" he says before they take him away "and that nightmare is over now" Brandon whispers in my ear and breaks apart from me "Well La here we come" I smile "honey" I hear and look to my left "mom?" I question "hey princess" she says

"What?" I ask "I don't get it" I shake my head "you can see me but no one else can" she smiles and it feels so good to my mom right now. "Mom I miss you" I almost cry "oh don't cry , I miss you too but don't cry" she says "dear I've been watching what you have went through and Sophia you are so strong" she nods "I'm so proud of you"

I smile at her "I want you to go to LA and live your life" she tells me "have fun with your real friends" I nod "and that boy right there mhm he loves you with his whole heart" she chuckles "pretty cute too"

I giggle "you found a good one , and I'm happy for you" she adds "I'm so so proud Sophia , don't ever think I'm not proud of you" I sniffle "that means everything to hear that from you" I cross my arms "I love you honey" she says and she starts to fade away "I love you too mom" then she's gone.

I sigh and a couple tears fall "you okay babe" I look at Brandon as he ask "yeah I'm great" I smile "you know my mom is real proud of me" I tell him "of course she is" he grabs my hand

"now let's get out of here go to your house and pack" he says "We still have to graduate Next week" I say "packing a little early is okay"

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