💔Chapter 2💔

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(Next morning) I walk out the bathroom dressed for another day of school...yay. I grab my bag and let me tell you I'm f*cking hungry. I literally couldn't come out my room yesterday to eat anything. I walk downstairs to see my dad sitting at the dining room table . I go in the fridge "shouldn't you get going" he says "you're gonna be late" he adds

"No school starts in like 20 minutes and it only takes about 5 minutes to drive" I say "you're not driving , you don't get your keys back until next month" he says "yeah but you told me that you were gonna get take me today" I say "well I'm not so I suggest you get walking so you aren't late"

I sigh "don't get sassy" he looks at a piece of paper and says "I'm not-" I get cut off "go ahead leave Sophia" he says and I grab my bag "can I at least grab one of those breakfast bars" I say "no you can eat at school" he says "but since I'm walking by the time I get there breakfast will be over" I tell him
"Not my fault maybe you should start waking up earlier" he says "now get out and go to school"

I finally get to school about 5 minutes before first period starts . I walk in to be greeted by Hazel "hey" she says "hi" I mumble "aww you seem grumpy" she says "I mean you did leave me yesterday" I say and she giggles "all jokes you know that" she says . Mhm sure I do . "Anyways I need a favor" she says and I roll my eyes "the sass" she says "what is it" I ask as we begin to walk down the hallway "I have this paper due tomorrow and I haven't started it yet so can you do it for me"

She always uses me for homework "I have my work to do too Hazel" I say "you will already be in the homework mood so I'll just add mine" she nods "pleeease" she begs "whatever fine" I say and hands me paper "thanks bye now" she skips away down the hall. What a friend . I walk to my locker and open it for a paper to fall out . I read it and in red marker or whatever it says "hoe" wow real nice . I shake my head and put it in the trash

(Brandon) the boys and are leaning on some lockers talking about whatever . "Yoo what's her name again" Edwin ask and points at ..... Sophia I think that's her name . "Sophia I think" I tell him as I we see her shake her head and throw away a paper before walking away "damn that paper seemed to not make her happy" Nick says "imma go get it" Zion says and walks to the empty can with only the paper in it . He brings it over and opens it as we look at it "hoe" Austin says "damn" Zion says

I shake my head "what she do to them for them to do that" Nick chuckles "not f*cking funny" I say and snatch the paper out of Zions hand "Brandon now why do you care" Nick ask "I don't but whoever did that shouldn't have" I say and throw it away again "but what if she is" Edwin ask "you still don't say that" I say "it didn't seem like she cared" Zion says "well maybe it hurt her on the inside" Austin says and the bell rings "Ight see you all at lunch" Nick says and I go left with Austin to our first period class which we have together.

(3 hours later) (Sophia) I'm skipping lunch . I just feel sick , ya know it's probably because I haven't ate but I just can't eat my stomach is killing me.
I walk down the hall and see a group of 3 boys and no it's not Brandon or his friends . Just some randoms that go here. But shii I have to walk past them to go in the bathroom . I keep my head down and walk down just for one of the boys to step in front of me "hey baby" he says and I keep my head down "can you please move" I say "I just said hey"

I sigh "hi now move" I say "say please" he says making his friends chuckle "I did before" I say "say it again" he demands "can you please move" I whisper "what's wrong wit chu anyways" one of his friends ask "is it that time of month for you" he says and they laugh "here I'll let you go just because I don't want you cry" he laughs and moves out the way . I speed walk into the bathroom good no one is here. I walk into the stall and begin to cry

I hate this school . I hate everyone , they can all just fall down a well or something . The tears start to fall and kinda can't control the way I'm crying that's until I hear a girls voice "hello , are you okay" I know that voice "hello?" She calls out and I sigh "hey are you okay" I hear her . No I'm not "yeah I'm fine" I stutter a little "I heard crying" she says "maybe open the stall door" she says "no no" I start to cry again "you can talk to me , my name is Ansley" she says . Ah Ansley , Austin's girlfriend.

"I'll leave if you really want me to" she says . Aww she's being nice to me , someone is actually being nice to me . I stand up and open the stall door and she's standing there "sorry I-I look a mess" I say
"No you don't" she smiles "is everything okay" she ask and I nod making her smile again "I can tel it's not okay , I will not force you to talk to me but if you want I'm here" she says "you're Sophia right" she ask and I nod "Hazel's best friend, how do you deal with her" she ask "umm I just do" I say

"Well when you are with her and her friends you seem happy so that's good" she says and I chuckle to myself . Wow this act I put on I guess works .
"Yep" I just agree "but if you are okay now then I have to go" she says "oh yeah just girls things . You can go" I say "okay bye Sophia" she says and I wave goodbye . She walks out and I let out a deep breath. She's nice and pretty .

(End of the school day) I walk out my class finally . I go to my locker and open it . Good no paper .
I grab my belongings and close the locker to see Hazel "hey hey" she says "hey Hazel" I walk with her outside "I'll give you ride" she says "why" I ask "because you are my friend" she says and I side eye her "fine just because Carson lives near by you" she says and I nod "okay" I get in her car. As she starts it . "When are you gonna get your car back" she ask "my dad said next month" I say and she nods

"Today I got a note in my locker that said hoe" I say and she chuckles "Ugh boys" she giggles and I don't find that shii funny but I just let it go.

I walk into my house "oh good here on time" he says . "I got a ride from Hazel" I say "sometimes I wish she was my daughter and not you" he just says randomly "okay" I don't even know what to say "tomorrow morning I'm leaving for my job" he says "for how long" I ask "6 weeks" he says

My eyes widened "that doesn't mean you can act a fool" he says and I nod "I'll give you the keys to your car but no going out only to school and back home" he says and I nod "understand me?" He ask
"Yes" I quickly say "now Do whatever I need to go pack" he says and walks upstairs. 6 weeks with no dad , I'll be ..... free for 6 weeks sorta .

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