💔Chapter 3💔

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I wake up from being shook and I open my eyes to see my dad. "Here" he says and drops the car keys on me which kinda hurt "ow" I say "don't be a b*tch" the words he calls me hurt me so much.
I sit up and I see that it's 6:00 am. "I have to go now" he says and I nod "if I find out you broke the rules I'm telling you now , I will make sure you never disrespect me again" he grabs me by my chin

"You use the car to go to school and come home , you aren't allowed anywhere and no one can come over" he throws my head back "I mean it" he tells me . I nod in fear as he walks to my door "goodbye" he walks out with slam from my door making me jump. I take a deep breath and wait until I hear his car drive off before standing up. I grab some clothes before taking a shower for school.

I walk into hell almost but it's just school. I'm greeted by none other than Hazel "hi Bestie" she says "hi Haze" I say "you got my paper done" yes I do and also got beat by my dad cause I stayed up late doing it. Is what I really wanna say "yes I did" I hand it to her "you are the best" she hugs me "thanks" I say "come on let's go see Carson" she says and I sigh "do I have to?" I ask "yes now come" she drags me over to his locker "hey Hazel" he wraps his arm around her waist "Sophia?"

He questions "that's your name right?" He ask "yeah it is" I tell him "ah almost forgot" he chuckles. "Aren't you happy it's Friday" she ask us "very there's a party tonight for the school you should come" he tells her "oh I'll be there" she smiles "you too Sophia" he says to me "oh parties aren't my thing" I admit "think about it" he says and him as well as Hazel just walk away.

I walk to my locker to grab my books for my classes throughout the day. I walk down the hall and bump into someone making both our things fall "oh I'm sorry" I say and look at this guy "yeah you f*cking should be" he says and I pick his things up to give to him "watch you're going" he says and walks away . "Here I'll help" it's Ansley , she hands me my things "you didn't have to but thank you"
I tell her "no problem, guys are jerks" she smiles
"You can say that again" I shrug my shoulders
"About yesterday are you okay" she ask

"Oh umm yeah I'm great" I fake smile "that's good , I'll see you around" she walks away into a classroom as the bell rings .

(Later) here I am in the stall crying once again. I was in the damn lunch room and just like those stupid movies a damn yogurt curtain got all over making people laugh their asses off at me. I mean it's all in my hair and just all on my clothes . I'm fucking leaving . I'm done with today and school. I grab my bag and walk out . Luckily no one is out here . I turn the corner . FUCKING BRANDON. Out of all people he's out here to see me look like mess. I bet he got a kick out of how it happened in the cafeteria . "Hey hey" I walk past him

"Sophia?" He questions and I stop "I seen what happened to you , are you Ight" he ask "I'm fine" I say "Oh okay" he says and walks away. I wish people would understand I'm not fine but I also sound dumb cause I lie all the time and say I'm fine. I walk outside and get in my car "SOPHIA" I hear and see Hazel "what the hell you look a mess" she says "did you not see what happened" I ask

"I did but you need to relax" she says "I got yogurt all over me" I tell her "people have actual life problems and you are worried about yogurt" she says . She knows nothing , no one knows anything.
"Quit complaining when people have it way worse" she says "leave me alone" I roll my window up before driving off and towards my house .

I get home and I'm so glad my dad isn't here he would be flipping out ..... on me. I walk to my room and grab different clothes cause I need another shower now. I smell lil key lime yogurt. I take my shirt off and see my cuts going up my arm. I look at the mini box with the blade. No I need to shower.

(Hours later) my front door gets knocked out . Who the fuck? I open it "Hii" Hazel says with a smile "hello" I say "grumpy girl" she says "but umm come on it's party time" she says "I don't wanna go" I say "uh Bestie" she whines "I'm not coming" I say "please if you care about me you will" she pouts "I do care but I don't have to come" I say

"You are literally so boring like a damn loser" she rolls her eyes "Hazel" I say "like sometimes I don't know why I'm friends with you , you are such a bad friend" she says "me?" I question "yes you , I mean gosh live a little" she says and I literally trying to but I don't want to "I hope you have fun but I'm staying home" I say "f you Sophia honestly sometimes I can't stand your annoying ass" she says and I shake my head "bye" she walks back to her car and drives off. I slam my door and start to cry. How could she?

(3 hours later) (11:30pm) after crying on and off about just life my phone starts to ding over and over again. I look At my phone and open Instagram.
My damn picture from the cafeteria is being shared on Instagram by people from the school. I could yell and cry all over again. Why , why me? I can't take this anymore , I'm done trying . I don't wanna right anymore . I don't wanna try anymore. I look up at the ceiling "mom I'm so sorry" I whisper "I couldn't make you proud , I couldn't do anything right for you" I say "and I'm sorry I'm giving up but I can't take this anymore" I cry "I just wanna be with you now , I'm done being down here"

I grab my car keys as I cry uncontrollably. I run downstairs and outside . I get in my car and put my gps on . It's 20 minutes away. 20 minutes left fucking live. I begin to drive to the place

(Brandon) it's my and the 4 boys in the car driving back from the party . We are driving and singing as I look out the window "hey hey hey slow down" I say making Austin slow down . They look in my direction "ain't that the-" I cut Nick off "the hanging tree" I finish his sentence "but do you guys see someone there too" I ask "oh shii , someone is about end it" Zion says "Zion" I shake my head .
"I gotta go help" I say "oh gosh Brandon" Edwin says "what?!" I get out the car and say "Brandon we gotta go home" Austin says "go without me" I say

"Just leave the person alone , they don't wanna be here what makes you think you can change they mind" Nick ask "I can try" I tell them "Brandon cares about anything and everything" Zion says "just drive off , I'll see you guys later" I say and Zion drives off . I put my flashlight on my phone on and walk up the small hill. I pass a couple small trees before seeing a girl standing on a stool with a rope in her hand "Sophia?"

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