💔Chapter 14💔

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(Brandon) I park my car in front of Sophia's house.
I dropped the boys off at the house about an hour after leaving the school. I need to tell Sophia that Hazel is lying about the whole thing. I hate that she believed her but I know she already struggles with trusting anyone anymore.

I walk up and knock on the door a couple times but no answer . I begin to worry cause I know she's in here , her car is parked in the driveway. "Sophia" I call out . I hope she's okay cause something like what Hazel said can so send Sophia over the edge.
"Sophia" I yell a little louder . My phone dings.

    "Leave now"

I sigh as I read her text message . I'll have to talk to her tomorrow at school then.

(Sophia) I put the blade back in the cabinet and put my sleeve down. I hear Brandon's car leave my house . I texted him to leave cause I do not wanna talk to him at all. I don't even wanna look at Brandon after what he did . I still can't believe it and my mind is everywhere . I have no one now.

I like to think I Hazel but I know I don't but I'm glad she told me what she heard . I just hope she is telling the truth. It's pretty easy to believe that someone has betrayed me cause it has happen many of times in my life. I already know I'm not going to school tomorrow. I just can't , I need a break .

(Brandon) I walk into my house as the boys are eating snacks in the kitchen "any luck" Edwin ask "none at all" I answer "she didn't even let me , she texted me and told me to leave" I explain "tough one" Zion nods "it sucks that she believes Hazel" Nick says "it does but can't blame her" I say

"Hopefully you can talk to her tomorrow" Austin says "that's what I was thinking" I agree "I just hope she talks to me" I sigh after saying "don't beat yourself up about this" Edwin says "I just don't wanna lose her" I say "you ain't gonna lose her" Austin says "I think I already did" I reply

"You just need to talk to her" Nick nods "it's all up to her if she really wants to talk to me"

(Sophia) (at night) I walk into my bedroom getting ready to lay down when my phone goes off. I click it and it's from an unknown number .

                       Unknown number
           "It was great seeing at the party"
              "I really missed seeing you"

I feel my stomach turn because I know exactly who this is . How did he get my number? It's Noah , Noah is the one who stole my virginity from me when I was 15. He got me pregnant and it's so weird to think about how he's the father of my angel baby . It makes me sick to my stomach.

I need to sleep that's the only way I don't feel the pain is when I'm sleeping.

(Next day) (afternoon) I didn't go to school today. I couldn't face Brandon I know he wants to talk. I really don't wanna talk to him at all. It hurts to even think of him now. I got somewhat attached like I said I didn't want to . I knew this would happen.

(Brandon) she didn't come to school. I'm worried right now , I been worried since I found out she didn't come to school. I just hope she's at home and didn't go to the hanging tree. I hope she's not doing anything to herself at home . Sophia has been on my mind since yesterday. The only time I didn't think about her is when I was asleep .

I woke up and she was on my mind right away. Hazel is here and she seems so happy and proud of what she did. We have like 2 hours of school left.
After school ends I'm going straight to Sophias house. I know she doesn't wanna see me , but I need to make sure she's not hurting herself.

"Mr.Arreaga" I look up at the teacher "pay attention please , this is very important" my teacher says "sorry I will" I nod and look at the white board .
I go right back to thinking about Sophia . I mean how will I convince her that Hazel is lying . I basically broke her heart without even doing anything. This is exactly what she was afraid of.

She was afraid that I would hurt her. In her eyes I did but I really didn't . Hazel is such a bad person.
She doesn't give a damn about Sophia at all.
I need Sophia to fully see that and understand that I'm here to stay and I will never leave her.

"Brandon!" I snap out of my thoughts "one more time and you will have to extra work for me" the teacher tells me "sorry ok I'll pay attention now"

(Sophia) I know school ends in about 10 minutes. Im thinking Brandon will call me but like I been doing I'm gonna ignore it . I can't talk to him.
My phone does ring but it is not Brandon it's Hazel.
I answer the phone "hello" I say "Sophia" she says
"Yeah" I question "Brandon did some more things today and I wanna tell you but I don't wanna make you more upset" she says and I sigh "just say it"

A couple seconds go by . "He was making jokes on how he wasted so much time on you . He was saying all he really wanted was a f*ck session but he's upset he didn't get it" she says and I don't know but my heart breaks after it has been broken so much already. "He said that?" I begin to cry
"Ugh I'm sorry Sophia" she says "I wanted to tell you but I didn't wanna make you more sad"

I begin to cry "thanks" I say "I'll talk to you later" I say "yeah , I hope you get better" she hangs up and I start bawling . I mean what he said last time broke me and now this . All he wanted was sex? Really!? Even after I told him about my r*pe . I told him everything. No one else knows this except him.
I trusted him , to fast . I walk downstairs and start looking for pills .

I'm so done with it all. I don't wanna bleed out . I'm just gonna take the whole bottle of pills and then wait. I lock the front door before taking the pills upstairs. I walk into my bedroom then into my bathroom connected to my bedroom.

I sit on the floor letting the tears fall as I struggle to open the bottle of pills. I open them and they go flying everywhere "no no no no" I cry trying to find all the small white pills.

(Brandon) I park my car in front of Sophias house and knock on the door 2 times . I wait and knock some more . I wait then knock . I don't hear anything but her car is here. "Sophia" I call out before I start to worry . The door is locked . I start looking for something to use so I can get in the house . I lift a rock up and see a Key! I grab it and unlock the door. I walk in and look around .

I don't wanna yell out and scare her. But I'm worried . I don't hear anything. I walk upstairs and into her bedroom . Where the hell is she at. I'm about to walk out before I hear something coming from her bathroom . I slowly walk up to the door .
She's in there , I hear some type of shaking almost like a box of candy or ... PILLS! I put my hand on the door knob , it's not locked .

I open the door and see her with so many pills in her hand. She looks at me so I run up to her and knock the pills out her hand before picking her up from behind by her waist causing her to begin kicking and screaming as she cries .

"LET ME GO" she yells "stop" I say "BRANDON  GET OFF OF ME" she cries "Sophia stop it" I demand as she's using all her strength to get out my grip . I carry her out the bathroom. "YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME ANYWAYS" she cries and just kicks . I set her down making her try to run back into the bathroom . I pull her back and turn her around then I grab her wrist to look at her .

"just leave me ALONE" she screams "please relax" she tries to get her wrist out my hands with everything she has. "STOP IT" I yell and she stops and looks down at floor . She begins to cry more before dropping to the floor . I go down with her and wrap my arms around her . "I'm sorry i didn't mean to yell , I just needed you to stop" I rub her back as she cries into my chest .

"We have a lot to talk about but I just need you to calm down first"

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