💔Chapter 7💔

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(Thursday) I'm not going to school today. I know my dad will freak on me but I just don't have the energy to get up and go to school. My dad hasn't even called me yet and it's almost been a whole week since he's been gone. He doesn't care if I'm okay. He only cares if I'm "being good"

Since I'm not going to school I have nothing else to do except watch Netflix all day . But that's better than school. But I also have mad homework to do .

I guess I should get that done before watching Netflix in bed all day long. I also haven't spoken to Hazel since she told me "no" two days ago when I asked her to take me to school . I didn't see her In school on Tuesday either . I hope she's okay . I'll text her .

"Hey Hazel you doing good?"

"Sophia!! Haven't talked Inna while"
"Anywho I am doing GREAT! Carson is GREAT!"

Oh I figured Carson would be brought up.

"Oh that's good , haven't talk to you in 2 days . Just wanted to check up on you"

"Okay but I have to go Carson is waiting , byeee"

Aaaaand that's the end of the conversation. At least I know she's okay. Kinda makes me think . I could ignore for a whole week and she won't even check up on me . I think I'm to nice sometimes or maybe even to mean. I get my book bag before taking all my homework that I need to get done out. I whine at the sight of all these damn papers everywhere.

(3:30) I finally finish my work when I hear a knock from downstairs. I'm guessing .... Hazel maybe.
I walk down and look through the peephole . It's Brandon . What is he doing here? I open the door and he looks up "hey" I question "Sorry this is unexpected but you weren't in school and I texted you a couple times but you didn't respond"

I look at my phone and see a couple text from him "I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he tells me "sorry i was doing a lot of work I didn't see the text" I say "Well I see you are okay so it's good" he smiles and it's turns awkward as we stand across from each other. "So umm you coming to school tomorrow?" He ask "yeah it's Friday" I say

"What are you doing tomorrow" he ask "nothing , I do nothing" I chuckle awkwardly "maybe we can hang out" my eyes widened "alone?" I question "not if you don't want , You can come to my place with my friends , it'll be fun" he nods "I'll think about it" I say "okay well uh I should get going" he sways back in forth "okay see you" I shut door not even letting him say goodbye.

(Next morning) I walk into school after getting out my car. Yes my car worked today. It's another Friday and I finished the last of my work last night a little after Brandon left my house. We only have a month and a half left of school . Then like a day before school ends and I'll be 18. An adult , I won't have to go my fathers rules anymore. But I have no money to move out.

Which is what I need to do , I can't live there when I turn 18. If I live in his house then I'll have to go by his rules. I go to my locker where Hazel is standing next to "finally you are here" she smiles "I'm not doing your work" I open my locker "I wasn't asking that" She rolls her eyes

"You need to come to the party tonight, you didn't go last week" she pouts "because I don't like those" I say "whyyy?! You used to" she whines. Well the last party I went to is the party where I was taking advantage of. But she doesn't know that. "I just .... don't like them anymore" I shut my locker

"If you care-" I cut her off "quit using that against me" I demand "it will be fun" she grabs my shoulders "it ain't like you got anything to do" she shakes her head. Unless I hang with Brandon and his friends but now that I think about it they are probably going to the party tonight. "I'll think about it just don't talk to me about it anymore" I shut my locker "deal" she smiles

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