💔Chapter 17💔

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"Sup I'm Noah" My eyes widened and I freeze. No no no , this can't be real. Some people are happy to see him back , some don't even know him. Noah was very very popular when he was here. Like what  they say in movies girls wanted to be with him. Guys wanted to be him. The star quarterback.

Everyone wanted to be near him at all times . He got what he wanted when he wanted no matter what. Every time I hear his name or see him the party night floats into my mind . "Noah you may take a seat wherever" there's one seat next to me and like 2 someone else that are available.

The jerk that he is he might sit by me . He knows exactly what he did to me. He looks at me and smiles "I remember my old friend Sophia" he says "that's good you may sit by her" the teacher says and sure enough he sits right next me "hey" he whispers and I say nothing has my heart begins beating feels like it's gonna pop out my chest .

"I know you missed me" he puts his arm on my chair "not talking" he runs his fingernails over my shoulder. "Please stop" I whisper "you look even more beautiful then when we had fun" he chuckles "we didn't have fun , you r*ped me" I say "what? Don't act like you didn't like it , you wanted me"

I shake my head "you stole my virginity" I say "Do something about it , tell someone then" he says "oh you won't cause you will be judged cause you're a hoe right?!" He ask "Noah and Sophia I get you wanna catch up with each other but we have class"
Noah removes his arm and looks at the teacher.

(Lunch) I been quiet all day. I been scared all day. Noah is back and he fits in just like before. I haven't seen Brandon all day and I really need him right now. I stand up and throw my food away before walking out the lunch room. Lunch is over in 20 minutes but I need to find Brandon.

I then see Edwin "Edwin" I walk up to him "hey Sophia , you okay" he ask "I need to find Brandon , do you know where he is" I ask "he might be at the vending machine" he says "okay thank you" I don't give time to talk before I speed walk to the nearest vending machine. I see him but he's talking to Noah. I stop before either of them could see me. I turn around and bump into Austin "sorry Austin" I walk past him "hey what's wrong" he ask

"Was you about to see Brandon" he ask "umm I changed my mind" I nod "oh he's talking to Noah" he says "isn't that so cool Noah is back" he chuckles and I just start crying "Sophia why are you crying" Austin "I-I have to go" I walk away

(Austin) I watch her leave before she turns a corner and she's not in sight anymore. I walk over to Brandon and Noah "hey Austin , long time no see" Noah says "hey man I know" I say "but uh Brandon I need to talk to you" I say "oh I'll leave you guys to that , I need to catch up with some people"

(Brandon) Noah walks away and I look at Austin "so I ran into Sophia and she seemed upset , so I asked if she was coming to see you but he said she changed her mind then I brought Noah up and she started crying" Austin explains "where is she" I ask
"She went down the hall" he points "I need to go check up on her"

(Noah) "I need to go check up on her" mhm what does Brandon have going on with Sophia

(Sophia) I walk out the bathroom "Sophia" I look and see Brandon so I let out a sigh as he comes up to me "Austin told me you were crying what's wrong" he ask and I can't tell him now . He's friends with Noah. "It doesn't matter" I shake my head "yeah it does" he puts his hands on my waist

"Brandon I'm fine" I say "please tell me" he ask . I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. "I can't" I whisper in his ear "why" he ask as he rubs my back "Brandon it's not that serious" i look at him "it is to me" he says . The bell rings "I'll see you later" I say "you are my ride and you are staying at my house" I add "this is gonna bother me" he says "it's just a little problem" I say

"Then tell me" he says and I break apart from him before kissing his cheek "see you soon"

(After school) I get into my car waiting for Brandon before he walks out with Noah and the boys. My freeze as they follow Brandon up to me car . Noah smiles at me and I look away to Brandon "hey we are going to Noah's house , coming?" He ask.
I roll the windows up and drive away without saying a word.

(Brandon) She rolls the windows up and drives off with out answering me. I tilt my head in confusion.
"What's up with her" Zion ask and I shrug my shoulders "I don't know" I reply and I hear Noah chuckle making me look at him "what's funny" I ask "nothing man I was thinking bout this video I seen" he says and I nod "are you still coming to my place" Noah ask and I don't know

I wanna find out what's wrong. It's bothering me that I don't know. I hope it's not something that will make her hurt herself. I can't take that risk. "Imma pass" I say "aw man she's fine , she's being a brat" Noah says and I look back at him

I shake my head "don't , don't call her that" I say "hey can one of you guys take me to her place" I ask my real friends "yeah come on , Noah see you around" Nick says and we get in Nicks car.

(Sophias house) "Thanks guys" I get out and knock on Sophias front door.

(Sophia) I open the front door to see Brandon standing there. "I knew you were gonna come here" I say "I am staying here and I'm not gonna go hang out with my friend when you are not okay right now" he says "me? I'm fine" I lie "why lie" he ask
"You've told me everything. Why can't you tell me
This one" he ask "like I said it's not serious" I say

"Like I said , it's serious to me" he crosses his arms "you care to much" I say "why is that a bad thing , of course I care" he says "I care about you more than I care about most things" he nods "I can't get enough of you" he shrugs his shoulders

I roll my eyes but smile at the same time. "What" he ask "you make it hard to be upset or sad" I say "good" he says "now let me in" I move to the side and he walks it making me close the door "so you aren't gonna tell me why you're upset" he ask
"Nope" I say and he sighs "fine"

I wrap my arms around his torso "but I'm sorta better now" I say "and why is that" he ask "because ..... you're here" he smiles as I say that.
"But you could have went and hung with your friends , I wouldn't have been upset about that"

I say and I mean wouldn't. Brandon doesn't know that Noah r*ped me . All Brandon knows is that I was r*ped. "Well I like hanging out with you" he says "wanna watch a movie" he ask "yeah but I'm picking this time remember?" We walk to the couch "yeah yeah I remember"

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