💔Chapter 9💔

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"COME ON GUYS SHES HERE" Zion yells . Three boys come to the door "don't crowd her now" Brandon says and they chuckle

"So what are we all about to do" Edwin ask "what do you wanna do" Brandon ask me "I don't care" I shake my head "so bumper cars it is?" Nick ask "I'm down I been waiting to go" Zion says "good with you?" Brandon ask "yeah that's good" I answer "imma go grab my phone and I'll be back"

Brandon walks upstairs leaving the boys and me alone . "So Sophia" I turn to them "yes" I say "have you come to realization that Brandon cares" Edwin ask "Why do you care so much about me knowing he cares" I ask "because we don't know what is going with you two . But just know his last relationship didn't go well and we don't him to get attached and they hurt again" Nick says and I nod

So Brandon also has attachment issues. "What makes you think we will date?" I ask "just in case , plus Brandon is already attached to you and it happened fast" Austin says "meaning he probably likes you or is going to soon" He adds "just know no matter what I won't hurt him as friends or anything" I tell him "but I've been through more than just a fucked up relationship" I add

"So if I push him away it's for the best and not because I want him to be hurt" I cross my arms and say

(Brandon) "but I've been through more then just a fucked up relationship" I hear her from downstairs "so if I push him away it's for the best and not because I want him to be hurt" Sophia says. What has she been through . I need to know , I wanna know more. I am attached to her already . She's so different and I know that sounds stupid but she is .
Like I said just something about her that makes me wanna always be around her and talk to her.

(Sophia) Brandon walks downstairs with a smile on his face "ready" Nick ask "yep let's go"

(Bumper cars) we walk in and it's filled with so many people I feel like I'm trapped . I get like this every time I'm around to many people and a crowd of people. I'm guessing Brandon notices because he grabs my hand "are you okay" he whispers in my ear . I look down at our hands "umm yeah just a lot of people" I whisper "do you wanna leave"

I shake my head "no no I'll be okay" I smile and I let go of his hands . "We should get our wrist bands" we follow the boys to the front to get some wrist bands . Not only are bumper cars here but an arcade and food too. "I call dibs on that mint green car" I point to it "I wanted that one" Edwin whines

"To bad , I called dibs" I tilt my head "fine , I want the blue one then" he says as we all get our wrist bands put on. "Come on" Zion says "don't rush us" Austin says . We get in whatever color car we want and put the seatbelts on. "3.......2.......1....GO"

(30 minutes later) after 3 rounds of bumper cars we are finally getting out of the cars . "That was fun" Nick says "It was but Sophia was real aggressive with the bumping part" Edwin says and I chuckle "oups sorry" I shrug my shoulders "now to the arcade we go" Zion points as they run to the arcade and Brandon stays back with me . "Having fun?"

I look at him "ya know I actually am" I nod "good" he says . I really am , I haven't felt anything near this in years . I'm having a good time so far. We reach the arcade "man I hate this game" Nick whines "it's because you not good at it" Zion says and Nick gasp "you ain't gotta say it out loud" Nick rolls his eyes "Sophia come play this zombie game with me" I hear Austin say and walk over to him

I grab one of the fake guns as the game starts "let's see who gets a higher score" he says "me obviously" I point the gun to the screen as the zombies start popping up in the screen and I jump "that scared the shii outta me" I laugh as we begin shooting "hey why are you winning" he ask

"Brandon come help me win" he says "don't cheat" I yell . I feel Brandon begin to tickle me and I start to squirm around trying to get him off of me. "This isn't fair" I giggle trying to shoot at the screen . The game ends and it Austin won . They laugh and I look at Brandon and push him lightly "that was mean" I complain "Austin you're a cheater , I won" I pout . "I'll go find another game to beat you at"

Austin walks away "you tried your best" Brandon chuckles "don't talk to me" I joke and cross my arms "I'll mess with Austin next and you can win" he says and I'm trying my hardest to hide my smile but I just can't. "I'm gonna beat him fair and square" I tell him "oh this time you are?" He ask

"you helped him win last game , some cheaters" I shake my head "I don't know what your talking about" he says and I gasp "you know what you did"
We walk over to Edwin , Zion and Nick "I won , that's how it's done" Edwin wins the game "cheater" Nick says "Brandon and Austin are the real cheaters" I say "not" Austin says and I spot him at one of the games so I walk over to him

(1 hour later) We played games for like 40 minutes and now we are sitting down either talking or eating . I just had some ice cream and now we are waiting for Edwin and Nick to be done eating.

I see someone walk to our table and it's Hazel . With a fake ass smile on her face "oh Sophia , hi" she says and gives me a look "..hey" I hesitate "come with me" she basically drags me away from the boys and by the front door

"What the hell are you doing" she ask "Umm I was gonna play some more arcade games" I answer "I meant what are you doing with them" she questions "oh just hanging out with them" I say "are you stupid?" She questions "Hazel" she rolls her eyes

"they aren't your friends" she says "they can't be your friends" she adds "why not" I ask "Stay away from then , they are no good" she says "they are great" I tell her "get your stuff cause I'm taking you home" she demands "no your not" I say "I thought i was your best friend tho , you're replacing me?" All of sudden her face goes sad and I begin to feel bad

But is she playing me , is she just trying to get me to leave "I never thought you do this" she mumbles "fine , I-I'll come with" I say and she smiles right away "meet you outside" she walks out and I sigh before walking back to the table "hey I have to go"

They all look at me "why?" Edwin whines "because I just do" I answer . Brandon stands up "you don't have to listen to her" he whispers "she can't control you" he adds "she's not" I definitely just lied "we both know you don't wanna go" he's right. "Stay , She doesn't own you Sophia" he tells me

"I have to go , Hazel is waiting for me" I tell him "Sophia-" I cut him off "thank you for today guys" I tell all of them "I had a good time" I smile at them . I look into Brandon's eyes and he looks sad . I mean I feel sad . "I'll text you when I get home , I know you always want me to do that" I say and he weak smiles which causes butterflies feel my stomach "alright" he whispers . I walk away and outside into Hazels car "I'm glad you picked the right choice"

(Brandon) "Hazel is not good for her" I say "we can tell" Zion says "She's all Sophia has tho" I shake my head "she needs real friends, which is gonna be us" Edwin says "she just needs to learn to trust us" Nick says "I feel bad" Austin says "she'll come around , she just needs time I guess"

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