💔Chapter 27💔

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(Two days later) I walk into school in pain . My dad came home and didn't even sit down he just went straight for me. One of the worst beatings he has ever given me. I get to my locker and do what I have to do "hey baby" I look to my right

"Hi Brandon" I mumble "bad morning?" He ask "I guess you can say that" I answer "what's up" he inquired "it's nothing, just a lot on my mind" I shut my locker. "Talk to me Soph" he puts one arm around me. "I'm okay , really" I nod at him as Hazel approaches us "you two" she says angrily

"What" I question "you two got Noah arrested" my jaw drops before he turns into a slight smile "good" I began to say "it's a good thing , he deserves to be arrested, he brought this on himself" I added "after he tried to kill Brandon and he's not even getting charged for r*ping me" I conclude "he did that"

I nod "Sophia-" I cut her off "shut the hell up" I demand "now if you excuse us we don't wanna talk to you anymore or actually ever again" I smile "stay out our WAY" I shout before we walk away .

Brandon looks behind us before looking at me "who are you" he laughs"not funny" I roll my eyes "what's wrong today" the bell rings as he asked "class is starting , I love you and see you later"

(18th birthday) I walk into school to be greeted by all 5 boys "happy birthday to youuuu" they sing "oh no please don't" I beg "happy birthday to youuuu" they continue "happy birthday dear Sophia" I shake my head "happy birthday to youuuuu" they stop and I giggle "I hate you all" I joke

"Happy birthday" they cheer "thank you guys" I smile . Brandon puts his arm around me "how does it feel to be an adult" he says "no different then being 17" I smile "now she can officially move with us" Nick nods "I don't know yet guys"

They whine "Brandon convince your girl" Zion says "let it go for now" I shake my head. "Anyways we have gifts for you at our house , you coming over right?" Edwin ask "umm yeah i will" I answer

"good" Austin says "time for class , see you boys later" I go to walk away before being pulled back by Brandon "see you lovers later" the 4 boys leave and I wrap my arms around Brandon's neck after his hands rest on my waist. "I didn't get a kiss"

I roll my eyes playfully before kissing him "better?" I ask "eh one more" he chuckles and I peck his lips again "great" he says "but I'll see you later at my house" he brings one hand up to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear

"Yes you will" I kiss his cheek "happy birthday baby" he breaks apart from me "thank you" I say before he walks me to class "I love you" he lets go of my hand "and I love you"

(Home) "dad can I go out for a bit" I ask "with who, some boys huh" he ask "no with ..... my other friend named Brie" I lie "Brie?" He questions and I nod "she's one of hazels friends too" I add "and maybe sleepover" I ask "I'll get to school in the morning" I promise him "and I'll-" I get cut off "fine go" he says and I'm almost shocked.

I run upstairs and pack a bag quickly. I make sure my makeup is covering up some of my bruises from my dad and pack extra makeup just in case. I walk downstairs before grabbing my car keys. "Dad I'm going" I say "bye" is all he says "and uhh happy birthday" he mumbles "thank you"

I walk out and try to shrug whatever that was off and drive towards the boys house.

(Boys house) I walk in "I'm sleeping over" I smile and they look at me "Sophia" Austin cheers "can you go to Brandon's room and wait till we finish" Nick say "finish what?" I ask "you will see" Edwin says with sas "is Brandon up there" I ask and they nod before I walk up to Brandon's room.

I walk in "hey birthday girl" he smiles "hi" I sit next to him "I'm sleeping over" I smile "your dad is letting you?" He ask "well he thinks I'm at some girl named Brie's house" I giggle

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