💔Chapter 25💔

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The boys and I rush into the hospital to the front desk "Brandon , Brandon Arreaga" I say out of breath "ma'am please relax and I'll look him up" she says "relax" I say "just let her look him up" Austin sets a hand on my shoulder "now how are you related to him" she ask "HIS WIFE" I yell

"Ma'am-" I cut her off "where is he , tell me where he is" I demand "Miss he is in very bad condition right now , no one can see him yet" she says "LET ME SEE HIM" I yell "come on Sophia" Nick steps in front of me "I will let you know when it's okay to see him" the boys take me to the waiting area

We sit down . I take a couple deep breaths and shake my head "this is wild man" Edwin ask "I can't believe this" I say "What am I gonna do" I whisper "he's gonna be okay" Zion says

"and how do you know that" I ask in frustration "thinking negative isn't a good thing" he says "I can't help it" I throw my hands up "why would someone do this" Austin says "who would do this" Edwin adds and I lift my head up slowly as I realize who did this. "Noah" I whisper "fuckin Noah"

Nick shakes his head "he wants to kill him or something?" Edwin says "what if he did" I ask "Edwin why would you even say that" Austin ask "sorry . Sophia Brandon will be okay" Edwin nods .

"I knew this was to good to be true , soon as everything starts to seem good something happen" I cover my face with my hands "who knows how long we have to wait here too" I mumble

"We Just have to be patient"

(5 hours later) (12:30am) "Mrs.Arreaga" I hear and stand up . Guess they believed me when I said I was his wife. "I'll be back" I say to the boys and walk over to the nurse "as you know your husband was hit by a vehicle" she says "he was just taken out of surgery" she says "is he okay" I ask

"he suffered a couple of things from the hit and hitting the ground" my mind begins to race as I think of the worse "he has minor concussion, a temporary spinal injury which will heal overtime it's not a major injury. Obviously he has some bruises and cuts over his body" she tells me

"he suffered some whiplash, that should heal in a couple days , may have pains in the neck as well has dizziness , blurred vision things along those lines" she says . I begin to get teary eyed "gosh" I sniffle "oh sweetie , his injures are going to take a while to heal all together but he will be just fine" she smiles

"luckily none of his injuries were major, that worst one may be the concussion with the whiplash" she tells me "just no bright lightning , no loud noise , no staring at a screen for to long , try to have him not move a lot , especially his head" she says "is that it" I ask "for now yes , I will make sure to give you papers that tell about his injuries" she nods

"Can I see him" I ask "not yet hon, he's asleep and we wanna give him another hour before any visitors plus your friends over there can't stay long since it's already pass visiting hours but you may spend the night" she adds "how long does he have to stay here" I question "at least 2 weeks" she says.

Meaning we we will have 1 more week until my dad comes and 2 weeks until graduation "Now I would like to ask do you know anyone you would do something like this to your husband" she ask and I hesitate wether to say his name or not
"Noah Storm ,I'm positive" I tell her "we will
Look into him" she says and I nod

"Okay thank you" I sit back down with the boys and explain everything.

Another hour past and now I'm just waiting for someone to let me see him. "What is taking them so long" I ask "wait here comes the nurse" Nick points out and she approaches us "now you all may stay for only 5 minutes and only one can stay the whole night which will be his wife here" the boys nod "is he awake" I ask "not yet but he should very soon"
She takes us down the hallways .

I've always hated hospitals. When I literally seen my mother take her last breath in the hospital I never wanted to come back to one. She stops in front of the door "remember no bright light or loud noise" She tells us and opens the door slowly.

I almost begin to cry as I see him laying there. "Oh gosh" I whisper . He has bruises and cuts on his body . Stitches in his head. This is all my fault, I got him into this and now look what happened.
I begin to cry which makes Edwin wrap his arms around me "he's gonna be okay" he says

"I know but I hate seeing him like this" I cry "I know we all do but he's gonna heal" he says "this is all my fault" I shake my head "don't blame this on you Sophia" Nick says as I walk over to the side of his bed "Brandon I'm so sorry" I whisper. "He's gonna tell you the same thing we told you , this isn't your fault" Austin says "it is guys" I say

"If I wouldn't have told him what Noah did then they wouldn't fight and Brandon wouldn't have a target on his back then this wouldn't happen" I explain and they keep quiet "exactly" I say "he's isn't mad or upset with you , he loves you" Zion says "but I'm upset with myself" I turn to them. "Everything will be okay"

(2 hours later) (2:30am) the boys left 2 hours ago and I been sitting here watching Brandon to make sure nothing goes wrong. He hasn't woken up and I'm beginning to get worried. Since I'll be sleeping here I had the boys bring me some clothes and stuff.

We will be here for 2 weeks but I do still have to go to school. I'm not going tomorrow, I wanna be here all day tomorrow and then I'll be here everyday after school. "Brandon , can you please wake up , they said you were sleeping but you been sleeping for a while now" I whisper "I just wanna see you"

I grab his hand and smile "I love you" I mumble "Sophia" my eyes widened and I stand up "Brandon" I question . His eyes start open slowly before he looks at me "I love you too" he says quietly . I sit back down "im so sorry" I apologize "don't" he says "can't blame yourself baby"

I look at him "I'm okay though" he says "no your not , you have a concussion , whiplash , a-" I get cut off "but here i am alive" he says "I know but I just feel so bad" I tell him "everything is okay , I'd rather have it be then you" he say and I kiss his cheek lightly "you got lots of healing to do" I say "does everything hurt" I ask and he nods "everything" he nods again

"How long do I have to be here" he ask "two weeks" I answer "are you gonna stay these 2 weeks" he ask "of course , I told them I was your wife so I could stay" he chuckles lightly "so when I signed some papers I had to put Sophia Arreaga" I smile "I like the sound of that" he smiles

"I just woke up but I'm so tired" he complains "well go back to sleep Brandon" I smile "I will be right next to you if you need me" he grabs my hand "I love you" he shuts his eyes and said "I love you too"

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