💔Chapter 18💔

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(One week later) things haven't been so good. Noah is around a lot actually . I think Brandon is getting closer to him as well as the boys . It's making upset and stressing me out. It's causing Brandon and I to get in mini arguments. Well him trying to find out what's wrong and me arguing is what it is.

It's Saturday and Noah is throwing a party . The whole school is invited and the whole school is going. Not me of course. Brandon still stays here.
My dad comes back in a little over a month and I'm scared. If my dad finds out anything I did while he was gone I'm screwed . Brandon still doesn't know that my dad abuses me. I don't plan on telling him.

Brandon still has that idea to leave and go to LA.
I heard him sing for the first time a couple days and his voice is amazing. Then I heard the boys sing and they all are just incredible at singing . I really think they could take that and run with it. Since my dad comes back in about 4 weeks that means school ends in 5 weeks and we maybe leave in 5 weeks.

I haven't spoken to Hazel since I cut her off. I'm currently in my bedroom as Brandon sits next to me. "What time are you leaving" I ask "around 8" he says and I nod "you gonna be okay" he ask and wraps a arm around me pulling me into his chest
"Yeah I'll be okay" I look up at him

"If you want me to stay I'll stay here with you" he says "I appreciate it but you should go have fun" we both and he plants a soft kiss on my lips "Austin's girlfriend isn't going either . I can see if she can hang with you" he says "you make me sound like I'm desperate for company" I say "no I just figured" he says "yeah I would hang out with her" I nod "I'll text her" he says

(2 hours later) The boys and Ansley walk in as Brandon and I are on the couch . "Come on Brandon we ready to party" Zion says "hey Sophia" Nick says "hey guys" I wave to them as Brandon walks behind the couch to the front door "I'll see you later" he says and smiles at me "have fun" I say and then he kisses my lips

A couple of gasp and "oou's" come out the boys mouths "why did you do that in front of Them"'I whisper as i giggle "why not" Brandon's whispers back "be back later" they walk out "they are wild" Ansley says and I smile "they are something"

She sits next to me "so Brandon has talked to me about you" she says "like how you just been through things. He didn't tell me what but he told me that he saved you at the... tree" she says "uhh yeah" I say "sorry if I struck a nerve" she apologizes "oh no it's all good" I smile "I'm getting .......better I guess" I say "I don't expect you to tell me but we are now friends" she chuckles

"I know Hazel lied on Brandon" she says "yeah I'm no longer friends with her" I tell her "good , you don't deserve to be treated badly" she says "thanks" I say "so how long have you and Austin been dating" I ask "a little over 2 years" she says "wow" I nod

"yeah we have our moments here and there but what couple doesn't" she says "right well you two seem happy" I say "has Brandon told you about moving to LA" she ask "he has" I say "are you on board" she questions "umm yeah but I do question it" I tell her

"same , the boys wanna have a music career together like a boyband and I'm fully behind it" she says "me too , they wanna go to la right after school ends" I say "moving to LA is just a lot" I sigh
"It's a huge change" I add "I agree , but I support Austin and of course the rest" she says

"No matter what they decide to do I'll support it" I say "but umm what's up with you and Brandon if you don't mind me asking" she ask "uh well we both know we like each other so I'm not real sure" I answer "I mean as you seem we kiss and stuff but nothing sexual or even real couple like" I add

"Brandon really likes you , every time I'm around him he does nothing but talk about you" she says "he's obsessed with you" we both laugh "but he's here most of the time , he stays here right?" She ask "yep just until my dad comes back" I nod "oh I didn't know if you lived with your parents or not" she says "my dad is on a business trip for another month" I explain "what about your mom"

I sigh "umm she passed away when I was 12" I tell her "oh I'm sorry I didn't know , I shouldn't have asked that" she says "it's okay really" I shake my head "how did you overcome that" she ask "I don't think I did , just after she passed my life just went down hill" I nod "I had something new to be sad about every month" I state "well I'm sorry for your loss"

I smile "thank you but let's change the subject"

(Brandon) I put the shot glass down "I'm done" I say "no more shots for me" I shake my head "yeah that's disgusting" Edwin says as the 5 of us stand in the kitchen "hey guys" Noah walks up to us "wassup man" Zion says "having fun" he ask "yeah this party is jumpin" Nick says "well it's my first one being back so hell yeah it's good" Noah adds

"Is Sophia here" Noah ask "naw she's not" I answer "damn it" I hear him say under his breath "why did you say damn" I ask and stand up straight "ayy chill man , not that deep" he says "I was just wondering why , it wouldn't matter to you if she was here or not. So what was the damn for" I ask again

"Noah just walk away , we will see you later" Zion says and Noah walks away "Brandon man relax" Austin says "why is he upset she ain't here , he shouldn't be worried about her" I say "Brandon you are overreacting" Nick says

"don't tell me I'm overreacting, why does he want her here" I tell them "that damn he wanted say very quietly like he wanted to be sneaky about it" I say
"Ight Brandon just try to forget about it" Austin says "whatever" I shake my head .

Then the one and only Hazel walks over . "Oh hey" she smiles "what do you want" I ask "we are playing truth or dare and I we need more players so the 5 of you come on" she says "shii why not" Nick says "come on B" Edwin says "I'm in" Austin says.

Edwin looks at me as we all sit down in a circle . "If you refuse to do your dare or answer the truth the other person gets to send any message to anyone" Noah says "everyone unlock your phones and put them in here" we all do what he said and put them in the bin

A couple rounds past . "Brandon truth or dare" Hazel ask me "dare" I hesitate "good" she says "wait- she cuts me off "nope can't change it to truth" she says "and I have the perfect dare" she says "I dare you to kiss me"

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