💔Chapter 8💔

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"Sophia , long time no see" That night when I was 15 starts coming back to me as he stands right in front of me. All I can do stare at him . To be honest I didn't think I ever see him again . That stupid smirk he has is the same one he gave me 2 years ago. "Speechless" he whispers which sends chills down my spine and not the good kind .

"Miss me?" He ask and I shake my head as I can't control the tears that are about to fall any second . I go to walk away and I feel his hand wrap around my wrist . His grip and the feeling of him laying a hand on me disgust me. I get Deja Vu by this.

The party scene , his grip on my wrist. The tears begin to fall , he's still so much stronger than me . I start to get the feeling that the same thing will happen . "Stay" he suggest "get off of me" I demand . I feel the need to scream but something is holding me back and it's not only him. "Hey- Noah" Hazel exclaims as she walks over .

He lets go of me and hugs her "haven't seen you in forever" she smiles and my breathing slows down but no where near okay. "I seen you caught up with Sophia" She says "yeah . I missed her" he makes direct eye contact with me. I race out of the hallway back into the crowd of people having fun.

I continue to cry . I walk out the front door and speed over to my car "Sophia" It's Brandon . He's always everywhere . He's always here when something goes wrong , like he's meant to be here.

I get in my car as Brandon comes up to my window "what happened, why are you crying?" He ask
"I told you I didn't do parties and I will not be attending anymore" I sob "what happened" he ask again "don't worry about it , I'm fine" I lie "you're not fine" he says "I have to go" I say "lemme come with you" he says "Brandon , you have fun"

I start the car "this party doesn't matter , but you matter" he says "why do you care so much" I say angrily "I care" he says "I see that and I don't know why , just stop trying" I beg "let me come with you" he says "we don't have to go to your house , we can go anywhere" he states "no" I answer
"Go party and quit worrying about me"

(Saturday) I wake up and the sun is brighter than usual meaning I probably just woke up at like noon.
I was up all night panicking that Noah is back I think . Unless he was visiting. I hope he isn't coming back to the school that will make things 100x worse . I think I got a couple text from Hazel and a couple from Brandon last night and dis morning . I should check those . 4 from Hazel and 6 from Brandon . Seems like he cares more than her.

I open Hazels messages first

"Where are you , did you leave!????!!??!!"
"Wow you left the party😕 Rude"

Those were from last night

"No text back , not a good best friend"
"Ugh! Whatever! I'll text you later"

And those was from earlier

Then I open Brandon's messages all 6
The first 4 are from after I left and in the middle of the night.

Brandon from school
                 "Did you get home safe?"
  "I'm sorry I keep pushing you to talk to me"
"I don't know why I care but I do , I really do"
   "I wanna get to know you , the real you"

He's so nice and just sweet . Maybe I need to give him a chance to just know me like he "wants to"
I look at the 2 from earlier

                     Brandon from school
"text back pls, at least so I know you're okay"
"Sophia I'm real close to driving to your house"

I chuckle and smile before texting him back.

         "Brandon I'm okay , I really am"
           "I'll talk to you later , promise"

I smile more than I have in a long time. I can't help it when it seems like he really cares. I haven't felt that since I was 12. It feels ...... nice.

(Brandon) I get a text from Sophia . Well 2 text from Sophia. She's okay , I was actually worried . She seemed so upset when she left the party I had a feeling she would go back to the hanging tree.

But she told me she was okay and she will call me later. I smile as my bedroom door opens "what you smiling about" Edwin ask "nothing" I say

"Sophia?" He questions and I smile a little more "definitely" He chuckles "she just told me she's okay" I tell him "what? Do you like her or something" He ask and I shrug my shoulders "you don't know her" he says "but I want to know her , She just needs time" I add "I can't stop thinking about her" I admit "aww cute" we hear Zion walk past and say "come on we got food"

(Sophia) (8:00pm) I feel just a regular phone call would be weird but a FaceTime call would be awkward with Brandon. Well I didn't say I would call him just talk . So I'll text him for a bit

(30 minutes later) I turn my phone off after saying goodnight to Brandon  . We talked for 30 minutes about the normal shii , like our favorite things and what we like and dislike. Got to know each other. I didn't tell him anything about what I went through or what I'm going through. I turn my light off and lay down and actually going to bed not crying . Tomorrow we plan to hang out at his place.
I'm nervous, I don't know how it's gonna go.

(Next day) I get in Brandon's car . He came to pick me up "hello" I say "hey Sophia" he begins to drive . My nerves are kicking in more that before . If my dad knew about any of this he would be furious. I haven't talked to my dad since he left . He might hate me but I do hope he's doing good.

Even know he doesn't care about how I'm doing. He's still my dad , a horrible one but still my dad . I just wish I could talk to my mom about all this. She always do what to do , I don't know how but she always had the right ideas and the best advice for me. I have no one that could give me advice or just help me out with my teenage girl problems .

He parks in front of his house where there are 2 other cars parked in the driveway. He opens the door for me and we walk in the house "Sophia heyyyy" Zion says "hey" I chuckle "COME ON GUYS SHES HERE"

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