💔Chapter 11💔

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"Yeah" i whisper and just look directly at the wall in front of me . I take a deep breath "whenever you're ready , I'm listening" he says and throw my head back as my eyes close . I don't wanna cry anymore . "When I was twelve my mom passed away" I sigh "Sophia I'm so sorry" he whispers and I shake my head.

"After that my dad turned into the worse dad ever" I say "he blamed me for her death and he still does" I add "then when I was 15 I want to a party , my drink was drugged and a guy stole my virginity from me" I sniffle "did you tell the cops" he ask "no . No one knows except....... you" I tell him "well we need to tell the cops" he says "Brandon it's been 2 years" I lift my head and stare at the wall

"I just felt so disgusting and I still feel that it was my fault" I get teary eyed "it's not your fault" he tells me "you can say that all you want but It's gonna change how I feel" I say "when I was r*ped I got ...... pregnant" I whisper and I see his eyes widened "yeah I know" I say "no I didn't mean it like that" he says and I shrug my shoulders "but I had a miscarriage when I was 6 weeks" I cry lightly

"I'm so sorry" he says "stop , nothing can be changed" I mumble "from then I only had and still have Hazel and I hate to say it but she's the worst friend ever" I say "she's not your friend" he tells me "she's all I have" I say "no you have me now and the boys like you" he nods "after everything I been through I still have nightmares about it all , it still follows me everywhere I go , It scarred me"

I run my hands through my hair "I go through depression, anxiety , im so paranoid , it's all so bad"
I feel his hand on my knee and I look down but just leave it there. "I can't even live my life . Im scared of everything even people cause I can't trust anyone" I cry "my first and only boyfriend even cheated on me at 16 then Hazel hooked up with him not to long ago" I shout

"then my dad hates me , he tells me hates me , he tells me how he wishes I wasn't his daughter and how I don't matter . He doesn't let me out my room" I sigh "sometimes he doesn't even let me eat" I throw my hands in the ai. "Hell I even lost my dog 2 months ago" I say "I don't get it" I stand up and shake my head "everything bad happens to me" I cry "it's been like this since I was 12" I sob

I'm not gonna tell him that my dad abuses me. That's definitely gonna make him wanna call the cops and I don't know if I can stop him .

"And you wonder why I didn't want your help" I look at him "CAUSE I CANT TRUST ANYONE" I yell . He stands up as I pace around "why me" I ask "why me" I ask again . "Why did my mom have to go , why did that guy choose me at that party , why did my first boyfriend cheat , WHY IS MY DAD LIKE THIS" I yell "Brandon , why me" I cry

He pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me. "I can't do this anymore , I wanna give up" I cry into his chest "don't say that" He whispers "and if my dad finds out you are here . He would freak out" I push Brandon off of me "you need to go"

He tilts his head "Sophia I'm not leaving you" he says "stop acting like you care about me" I shout at him "I do" he says "there's no way I could make you believe me , but it will take time and I promise I'm here for you" he whispers and I shake my head as tears fall "why should I trust you" I ask

"I care about you , I been waiting for you to tell me everything like you just did and I'm still here" I lower my head "I'm not leaving you , I'm not like the others , i will give you time but I'm not gonna walk away to give you time" he tells me

"I will be here whenever you need me" He smiles "you now have someone , you have 6 people" he says referring to him and the boys "I got you" he says quietly "I'm sorry" I cry "don't be sorry , you have nothing to be sorry for" he says "your 17 right?" I nod at him "when's your birthday" he ask

"June 4th" i whisper "and when you turn 18 we can just get out of here" he says "we can't leave , well I can't leave" I say "why not?" He ask "my dad-" I get cut off "you will be an adult , there's nothing he will be able to do" he says "you have to be able to control your own life , not Hazel or your dad"

I shake my head "you don't understand if I don't listen to my dad he will" I stop talking "he will what" he ask . I can't say he will abuse me but that's what he will do "where is your dad" he ask "business trip for 5 weeks" I tell him as I wipe my tears "so when he comes back you will only have one week before school ends and we can leave" he states

"I just can't" I say "you will be 18 , I'm already 18 and the boys are 18" we are about 2 feet away from each other "and when school is officially over , we can all get out of here" I look directly at him "deal?" He ask "maybe" I say and he nods "for now" he comes up to me and places his hands on my waist "just let me take care of you"

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