💔Chapter 19💔

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"I dare you to kiss me" Hazel says and people "oou" and stuff "f*ck no" I shake my head "well I guess I go ahead and text someone" she says "me and you both know who I'll text" she smiles . She's gonna text Sophia some f*cked up shii if I don't kiss her.
"Kiss me or kiss Sophia goodbye" she says

"Kiss her man" Nick whispers "Sophia won't be happy" I say "but if Hazel text Sophia you will lose her" he says "at least if you kiss Hazel you can explain to Sophia what happened" Edwin says "fine I'll f*cking kiss you" I agree "did I say kiss , I meant make out" she says and I roll my eyes .

She crawls over to me and straddles me "this wasn't apart of the dare" I say "to bad" she says and she places her hands on the sides of my face "Brandon put your arms around her like you mean it" Some random shouts "yeah" Hazel smirks , so I do.

I put my arms around her waist and she smashes her lips into mine. That make out session last like 20 seconds. She breaks apart and licks her lips "you're a good kisser" she stands up and says before sitting back down.

(2 hours later) "im sleeping at home tonight" the 5 of us walk out the party and I say "why don't you wanna sleep at Sophias house like you been doing" Zion ask as we get in the car "I can't face her after I made out with Hazel" I say "you have to tell her" Austin says "no I can't" I say "Brandon really?"

Austin starts the car "you kissed Hazel so you wouldn't lose Sophia with a text" Zion says "then you could explain the situation and why you had to kiss Hazel and Sophia would be fine" Nick says "but you hiding it from it is gonna cause you to lose her" Edwin says "guys just don't tell her" I say

"We won't snitch but man you gonna break Sophia and she doesn't need that , she's broken enough"

(Sophia) Ansley and I are just talking before my phone dings and it's a text from Brandon.

"Hey I'm gonna sleep at my house tonight but I'll see you tomorrow❤️"


"We just have some things to do tomorrow so I figured I stay here so we can do it tomorrow"
"Are you okay?"
"Do you need me to do anything"

"Okay whatever , see you tomorrow then"
"I'm fine"

(Brandon) she's definitely not fine. I feel bad I just need to get this night over with.

(Sophia) "I should get going" Ansley says "do you want me to wait till Brandon comes back" she ask "he's sleeping at his house tonight" I say "oh yeah I'm sleeping there too tonight" she says "you should too" she says "uhh no I'm fine here" i nod "okay well I'll see you later" I wave goodbye and she leaves . I sigh , I wanted Brandon here.

I love him here. I'm used to him being here . Whatever then , I walk upstairs and change my clothes to some shorts and one of Brandon's shirts that's here . I lay down and start thinking about everything. I wish Brandon knew what Noah did but I'm also glad he doesn't. They seem like good friends . My mind starts to go to that night .

(A/n) ⚠️WARNING! The flashback of the party night with Sophia and Noah is about to happen . I won't get into it or details . Just a little bit. Please skip if you do not want to read ‼️‼️

(Almost 3 years ago)
I walk out the bathroom and grab the drink I had before and drink it . Hazel is dancing with some random guy over there. The room begins to slowly spin and I shake my head but that doesn't help. I almost fall but catch myself.

I didn't drink any alcohol I swear I didn't. What I just had was my own drink I brought that isn't alcohol . I Almost fall again . "Hey let me help you" I look and it's Noah . He's a guy at the school , football player , super popular almost like a movie. "I'm just gonna go home" I say "I wanna help" he says "Noah it's okay" I say "Sophia I insist"

He grabs my hand "it's okay" I nod "no let me" he takes me upstairs "I should really go home , maybe I'm sick or something" I stop walking "I'm here to help" he smiles and he takes me into this bedroom .

He closes the door and locks it "why did you lock it" I lean on the dresser "just because" he says.
He smirks at me before walking closer "what are you doing" I ask "nothing" he answers "you should lay down" he says "I need to go home , I can just rest there" I tell him "I said lay down"

My eyes widened "I'm gonna go" I walk past him but he pulls me back by my waist "don't fight it" he says "please just let me go" I squirm in his arms.
He pulls my dress up "STOP" I yell and he's just so strong . I scream hoping someone will come up "no matter how loud you scream no one can hear you" he starts kissing my neck and I begin to cry

"Please I'm begging you" I plead "begging me to what , f*ck you? That's the plan" he throws me onto the bed immediately crawling on top of me-

(End of flashback) I sit up from my bed tears streaming down my face. Now I really wish Brandon was here

(Next day) I'm currently waiting for the boys to come out as I sit on the couch. The front door opens and the 5 of them walk in "finally" I say "Edwin took forever to get ready" Zion says "he lying" Edwin says and I smile at Brandon as he sits next to me "miss me?" He ask "uh yes a lot" he chuckles "sorry" he apologizes and kisses me "eww" Nick says "Nick don't hate" Brandon says

"So what did you guys have to do earlier" I ask "nothing" Zion chuckles and I tilt my head "Brandon you said you had to do stuff" I say "school stuff for tomorrow" he says and I of "ohh umm yeah we did" Zion says "oh okay" I look at Brandon "did you miss me" I ask "I always miss you when I'm not with you" he says

"How was the party" I ask and I watch him tense up "boring" he says "oh sucks" I say "it was just eh" he adds "well I mean at least you sorta had fun" I shrug my shoulders "I like being here with you better" he says and I giggle "I like when you are here" he holds my hand "ight lovers , stop"

(1 hour later) "Sophia your house got all the snacks" Nick says as he looks In the cabinet "don't eat them all" I laugh "I won't maybe" he chuckles as my phone dings . It's from a random number well a video was sent by a random number.

I play the video . I squint my eyes before realizing is Hazel on Brandon's lap . "No way" I whisper to my self . Then they begin to make out . My jaw drops and I stand up . Brandon is in the bathroom but the 4 boys are in the kitchen.

I walk up to them and face the phone towards them "This was last night" I ask on the verge of tears. They get nervous "yeah" Austin says . I gasp "seriously" I question . Brandon walks in


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