💔Chapter 29💔

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"That's it" I smile "my stuff is packed" I walk downstairs to what is now my old house . The boys are here "you have a lot of stuff" Zion nods and a cop walk in "Ms.Bosh since you are 18 you will be able to stay here and keep the house if you'd like"

I look at the 4 boys as Brandon stands next to me "actually I'm going to be moving to LA" I say and the boys cheer in silence "but thank you" I nod "okay well have a good evening" she walks out "you are moving?" Nick says "to LA ! With you guys , YES!" I smile "finally you agree"

(Graduation) "you look amazing in the gown" Brandon says as we walk out into the field where graduation will be held "you look pretty good too" I smile "I sit over there" I point "I sit two rows behind you" he says and we take our seats

(Skip all that shii) Brandon walks up to me as we are about to throw our caps "here to class of 2021" the teacher says and the caps go flying in the air as Brandon pulls me closer "be my girlfriend, I'm asking you right here , right now , be mine"

my eyes widened "right here you are asking me to be your girlfriend" I ask "unless you just wanna skip it and get married" he chuckles "Not yet" I giggle "but umm yes , I'll be your girlfriend right here right now" I smile . He kisses me all over my face "you are literally the love of my life" he says

"I'm in love with you Brandon Arreaga" I admit

"I've been in love with you for a while now" he then admits "we are officially done with school" he says "la time" I smirk "yeah girl" he nods

(1 hour later) we changed and found the boys "I asked her to be my girlfriend" Brandon whispers to them "I can hear" I say "it's about time" Edwin says out loud "are you excited for LA tomorrow" Nick ask "very very very excited" I smile "we are too" Zion says "are you done packing" I ask

"We all are" Austin says "are you" I ask Brandon "come look" he says and takes me upstairs "all finished" he nods "but I brought you up here for alone time with my girlfriend" I smile at him calling me that "oh really boyfriend?" I ask and he chuckles "I'm sorry I didn't ask you on a date and then ask if you would be my girlfriend" he says

"I wanted to wait till life was clear again and you were okay . So when the nightmare ended I just wanted To ask you so bad" he says "I loved it" I kiss his lips . "Come with me babe" he says and He takes me to the bathroom

"can you look in the mirror and say she's beautiful yet" he points in the mirror at me "why don't I do it in our master bathroom tomorrow at the new house" I say "deal he smiles and kisses me multiple times

(Next day) we are using a rental car since our cars are shipped to LA. "Brandon this is the wrong way" I shake my head "i wanna go somewhere first" he says "okay" I answer and look out the window then realize where we are "why here" I ask "just come"

He takes me up the small hill and reach the place he saved my life at . The hanging tree . The same stool and everything is there. "I brought you here because I wanted to show you how far you've come" I look at him "just almost 3 months ago you were standing on there and I came up then talked you down" I nod "now look at you , now look at us" he chuckles

"You are amazing. So damn strong" he rubs my shoulders "it's all because of you" I say "I won't take all the credit" he says "if it wasn't for you none of this would have happened because I wouldn't be here" I lay my head on him

"thank you babe" I whisper "you saved my life in so many ways" I kiss him "how did I get so lucky with you" he ask "I say we both got really lucky" I bite my lip "I love you more than life it's self" he says "no words can explain how much I love you" he nods "I love you too . So incredibly much"

(the plane) we all take our seats "I'm so scared" I grab Brandon's arm "it's gonna be okay" he smiles "I never been on an airplane" I look out the window "first times for everything" he chuckles "but I'm right here , it's normal for someone to be nervous" he nods "just take a nap and I'll wake you up when we get to LA" he kisses my forehead .

I drift off to sleep as I hold Brandon's arm.

(However many hours later) we step off the plane and get into Brandon's car that was transported down here "this weather change is wild" Zion says "I'm gonna need a new wardrobe" I giggle

"imma still wear my hoodies" Brandon nods and I put our bags in the car. Nicks car was also transported down here . Mine should be here tomorrow. "See you boys at the new house" I smile

"Yes ma'am" Austin points at me .

We get to the house and all step out and look at it "wow" I say "our record label really came in clutch" Nick says "record label?" I ask "Brandon didn't tell you" Nick ask "i was gonna surprise her" Brandon says "oh I mean what label?" Nick acts dumb "baby that's amazing . Boys that's amazing" I smile at them "let's get inside"

We walk in "wow again" my jaw drops "and they got it furnished" I nod "Brandon we gotta go see our room" I drag him upstairs and open the door "this is the biggest bedroom I ever seen" I shout and he chuckles "we are gonna have fun in here"
I look at him "eww" I giggle "look at this bed" I lay down "ugh feels great" I say.

He lays down too "we should break it in" he says "Brandon stop" I smile "let's check out the bathroom" I smile and he follows me "wow again again" I shake my head "look at that bathtub"
he says "we can both fit in there" I say "yes we can" he smirks "nasty" I joke with him

"And the mirror big as hell" I look at it "so you told me you would say something to that girl today" he points at my reflection "she's beautiful isn't she" he ask "oh her" I point at my own reflection "yeah she's hot" I nod and he laughs "damn right" he says

"but yeah she's beautiful" I smile "you know Brandon" I say and turn around "I'm so happy right now" I admit "you are" he ask "I am , I'm happy" I kiss his cheek "that's all I wanted" he smiles "you never gave up on me" I say "you never left me" I add "I said I wouldn't" he replies

"You saved me" I nod "you were always there when something went wrong" I continue "almost like my Guardian Angel"

"I love you so much Brandon"

"I love you so much Sophia"

The end ❤️
(A/n) I hope you liked it!! Thank you so much for reading , I love you ! <3

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