💔Chapter 24💔

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"Brandon help me please" I ask him as we are at my locker "take this book please" I hand it to him "why do you need all these books" he ask "I need to turn they in" I say "we have a month left" he says "yeah but not a lot of work" I close my locker "what class do you have next" I ask "no class" he smiles

"Why" we walk to my next class "Zion and I are going to the library this period" he says "to read" I jokingly ask "hell no" he chuckles "you should come up to the library this period" he ask "I'll ask the teacher" we stop at the classroom door "I'll bring them in for you" he smiles "are you sure"

He nods "I don't care what anyone else thinks" he says "just asking" he follows me into the classroom "hello Sophia" the teacher says as we set the books on her desk "ah thank you" she says and she looks at Brandon "Mr.Arreaga did you finish the project that was due yesterday" she ask "umm" he scratches the back of his neck "you need to get it done before Friday" she nods and he nods too

"Maybe Sophia can help , she is one of my best students" the teacher says and Brandon smiles at me "and from what I see in the hallways you two seem real close" she smiles at us "so maybe you will let her come to library this period to help me" Brandon ask "you may go" she says "just make sure the paper gets done for you Sophia" she says

"What paper?" Brandon ask "the one that's due Thursday" she says "we have a paper?" He ask "oh gosh have a good day" She chuckles and we walk out "you need to get caught up on your work"

He chuckles "I know but baby I hate this project" I can't help but smile at the name. I love when he says that "say it again" I ask "I said I know but baby I hate this project" he says

"I know I just wanted to hear you call me baby again" I giggle "but isn't Zion your partner for the project" I ask "you know what yeah I'll help you guys"

(Evening) "I hate this thing" Zion says "Zion just write it down" I say "I don't wanna do this project anymore" Zion complains "plus we need more of this paper" Zion says . We are at their house finishing the project up. "Did you finish yet" Nick ask "no they are acting like babies" I say "rude" Zion says "Sophia is pretty bossy" Edwin says

"You're lucky I don't have a chicken nugget" I nod "here I'll go to the store and get some" Brandon stands up "I'll come with you" he walks up to me "finish helping Zion with his part and I'll be back , the store is only like 5 minutes away" he smiles and kisses me "I love you" he says "I love you too" I kiss him back "aww you two use the L word"

Austin says and I giggle "be back soon" Brandon walks out "okay Zion back to work" I say "please no more , I can't do anymore" he shakes his head "you haven't even started" I say and Nick laughs "he wants you to do for him" Nick says "no" I answer "just write this down right there" I point
"My hand hurt" he says "you haven't even wrote anything" I whine "ow" he jokes and holds his hand

"You know what when you don't graduate don't cry" I say "okay mom" he says sarcastically. I walk in the kitchen where Edwin , Nick and Austin eat some snacks "You guys could be helping too" I say "no we did our project" Edwin says "I quit"

I hear Zion say "I don't care anymore" I say as he walks over to us "you didn't even try" I say to him "Sophia focus on your boyfriend" he says "he's not my boyfriend" I tell them "why not" Austin ask "I don't know , just never came up and he never asked me" I answer "you can ask him" Edwin says

"I understand it's 2021 and all but nah" I say "what is Brandon waiting for" Nick ask "idk I can't read his mind" I giggle "I wish I could read minds" Zion says "I wish you would do your project" I fake smile "stop acting like my mom" he laughs "your grade not mine" I shrug my shoulders "back to what we was talking about" Nick says

"Brandon is probably just giving you time still" Austin says "that's what I figured , I'm in no rush" I say "even though he's inlove with you" Edwin says

"okay slow down" I cut him off "what he is" he adds "loving someone and being in love with someone is two different things" I say "is it really" Zion ask "yes" I reply "well he is also in love with you" Edwin smiles "anyways" I change the subject
"show her that new video of us singing"

(1 hour later) "did he answer" I ask Edwin "no he didn't" Edwin says . It takes 5 minutes to get to that store and 5 back. Brandon should have been here 40 minutes ago. "What the fuck" I shout "we have to go to that store" I nod "okay come on" Nick says and we all pile into Nicks car. Nick driving , me in the passenger seat. Then Z , Ed and Austin in the back.

I throw my head back into the seat and take a deep breath "relax he's probably just" I cut Edwin off "probably what , he should have been back 40 minutes ago" I run my hands through my hair. "Nick drive" I say "I had to start the car" he begins to drive to the store Brandon went to. I try calling Brandon again and again but nothing at all.

"This is crazy" Zion says . We get closer and closer "you guys see those lights" Austin ask "cops" Nick says and we reach the store "what the hell" I look around . Crowd of people , couple cop cars , couple of cops , caution tape. "No no no" I whisper . Nick parks the car and we get out. We walk up but there's just people everywhere .

We finally reach where the caution tape but there's no one there but there was since there's blood. "It's not Brandon's" Edwin says "how do you know that" I ask "can't think like that" Edwin says . I look around "excuse me miss" I tap a women with a baby in her hand

"yes sweetheart" she replies to me "what happened here" I ask and the boys stand behind me "there was a car accident my" heart drops . "Thank you" I say and I walk away from her with the boys following behind me

I walk up to a cop "sir can you please tell me who was hit" I ask "that's private information ma'am" he says. "I think it was someone I know" I say "what are your relations to that person you know" he ask "umm his ..... wife" I lie . I can't say girlfriend that's not good enough

"young love" he chuckles "what's his name" he ask "Brandon" I answer "Brandon Arreaga" I wait for him to reply "well miss your husband was hit in a hit and Run , I suggest you get down to the hospital"

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