💔Chapter 16💔

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(Night) Brandon and I are sitting on the couch at my house as the movie we were watching ends. "You picked a bad movie" I say "you didn't like it?" He ask "no I did not" I answer "Well next time you can pick then" he stands up "good idea"

I stand up and look at the time "we have school tomorrow" I mumble "it's already 11:30" I tell him "you got some snacks or some" he ask and I smile "uh in that big basket" I point "jackpot" he looks through it "how did the boys react when you told them that you were staying here for awhile" I ask
"They was fine with it and they understood"

I nod as he turns around "I told them you had a rough day , that you should have someone around all the time which is me" I giggle "then I told them we talked , that had some moments and that I liked you so I'll stay" my jaw drops which forms into a smile "you like me" I ask as he walks up to me "of course I do , how could I not" he says

"Then I found you like me so it all works out" with every word he gets closer and closer before just like earlier he plants a kiss on my lips . When we break apart I can't help but smile "I like doing that , well I love doing that" he tells me "me too" I agree

"But I'm also ready for bed" I grab his arm "we should get sleep , knowing we will be walking into school together and maybe looking a little romantic" he wraps his arms around me from behind "we might have a long day tomorrow"

We walk upstairs and into my room. "I have to go change" I take some clothes into the bathroom . I undress before realizing I have a couple bruises on my body from my dad. I put some random sweatpants on and then my t-shirt. I walk out and he's sitting on the floor "I need a blanket" he say

"For?" I ask "sleeping" he says "you can sleep in the bed" I say and he looks almost shocked "I trust you" I say "I would never hurt you physically hell or emotionally at least not on purpose" he says "that's what I'm saying , I trust you so come on" I say and he stands up before crawling in the bed

He lays down as I sit up next to him "aren't you hot the sweatpants" he ask as he places his hand on my knee "umm no" I mumble "are you hiding something from me" he ask "nope" I answer "sure" he ask "positive" I nod . He squints his eyes "mhm okay" he says as I lay down next to him before turning the light off . "Thank you Brandon"

I say to him "for?" He ask "everything so far" I smile "don't thank me , I'm happy that I'm helping" he says "and we can get closer" he adds . I lay my head on his chest making his arm wrap around me.
"Goodnight Brandon" I say "goodnight Soph" he says and I giggle "i never was called that" I say

"Well that can be your nickname since your name is Sophia" he says "well duh" I smile "but really goodnight" I kiss his cheek then close my eyes.

(Next day) We get into my car as I start it. "I never been in the car with you driving" he says as he sets his bag for school down. "Im a good driver" I put my seatbelt on and start driving. "I can't wait to see Hazel" I say sarcastically "she literally tried to ruin whatever this is" I point at both of us

"You need to cut her off" he tells me "I'll feel bad" I say "don't , she has hurt you many of times" he says "I know but we been friends since for 8 years" I say "she's holding you back from happiness, cutting her off is one step forward to a happy you" he says "I promise it's for the best" he smiles

We walk into the school and he puts his arm around me "Brandon" I whisper yell "what" he ask and he has smirk on his face . I take his arm off of me . "What's wrong" he ask "are you sure Hazel was lying about you" I ask "what!? Of course she was lying , I never said those things" he tells me

"Or you wanna walk into school together with your arm around me just to show your bros that you finally got me then what f*ck me" I say "are you for real right now?" He ask "what's up with you , you woke up kinda angry , you was fine in the car but then we come here and you are upset again"

I shake my head "If having my arm around you bothers you so much I won't do it , but what's wrong today" he ask "I mean we were kissing-" I cut him off "yeah I know don't remind me" I say
"Do you regret it" he ask "Brandon I don't know what to think" I throw my hands in the air

"Okay that's okay , is there a reason why" he ask "ugh I'm just worried" I whine and he smiles "what if something goes wrong and we leave each other then everyone is gonna just be a*sholes about it" I say and he puts his arm around me "I told you before I'm never leaving you" he whispers

"Now we have class in 5 minutes" we begin to walk . A couple of people look at us , some giving us dirty looks. "They don't seem happy" I whisper "to bad" he chuckles then out of know where Hazel steps in front of us "what the hell did he do to make you get with him" she ask "Sophia blink twice if you need help" she whispers "Hazel" I roll my eyes

"He told me you lied about everything" I say "I-I did not" she says "you are lying" I point at her "but I- Sophia he is using you" she says "I am not , why would you even lie to her like that" Brandon ask "Fine be with him , he's gonna break your heart anyways" she says "I would never" Brandon says
"Whatever , good luck Sophia" she smiles "also"

I take a deep breath "I-I'm done being ..... friends with you" I tell her and her jaw drops "what!" She shouts "he's making you do this" she says "you are the worst friend , you are holding me back from things" I say "fuck you and you" she points at us

"I don't need you anyways" she says and walks away "there you go" he smiles at me "whatever" I say "I feel bad" I say "do not feel bad . She has done so many bad things , you did the right thing"
He tells me just as the bell rings "see you later" he kisses my lips "Brandon" I say and he chuckles . I look around but no one seemed to notice.

He walks down the hall and I walk to my class as well. I walk in and sit down in my seat before the teacher walks in. "So class we have a new student well a former student but he is back" she opens the door and the student walks in "sup I'm Noah"

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