Pic-nic date

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Will contain one or two kisses :')
Are a bit older 

Third person pov.
Tommy and Ranboo had been dating for about 4 months now. Last month Tommy and Tubbo moved in together! Now it was even more difficult to hide the relationship between Tommy and Ranboo, especially because Ranboo would often come over to their apartment.

"Tommy! Do you wanna Stream together?" Tubbo shouted from the kitchen.
" I can't, I'm going out, sorry!"
"Huh, do you have a date or something?" Tubbo said with a smirk.
"Ehhhh...no just meeting a friend!"
"You have friends other from the people of the smp?"
"Shut up Tubbo! And yes I do!"
"Well then have fun!"
After that it was silent for a moment. Tommy texted Ranboo, asking when they would meet up

                                       When did you plan the date?

At 7:00pm at the ******* park!
                                                       See ya, ly💕

                          ~Time skip~
No one POV.

Tommy walked to the park and spotted Ranboo at the entrance.
"Hey Mr. Boo!" Tommy said
"Hey toms" Ranboo replied and kissed Tommy
"Soo... what did you plane boo?" Tommy asked as Ranboo took his hand and lead him to a hill.
"You'll see, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!"

When they arrived at the top Tommy was speechless.
You could see the sun set perfectly and at night the whole city full of lights. Ranboo set up a blanket with strawberries with and without chocolate and sparkling wine.
"It's so beautiful Ranboo"
"That's why I'm taking you here, now come on sit"
Ranboo was sitting on the blanket waiting for Tommy to join him. Tommy sat next to Ranboo and laid his head and Ranboos shoulder.

Tommy and Ranboo were eating strawberries with sparkling wine, cuddling and just enjoying each other's company.

                             ~time skip to 22:00pm~
No one POV.
Tommy opened the door quietly, since he didn't know if Tubbo was still streaming or not. When he got to his room and flipped the light switches, Tubbo was in his room waiting for him.
"Hello Tommy."
He said as, if he was in some kind of movie.
"Hi Tubs?"
"Why are you in my room, need something?"
"I could ask you the same question."
Tommy had a confused expression because Tubbo technically asked why he was in his own room.
"Well not the exact same question, but why were you with Ranboo in the park kissing?" Tubbo asked out of nowhere.
"I- uhh, what do you mean or better, how do you know?"
Tubbo sighed "..just look on Twitter Tommy..." Tubbo said with his tone changing to one a bit more worried, since Tommy looked panicked. Tommy took out his phone to a bunch of unread messages and calls from friends and Twitter.
(Oh no) Tommy thought
He opened Twitter and saw a post from Techno which said:
Just saw this, don't know if I'll ever see them the same
*photo of when the beginning of the date*

"Shit.." and as Tommy Said That there was a knock on the door. Tubbo opened the door and Wilbur came running in dragging Ranboo with him
"YOU TWO ARE DATING!?" He shouted
"Uhmmm, surprise..?" Tommy said nervously.

                                    ~Time skip~

Tommy and Ranboo told everything to Wilbur and Tubbo and decided to post a tweet which said:
Hey guys techno's latest tweet is true and we will probably make a video to that..!


A/N: this is my first one-shot hope you like it :D
If I have the time I'll maybe dran a picture to them!

Tt: mint0.00

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