#Tomboo Trending on twitter?! (Part 1)

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Once again tomboo :3
(Quick info Tommy lives alone)

Third person POV.
It was a week before Ranboo and Tubbo's meet up and Tubbo asked if Tommy wanted to come over when Ranboo was there, ofc he said yes. But one thing Tommy knew would is that they would probably start flirting (as jokes) with each other and that kinda hurt him...
Tommy's phone was ringing. It was Ranboo?
"Wonder why he's calling?"
"Hi Tommy!"
"Hey Ranboob"
"HEY, >:( "
"Anyways, why did you call..?"
"Well.. you know that I'm flying to the UK, I wanted to ask if I could stay at your place a bit?"
"Uhmm, sure why not?"
"Ok thanks! I'll be there like tomorrow-!"
*beep beep*
Ranboo ended the call
Tommy POV.
After cursing him out I started to clean my house a bit. After a while I started to to scroll throw Twitter because I was gonna stream in like 5min.
1#beedou meetup
"Huh.. trending number one in America.."
I started to stream.

No one POV.
"WHATS UP CHAT?" Tommy said greeting the people like always!
"I actually just wanted to do a chill stream with QnA and all that shit Tomorrow, but things came up :("
"Jup Im going to Tommy tomorrow fellow watchers"
A donation said from Ranboo. The whole chat was freaking out about that so hard.
" or you could say it like that dickhead"
Another dono from Ranboo.

                                       ~time skip~
No one POV.
It was already 6pm and Ranboo still hasn't come.
Tommy was getting a bit nervous, until he heard a knock on the front door. He opens the door and he got a Twitter notification:
"Just arrived at Tommy's place!"
It was from Ranboo.
Ranboo looked at Tommy
"Hi Tommy!"
"Hey, come in."
"Do you maybe have some food? I didn't eat anything since the plane took of."
"Oh uhh, yeah sure imma make something real quick"
Tommy started making some potatoes with veggies :p. Ranboo was kinda staring at him while he was cooking, observing his blond hair with a good body built.
"You can sleep on my room I'll sleep here."
Tommy said trying not to embarrass himself because he was litterly just wearing a oversized shirt with his boxers (lol kinda has to be tho-).
"Ok, you sure?"
"Jup I'm good!"
Ranboo went upstairs and changed into some shorts and a hoodie. Tommy called Ranboo down when the food was ready.
"Im gonna come in a sec, you can start!"
And once again he was staring
{why the frick am I staring at him so much..}
He thought not seeing the smaller figure going up to him.
"Wait a sec your hair is all over you face"
Tommy said going very close to Ranboos face
"Ok better! Now eat."
"No Probleme!"

                                      ~time skip~

Ranboo POV.
Tommy and me decided to watch a movie together. I got to decide and I choose a serie (idk think of something). When we're we're half way through I felt a weight on my shoulder. It was Tommy, he looked so peaceful sleeping. I paused the TV and wanted to lay him down and go upstairs, but he held my arm and I couldn't get away. He has a damm good grip. So I stayed and laid next to him and went to sleep :p

A/N: sorry I'm staying at a friends house that's why I couldn't finish this :(

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