🕶Wilbur's little brother🕶part 2

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No one POV.
Well just because the train saved Tommy from being caught from Ranboo and him kinda (?) flirting doesn't mean Wilbur wouldn't stop himself from trying to go through his little brothers phone (damm over protective much?🙄🤚🏻).

At the train station Tubbo was already waiting for his three friends. (Ranboo was in a different train)

Tommy shouted running towards the shorter brunette.
Tubbo shouted back now also running towards them. Both of them getting a lot of attention now, fans started to realize that Tubbo and Tommy PLUS Wilbur were there.
"Hey guys"
A more monotone voice said.
Tubbo then also said running towards him also embracing him in a hug.

And now the fans were completely freaking out seeing Wilbur soot, Tommy, Tubbo AND Ranboo all together. So of course the four boys got bombed with questions for photos or other stuff. Tommy took a video of this all happening and all the people shouted hello and then subscribe (idk to all of them? Maybe Tommy's tik tok acc). There were a lot of middle schoolers.

When they were at Tubbos house niki was already waiting outside.
"Oh god Niki! Have you been waiting long?"
Tubbo asked while opening the door.
"Oh no no, I just came!"
She said calming Tubbo down. Niki then hugged Tommy, Ranboo, Wilbur and Tubbo.

Wilbur and niki meet up pretty often so Tommy already knew her well and saw her as the big sister he never had or as a mother figure, that he also never really had..

-quick story from when they were kids-

Tommy and Wilbur were raised very strictly and their parents never talked or were only arguing the whole time (😃🤚🏻totally not my life right now). They had to have good grades, should know how to play an instrument, dress formerly and talk formerly well people would kind of just think they had a great relationship because let's say they aren't poor well not at all.

But when Wilbur was eleven and Tommy five their mother would constantly go on trips and their father too, so they had a nanny (does someone have a nanny-? Or like had-?). And finally three years later their parents got divorced and their mother planned on taking Tommy with her because he was a very good student and was perfekt at almost everything he did but she didn't cause the father took both sons and drove away.

They both thought now that they only had on parent their father would stay home more, but what a surprise he didn't.

With eighteen Wilbur moved away and took Tommy with him, having enough money on his account (that wasn't only his but also from their father cause like he didn't want his kids anymore, gave them money and they should've taken care of themselves) he sent Tommy to a school and started to stream. He got a lot of attention and met a nice girl that was also a streamer. Niki Nihachu.

-end of 'flashback'-
(If they are questions please ask in the comments!)

Tubbo and Tommy were making TEA  while Ranboo, niki and Wilbur were in the living room.
"What were you taking with my brother Ranboo?"
Wilbur said looking at him suspiciously.
Ranboo managed to get out before getting interrupted.
Tommy shouted leaving Wilbur a little mad. Wilbur groaned but they all ignored it and niki started a conversation with Ranboo.

"Are you okaY if we Film vlogs Ranboo?"
Wilbur asked worried because Ranboo was faceless.
"Jup it's fine!"
Ranboo said.
Tommy shouted.
"Don't you also know how Dream looks?"
Tubbo asked. (The dsmp are all good friends and film many videos/stream together)
"Yea but not not everyone of your friends know how Ranboo looks like!"
Tommy said grinning after. Ranboo blushed at that slightly but he was drinking Tea so they wouldn't see.

After some talking and laughing about dad jokes Ranboo realized something dumb.
"Wait- what are we going to film?"
He asked and now everyone looked confused too.
"Uhmm I haven't thought of that-"
Wilbur said.
"You dumb shit."
Tommy said. And Wilbur just whined at what Tommy called him. They all started to laugh again for a few minutes and after some time they started to talk about what they could do. And in the end they decided to stay at home and do a cooking vlog so niki could teach them all and it was also requested a few times for niki to teach them how to cook.

They decided to bake some brownies because it's easy (and totally not because I'm baking some right now). Tommy and Tubbo constantly had to stop Ranboo from putting spaghetti or some other weird shit into the dough.
Ranboo said with a bag of spaghetti in his hands.
Tommy shouted back. And Ranboo just whined and Tommy was loosing his mind with Tubbo. Wilbur and niki were actually doing the dough and laughing at their friends.

"These brownies are delicious! And WITHOUT spaghetti."
Tommy said glaring at Ranboo while saying the last sentence.
"It would've been better with.."
Ranboo mumbled but load enough for everyone to hear. Tommy once again just glared at him again and had eye contact for an unsuspected moment. Ranboo (ofc) blushed at how Tommy's blue eyes looked at him and then kind of softened as he started to giggle (Tommy giggled-).

Wilbur saw that and didn't really understand
'Maybe it's of embarrassment?'
He thought (dumb, dumb af).

Wilbur started to edit the video, seeing how Ranboo was starting at his brother.
'That shit-'
He thought before niki said something.
"Awww how cute! I bet Ranboo likes him!"
She said. Wilbur let out a little screem because he didn't know that she was behind him.
She said back.
"But gotta admit they are cute!"
Niki also said.
"If Ranboo has a crush on Tommy and hurts him I will get The chance to kill him."
Wilbur said in a strict tone.
"I bet he won't wil"
She said.

Meanwhile on the phone with Ranboo and Technoblade.
(They are really good friends and Wilbur and Tommy were also good friends with techno)
"So your telling me that your pan AND have a crush on Tommy?"
Techno asked clearly still under shook.
"well I don't know if it's REALLY a crush or not.."
Ranboo said nervously.


Part 3? :D

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