🐱"And you make fun of people for wearing cat ears"🐱 {tomboo}

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Thanks for the beautiful request Sharkythewerido !!
(Tell me if you DONT want me to mention you!)
-Tommy cat au
-irl dsmp (?)
(Ps: they live together)

No one POV.
It was a quiet day. Kinda weird. Ranboo and Tommy lived together and usually Tommy would start playing loud Music/videos or other laud things at like 10am, unless he went to bed at like 5am ofc.
"He probably didn't sleep a lot, should I wake him up for breakfast.?" Ranboo thought. He decided to let him sleep and not bother him. Ranboo made himself some waffles, he left some for Tommy if he would get hungry. After that he decided to meet up with Tubbo for awhile.

                                    ✨~time skip~✨

Ranboo pov.
"It's already 4pm and he still hasn't come out of his room.."
"I should better check on him."
I took some of Tommy's favorite cookies and some tee. As I went into his room I noticed it was a mess and Tommy was still sleeping?!
I put the cookies and tee on his night table and sat next to him on the bed. I saw Tommy's fluffy blond hair.
" I want to pet his hair so badly..."
I thought to myself, till I noticed my hand was already on Tommy's head. I blushed at what I was doing. Especially because I wanted him more then a friend, much more.. but he is straight...
I started to let his hair, I mean like he wouldn't know right? That was until I Heard purring-?

Third person POV.
Ranboo looked around him thinking there was a cat somewhere he didn't know about. He realized the purring was comming from Tommy. He looked closer at the blond boy, he noticed two little blond things that were out of place on the boys head.
"Huh? What's that?"
Tommy woke up to that question.
"R-Ranboo..?" He asked confused on who was there
"Uhmmm hi? Why do you have cat ears on..?"
"HUH, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Tommy shouted kinda panicked.
" what's wrong Tommy!?"
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" He said and covered his 'ears'.
"Oh.. Im sorry I guess I shouldn't have seen that.."
"But if it makes you feel better I won't tell anyone!"
Ranboo promised.
".. Not even Tubbo or Techno..?" Tommy asked shyly
"Not even them!"
Tommy had a small smile forming on his face and let go of the cat ears. That's when Ranboo noticed the tail behind him.
"So your  a cat hybrid?" He asked.
"... yea, but if you tell anyone I'll scratch your eyes and lungs out." Tommy said complete serious.
"I won't I promise!!" Ranboo said clearly scared.
Tommy started chuckling at that. Ranboo (ofc) blushed at the sight of  Tommy with cat ears a tail and giggling. (I mean that's adorable)
"And you make fun of people who wear cat ears?"
"Shut up!"
"Im happy that I don't have to hide it from you anymore Ranboo, you mean a lot to me."
Tommy said leaning onto Ranboo's shoulder.
"Me too Tommy"
Tommy kissed Ranboo on the cheek.
"What's up Ranboo?"
"Do you like someone?"
"Uhm, yea.."
"Would you tell them or do they know?"
"I mean they just found out"
"You're clueless Ranboo, I fucking like you dumbass!"
"Oh, OH eh ehhh—"

              ✨~Ranboo is now a blushing mess~✨

Hope you liked the one shot! Tell me if there's anything else! (Ps im working on the other one right now!)

Tt: mint0.00

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