🕊A wingless god🕊

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-part two of: a godly anniversary
-more gods bitches
-there is a huge bitch in this story who everyone knows and it doesn't mean I don't like Charakter just because I make him/her a bitch in this story :D

No one POV.
A few days have passed since Ranboo's and Tommy's anniversary and everything was calm until Sam wanted to talk to Tommy.

"We have a Probleme Tommy."
"Whats the matter Sam?"
Sam took a deep breath and hoped Tommy wouldn't flip at this information.
"Dream escaped."
He finally said and Tommy's eyes widened at the moment but you couldn't tell the emotion inside of them.
"He escaped Tommy."
Tommy started to yell.
"We are looking for him Tommy."
Sam said. Tommy then had a realization moment, he was coming for him. Tommy just left Sam there and ran to the person who knew him the best, Ranboo.

When Tommy arrived at Ranboo's place he started to cry uncontrollably. Ranboo saw him and got worried for him.

Tommy tried to tell him but his sobs didn't let him.
"Dream.... He...escaped-"
Now Ranboo was also panicking not knowing where to go or what to do, how to keep him safe, Tubbo Safe but most importantly how to keep Tommy safe.

~in the past time~
(Where they're anniversary was)

Dream pov.
I thought to myself, cheering while I was running away, far away from the prison. That was until I heard a faint 'pop' noise.
{wait- does Sam have gun?!}
{or is it someone else..}
I quickly hide in the trees and that's when I spotted a
Platform in the sky.

"What the fuck is that?"

Someone started to fall of the platform.
I started to run there, but that was until I noticed that a pair of golden wings grew out of his back.
I couldn't believe my eyes.

The boy who always caused trouble and was gullible had wings, but how? As far as I know he isn't Philza's  real child.

{But what if I use it to my own good?}
{what if I try to manipulate him again!}

My new plan was to get Tubbo to stop talking to Tommy and Wilbur to get Tommy on my side. It would go perfekt. Tommy would have many reasons on why to help me.
1. For his revived brother, Wilbur
2. Tubbo left him
3. Techno and Phil don't talk to him
4. EVERYONE hates him
5. Revenge.

No one POV.

Dream started to spy a little bit on Tommy and then he realized that he wasn't alone. There was someone  else with him but he didn't know who.

                        ~back to present time~

No one POV.
Tommy and Tubbo started to build a little bunker so they could hide, while Ranboo was looking for food and at the same time looking out for Dream.

"What's going on here?"
A familiar monotone voice asked.
"Technoblade? What are you doing here?"
Ranboo asked.
He said still wondering what they were doing.
"Well uh dream escaped.."
Tubbo said causing techno to have a shocked expression. Techno thanked them for the information and wished them luck after that he left in a hurry probably to warn Phil or something.

                                     ~time skip~

The hide out was finally done. They had enough food and water for what it seemed like half a year. They also had a lot of armor and weapons. The hide out had four rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a bedroom and a room for everything else like armor ( the rooms were small).

Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were trying to do the best of the time with board games like monopoly and other 'fun' stuff. That was until they heard a load exploding sound and they started to panic.

Tubbo said literally grabbing Tommy and Ranboo.
"I can only teleport me and someone else tubs.."
He said looking really guilty.
"It's fine. Take Tubbo with you I still can fight.."
Tommy said pushing Tubbo to him.
"But Toms-"
"No, go we are wasting time."
He said giving Ranboo a kiss.
"Good luck Tommy..."
Said Ranboo and Tubbo hugging him and teleporting away.

"Where are you Tommy~?"
Dream sung while going closer to the bed room. Tommy was starting to panick. Dream knew his weak spots and he couldn't use his wings for the battle.
"Found you~!"
He said shocking the younger one because he was lost in his thoughts the moment before.
"what do you want."
Tommy said grabbing his sword.
"That's not how you talk to your friend, do you?"
"Shut it dream. Now spit it out bitch."
"Fine. I saw your wings."
He said with a smirk.
"W-what do you mean? I don't have any, I'm not Phil's son forgot?"
Tommy said clearly under stress.
"Mhm they were golden and very huge tho. Cant miss them."

Dream grabbed his sword and wanted to fight with Tommy who fought back with his sword.

After a while Ranboo teleported back to get Tommy who was fighting Dream and had scars.
"Ranboo get out of here!"
He screamed still facing Dream.
"No, not without you!"
Ranboo said trying to get closer but Dream threw a water bucket at him luckily missing him.
"Get out Ranboo PLEASE!"
Tommy begged finally turning to Ranboo leaving himself free to hit.
Ranboo tried to scream but got interrupted by Tommy screaming even louder.
He screamed in pain because Dream cut one of his wings off.
Ranboo screamed running to the blond.
Tommy screamed again in pain while both of his wings were gone and blood was ruining down his body. He was uncontrollably crying and Dream just smirked leaving him ok the ground and running away.
"R-Ranboo pls h-help me.."
He said before passing out to the half enderman.
Ranboo couldn't believe why someone would do something to a person. He took the blond and teleported to Tubbo.

Tubbo screamed seeing Tommy all bloody.
"Dream happend.."
He replied with tears in his eyes.
"Wait.. his wings are gone.. where are they?!"
"Still there I think.."
"Get them, maybe we can do something with them!"
"Ok.. take care of Tommy please.."
"Of course Ranboo"

Ranboo teleported back to a bloody room with two wings in the middle. He picked them up and started to teleport back to tubbo. 

At the time Ranboo was back Tommy woke up in pain crying and screaming. Tubbo gave him some pain killers so it would be better.
"You alright?"
Tubbo asked taking Tommy's hand.
He muffled but clearly he wasn't. He lost his wings which he had still had after wars and fights.
"Huh..? Why Phil?"
Tubbo asked Tommy.
"Let's go to Phil, please.."
Tommy said. 
Tubbo and Ranboo nodded this time Ranboo teleported first with Tommy and then Tubbo.

Tommy said falling into his fathers arms crying because a of the pain in his back and legs. (He was also badly injured on his legs while trying to protect his wings in the battle with Dream.)
"Tommy?! What happens?!"
Phil said seeing his son badly injured. Never has he seen him in a such bad state.
"Dream wanted Tommy's wings.."
Ranboo said. 
Phil said realizing he didn't have his wings anymore.
"We need to go to Kristin now!"
Phil said taking Tommy.
"Take his wings."
He also said.
Ranboo said.

They went to see Kristin, who was much bigger then they thought, well expect for phil he knew. Kristin took them all in her hand and saw Tommy.
"Poor boy.."
She said taking his wings very carefully.
"Can you help him somehow?"
Tubbo asked.
(Phil is the god of life and Kristin of death)
"I think there is.."
Kristin said sitting Ranboo and Tubbo down but keeping phil and Tommy.
"Wait there. We will come back soon."
She said going somewhere else.

After a while they came back and Tommy and wings but they were smaller.
"He can't fly anymore like phil. But he can glide!"
Kristin said starting to lift the spirit in the hall.
(Like in the origin smp yk?)
They all thanked them and went back to there home.
At that time Dream was back in prison reported by George who saw him in the woods. George was tearing up because he couldn't believe Dream would do such a thing again. And he was disappointed in Dream and himself, why did he fall for such a guy.

A/N: ok so I didn't know how to end it so here have some angst :D bye bye!

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