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No one POV.

Ranboo and Tommy have been dating for two years now. At first everything was perfekt, Ranboo took Tommy to a online dates and that's how they both got together, but they kept it a secret. Not even their best friends knew.

Tommy would sometimes ask if Ranboo would come to England for his 17 birthday, but Ranboo would say
'I can't' or 'my parents not allow me fly away' and Tommy always understood. But what he didn't understand is when Tubbo asked if Ranboo could fly to England he said yes...
"Maybe it was for a surprise and Tubbo didn't know"
Tommy thought to himself or at least tried to think.

-the day of Ranboos arrival-

Tubbo asked Tommy if he could also come to his place and Tommy said maybe in a few days after Ranboo comes.

Ranboo also asked Tommy if he could come but Tommy gave the same answer. Ranboo was sad at that and said that Tommy should come as quick as he could. Tommy was happy that Ranboo wanted him there too so he agreed.

That night Tubbo streamed and Tommy decided to watch it but he clicked on it on the wrong time.
They were flirting and it didn't seem as a joke, but luckily he found out later that it was dare.

-later that night-

Tommy was texting with Ranboo and Tommy said that he would come the next day. Ranboo told tubbo and they were really excited.

-the next day-

Tommy arrived at Tubbo's place to Tubbo and Ranboo flirting, again. Tommy thought it was fine
"They are joking, nothing more.."
He thought to himself.

Later day tubbo and Ranboo were playing in the dream smp and they got married platonically.. people thought it was not actually platonically and they just said that to not get that much of the drama. (Ik that they got married before the meet up but idc)
Tommy was hurt of that because they actually acted like they were together so he wanted to talk to Ranboo.

-same day just later at night-

"Hey Ranboo can we talk?"
Tommy asked.
"Mhm sure"
Ranboo said. Tubbo was already asleep so they went downstairs. Tommy shuts the door and sits down on the sofa.
"I think we should out our relationship..!"
Tommy said hope in his eyes.
"Tommy you know I don't want to.."
"Then can you please stop flirting with other people... It makes me uncomfortable.."
Tommy said the last part Muffeld
"Why I mean like it's just a joke?"
Ranboo said.
"I-I just don't like it!"
"And we are dating but you act like your dating Tubbo people are literally thinking that you are!"
"It's not like I'm actually in love with tubbo, it's just as a joke"
Ranboo said
Tommy says on the verge of tears but he can still keep them in.
"Why would I? I don't want to."
"Well then you probably care for tubbo more then me"
Tommy said.
Ranboo almost shouts.
"But we are dating for almost two years what do you mean your not ready to out it? You know what we don't have to but please just shut it down Ranboo!"
Tommy pleads.
"You know what, if you don't like it then lets just break up!"
Ranboo shouts.
Tommy shouts back tears streaming from his eyes. He takes suitcase and leaves.
"Tell Tubbo im not feeling well"
"Tommy wait-"
"Shut it Ranboo"
Tommy opened the living room door and then he saw him, Tubbo, who Heard the whole conversation.
"Sorry but I need to go-"
"Please stay Tommy.."
"I need to go Tubbo thank you for having me"
But it was to late Tommy was already out the door.

He whipped away his tears and sat in the train with his hood on, he didn't want to risk being noticed because this wasn't the train home.

When Tommy got out of the train he started to walk to an Apartment, to be exact to Wilburs apartment.
Wilbur opened the door to a person who was very red under the eyes and looked like he was abandoned.
"Hey Wil...."
"Tommy?!? What are you doing here it's like 2am?"
"Can I please come in..?"
Wilbur took Tommy inside and when Tommy sat down he immediately broke down in tears and threw his phone away.
"What wrong Tommy?"
"We- We broke up.."
"What? Who?"
Wilbur was shocked, Ranboo, the guy who always flirted with Tubbo, Tommy's best friend.

Wilbur made Tommy some tea and picked up Tommy's phone to see a lot of missed calls from Tubbo and Ranboo and a lot of messages. Tommy calmed down and told Wilbur everything. Wilbur was none the less furios he thought Ranboo was a good guy, guess he wasn't.

"Fuck him Tommy let's go out!"
Wilbur said trying to lighten the mood
"Mhm ok"
Tommy gave him a little smile.

Tommy and Wilbur went out, wilbur gave Tommy some nice clothes, they were just outside. They went to the gas station to buy some chips/crisps and (white ultra) monster (I FUCKING LOVE THAT)

-in the mean time-

Ranboo started to cry because he lost someone who he loved more then anything.
"Do you know where he could be?"
He asked putting on his jacket and taking a bag of stuff
"Where are you going?"
Ranboo managed to say between sniffles.
"WE are going to look for Tommy, I don't think he went back home he said that he was going to stay here like 3 months"
"But where could he go?"
"Maybe to George's house or Wilbur!"
"Let's go then, I need to apologize for being a dick"
Ranboo said while standing up.
"You better"
Tubbo said with a glare.

-when they arrived with the train-

They arrived at the train station and instantly made their way to Wilburs house but on the way the saw a blond I front of a 24-hour open shop seemed like he was waiting for someone or something.

Ranboo shouted running towards him. Tommy looked terrified and ran into the shop.

"Wil they are here!"
Tommy said.
"We need to get out of here and no one should know that we are together."
Tommy said already dragging him out.
He only replied took out his phone and texted a person.

"Tommy please wait!"
Tubbo shouted not noticing Wilbur.
The only thing Tommy said while looking at another person with wide eyes.
The person said.
" talk later you know how to get out of here?"
Wilbur said
"Mhm com here"
He said and lead them into a building.

"Thank you Alex"
Tommy said catching his breath.
"Wait- your Alex?!"
Wilbur realized it, it was Tommy's ex from Highschool.
"Uhm nice to meet you"
Alex said.
(Tommy and Alex broke up because of college but everything is okay between them)

They talked for a bit and later on at around 7am Wilbur called cab and they got back home.
But Tommy when he looked at his phone got even sadder getting reminded that he lost his boyfriend probably to his best friend.

Ranboo tried to reach out to Tommy the whole time but he didn't answer.

"Just talk to him and get it clear, he needs to stop blowing up your phone."
Wilbur said.
"No buts do it."

'Please answer..'
'Are you okay'
'Where are you?'
Were a few of his last messages.
'Look, im sorry I snapped but please I still love you'
Ranboo texted seeing that Tommy was reading his messages.
'I don't know Ranboo I just need space right now'
Tommy texted and went offline.

dayummmm but like lemme explain how l created this.... Idk.

Well I started when i was feeling really shit because family and shit (I do not like them) so I was ANGST.
I started this totally sad and frustrated and then I took a break because of my best friend (if you see this, no you don't) and when I finished it I was actually ok and was like ';( why did I write angst?'
So I DIDNT know how to end it but I still hope this was okay (I should've finished it when I still was sad lmao-) oh yea and sorry if it doesn't make sense at some parts-

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