🤍Enderman kisses just for you🖤part 2

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No one POV.

Tommy and Ranboo stayed a few days with Philza and Techno because Tommy didn't want anyone to see Ranboo kissing him. Ranboo would never leave Tommy's side (going to the toilet was hard for Tommy😔🤚🏻)

Tommy POV.
It was around three days since me and Ranboo went to Phil's house.
"PhilLlLLLLlL!!! Do you know when Ranboo is gonna be back to normal?"
"I don't know mate, last time it was also lasted like 3days"
Phil said, already used to Ranboo clinging to me. I wanted to make myself a cup of tea but Ranboo would not let me stand up from the couch.

No one POV.
"RanboOOoOoOo when are you gonna be back to normal you bitch? I miss the the normal Ranboo.."
Tommy whined but the last part was muffled

"⏃⍙⍙ ⏁⍜⋔⋔⊬"

Ranboo said and Tommy was confused af.
"When your back to normal you need to teach me enderman"
Ranboo just nodded at Tommy even tho he only understood: you, me and enderman.

                                   ~time skip~

No one POV.
Ranboo fell asleep and Tommy could get out of his grip. Tommy decided to go on a walk because who knows how long Ranboo is gonna cling on him. But Tommy also kinda liked it... especially because Tubbo and Ranboo would be the whole time together and sometimes flirt. That 'sometimes' happend a lot and Tommy didn't only feel left behind but also jealous of Tubbo for getting to spend so much time with a nice guy like Ranboo. Tommy really liked Ranboo but he would never admit it because he is literally platonically married to his best friend and Tommy would never want to harm him. So he ignored his feeling towards the ender boy.
"Hey Tommy! Do you know where Ranboo is?"
Tubbo came out of now where and asked.
"Uhmm no sorry..."
Tommy lied.
{of course he only thought about Ranboo even tho I was also gone..}
Tommy thought knowing this would happen but he still was curious of why Tubbo sounded so excited.
"Did something happen?"
"Yea well me and Ranboo have been looking for Micheals real parents and I think we found them!"
"There piglings, they literally look all the same tubbo"
"I know but they look a little different from the rest just like micheal! But that also means we have to give him away..."
Tubbo said at first with excitement and then got kinda sad but still with a smile.
"Why don't you guys wanna keep him?"
"Tommy we both aren't capable of having a child yet.
And with the whole shit going on it's really hard...."
"Well tubbo your doing it for Micheal so think about that! He'll probably be better if in the nether"
Tommy said trying to cheer up tubbo.
"Well I gotta search for Ranboo, bye Tommy!"
Tommy was feeling really bad for tubbo but he understood why it was a better choice. He also passed by other people.

                                    ~time skip~

Tommy went back to Phil's place and saw that Ranboo was back to normal. He was kinda sad because he would go back to Tubbo but it was okay. Phil and Ranboo were talking when Tommy came into the room and Ranboo was heavily blushing.
"Whats going on?"
"Oh nothing mate just telling Ranboo what happend!"
Phil said and Tommy was first confused but then he understood what Phil was saying and Tommy was also now really red and started to scream probably directed at Phil but who knows.
"Well I mean he asked and he also has to know!"
Phil said and looked at Ranboo suspiciously.
"W-what's wrong Phil?"
Ranboo said
"Why were you kissing and clinging on Tommy?"
"Oh uhmmm I don't know..?"
Ranboo said starting to blush even harder.
"Mhm, sure it doesn't have to do anything with real life?"
Phil asked probably trying to find something out
"Yea I'm sure!"

"Oh shit Yea, Ranboo, Tubbo was looking for you!"
Tommy barged into the conversation.
"Huh? Why?"
"Something about Micheal!"
"WHAT?! Well I need to go! Thank you for taking care of me!"
Ranboo said before speeding throw the door probably to Tubbo.
"Well that was weird dont you think mate?"
Phil said.
"Yea kinda.."
"Well why do you think he was like that his enderman state?"
"He just probably thought I was Tubbo or some shit..."
Tommy said and you could hear the hurt.
"Well maybe not! What if he didn't think that mate!"
Phil said to Tommy trying to cheer him up.
"No, it's like that. I mean there married so what would be the other reason?"
Tommy said and walked away.

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