Why are you going?

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A/N: sorry for not posting I didn't have motivation and school is fucking with my mind. But good news is I don't have limited time on my phone :D
(I'm case you didn't know my parents saw that I was on Wattpad almost everyday for 6 hours or so especially at night so they gave my screen time 😃👍🏻)

-in this story it's (finally) completely normal to be LGBTQ+ :3
-twist there is still shit you can get forced to by your parents

Third person pov.
Tommy was the youngest sibling of the Minecraft family but that doesn't mean he got all the attention from his parents.

In fact he got the least attention. But it didn't really matter to him, he had everything he needed. A good friend, a cow and freedom from his parents/rules. If he wanted to sneak out. He did it. If he wanted to go buy useless shit he didn't need. He did it.

More to the family:
The Minecraft family has four members, as one passed away when Tommy was four.
Philza Minecraft. The father and well the person who got the money in the family. He is a successful business man and therefore very wealthy.
Technoblade or Techno. The oldest son and well the pride of Philza. Techno is good at fencing and well to be short good at every sport and is also a good student.
Wilbur. The middle child. Wilburs likes to flirt with other guys or girls and plays the guitar. He spends a lot of time with Tommy but often gets called by his father as he should take on the family business.
And at last Tommy. Tommy is the youngest and the child who gets the least attention or none of it. He likes to play the piano. He is usually in his room or out with his friends ( damm why am I calling myself out right now?).

Third person pov.

Today Tommy and Wilbur decided to go out to the city for some brother time. Techno also cleared out his plans so he could get tag along with his brothers. He was Fairly upset when Wilbur said they wouldn't be riding their horses to the city.
"But why not?" Techno asked Wilbur as they got out of the house.
"Because it's a fucking city Techno. We're not in the fucking Middle Ages man." Wilbur said while getting his phone out to call an Uber.

When they got to the city, they decided to get food first because they didn't really eat anything. After some Chinese food Wilbur decided to go to his favorite store and buy Tommy good ass looking clothes.

They have now almost payed 500$ and it wasn't even 03:00 o'clock.
"You better not be spending this much money when you take over dads place." Techno said letting a quiet laugh out.
"About that... I'm planning on telling him that I'm not gonna take over the family business.." Wilbur said.
Techno and Tommy froze up. Techno wasn't wasn't taking the business and Wilbur didn't want to either. So only one solution. Tommy takes it over or Phil sales the business, which he is never going to do because he is too proud of it.
"Wilbur. Phil is gonna be mad about this.." techno said looking at Wilbur and then slowly turning to Tommy. All three knowing what will happen.
"Shit" was all Tommy managed to say still under shock.

They all went home after that to break the news to Phil. Wilbur and Techno went to Phils office while Tommy went back to his room.
{if I do this I won't get my freedom anymore.}
He thought. He knew that Phil was working almost 24/7 so if he takes over the business he'll probably have to work more then that.
"TOMMY? Please come downstairs!" Phil shouted.
This was it. Maybe Wilbur was just joking and he just called him down to eat dinner.

Tommy went downstairs, seeing Wilbur and techno looking guilty, knowing how much he doesn't want to take over the business.
"We need to talk mate." Phil said before sitting down. Tommy string in between Wilbur and Techno.
"Look, in leaving the Business to you mate" Phil said giving Tommy a smile.
"HELL NO!" Tommy shouted getting up.
"I am not going to take that over. I would rather marry somebody then do that." Tommy said going out of the room.

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