Not so impossibly..

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Part 2 to impossible love <3

Third perosn POV.

Wilbur came back after a few hours and Tommy was excited you could say. He had hope and excitement in his eyes and a little bit of sadness. Wilbur came to the shore and looked at Ranboo.
„I spoke with XD and he said it'll take a few days for him to make the potion-„
„So hell do it? Ranboo can come into water!" Tommy interrupted shaking Wilbur rapidly.
„-no. But you'll be able to go on land! He doesn't know if it is possible to make an enderman go into water, because his like allergic but it'll be hard for you to become human. It's a complete different potion and task then I got!" he said a little worried.

„What do you mean task?" Ranboo asked slowly becoming worried. Tommy and niki also looked confused at Wilbur.

„Well I had to prove that I would be worthy of getting this tail and breathing underwater. I don't know how it'll be for you but I had to get the ingredients for the potion myself.." Wilbur said.
„Well what could I have to do if not collect some seaweed or something of other drug-„ Tommy asked.
„Well XD said in the ocean there are a lot of other stuff you could do like: swimming to one of the deepest parts of the Ocean or getting a squids heart or something like that" Wilbur said thinking.
„Wait but like wouldn't that be harming the squid?! That's cruel! And you guys live underwater!" Niki said hopping for another way without harming anyone. They discussed a few other ways of how Tommy could become human after that and later on they separated ways.

„Hey Wil, do you think Tubbo could also become a human if I do it?" Tommy asked as they were swimming home.
„I don't know Tommy maybe?"

Time skip to when they're home

Tommy swam into a giant cave with Wilbur to als XD what he would have to do to become part human.

„Uhm- we can come back later-?" Tommy asked clearly embarrassed in what he and Wilbur just swam in. XD was trying to pin George to a wall because human would do that stuff and they other person would (sometimes) find that attraktiv.
„NO. this is the perfekt moment am I right George?" Wilbur said swimming towards them full speed and taking George to himself.

George was like always unfazed but was a little red the whole time. XD grunted at the loss of his precious merman but decided to hear Tommy out.

„Well what do I have to do to become part human?" Said Tommy asked shyly. XD made a list appear in front of him and checked a few stuff off.

„Well here is a list of the stuff I'll need but remember you'll have to earn them yourself/pick them yourself or else the potion will not work and could end fatale." XD said making the list float over to Tommy.
„But here are stuff you can only get on land?" Wilbur asked looking at the list with Tommy.
„Well I could only collect the stuff that wouldn't mess with the potion there are only one or two stuff left on land. I cant really help with getting them I'm not allowed in those parts/he has to pick them himself so it'll work"

Wilbur still wasn't very satisfied. He looked stern at the list. „It's okay Wil, I'll get the stuff it can't be that hard right?" Tommy said with half a smile then looking at XD for reassurance.
„Well it'll be hard to go into the nether but you'll survive of your there only for 10 minutes max 17 minueted with this potion" he said making a potion appear informs of Tommy. He grabbed it and put it in the bag he brought with him. Then he also put the list into the bag and thanked XD.

Time skip a few days

Tommy collected a few things that weren't to hard and were in the sea like: a black pearl and a white one, a light from a Anglerfish (this was a little tricky and really fucking disgusting cause the fish was dead) and from the land an orange.

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