❓Impossible love❓

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-in this au Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur etc. are merman and Ranboo, Jack, Techno etc. are humans/earth creatures

No one POV.

Tommy was swimming in the ocean with Tubbo looking at the few ships that were floating above the surface. That's when an idea struck to Tommy's mind.
"Let's see what the humans are doing!"
He said looking at tubbo.
"But Wilbur is gonna be mad if he finds out!"
Tubbo said.
"Nop he won't, he's to busy simping over 'gogy'."
Tommy said and grabbed Tubbo's hand.

They both swam to the shore and were spying at the people who were around. Some were drinking weird liquids (alcohol) or eating something called ice cream (Wilbur taught that Tommy and Tubbo)!

"Look! There's Wilbur!"
Tubbo said pointing to a man with brown Loks and a yellow t-shirt.
Tommy shouted waving.
Tubbo then shouted too.
The man looked at them and quickly ran over to them.
"What are you guys doing here?!"
He asked pushing the boys a little bit down.
"You guys shouldn't be here! What if people will see you?"
He asked.
"We just wanted to see some shit you bitch.."
Tommy said looking away from Wilbur.
Wilbur just sighed.
"Ok fine. But just don't let anyone see you"
He said again and the two younger boys just nodded.

Here Wilbur was at first in love with a mermaid called sally. She somehow gave him the gift to turn into a merman and back to his original form.

Sadly in an accident sally passed away leaving her son and husband. After years Wilbur finally found someone who he could love again, George.

Fundy cant turn into a merman but he knows they exist. He is a hybrid fox and human both from Wilbur. Weird because Wilbur didn't know that some of his ancestors were fox hybrids, so they were happy to keep that in the family.


No one POV.
Tommy and tubbo didn't really listen to what Wilbur said, they swam to a place where there weren't any people like never.
"Wilbur is such a bitchhhh"
Tommy whined as he laid down on the sand.
"Well I mean he is right"
Tubbo said laying next to him. Tommy just whined more and Tubbo laughed.
"I'm kinda hungry wanna get something to eat?"
Tubbo suddenly said.
"Ye but imma still lay here a little"
Tommy said and tubbo just nodded then crawled back to the water.

After a few minutes Tommy heard a distant noise, what it was? Probably a bunny or something. But for safety reasons he quickly went back into the water and Swam behind a rock. Some kind of really tall creature appeared. It didn't look like a human but it also didn't look like and animal he was ever seen.

It had skin that was half white and half black (more black) and green and red eyes. It had two horns and a black tail, it was also wearing a suit.
'Weird outfit for a hot day'
Tommy thought as he kept looking at the very tall creature. Wilbur never told him about this looking kind of creature and god did Wilbur tell Tommy and Tubbo a lot about the world above the water.

The creatures ears twitched (TWITCH PRIME) and it looked directly at the water then to the rock.
"Is someone there..?"
He asked, sounding very nervous.
Tommy didn't say anything. The creature then let it's wings out. Beautiful black wings with little purple particles showing up.

Tommy whispered to himself not realizing that it was flying in his direction.

"Hey you!"

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