✨Wilburs little brother✨

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-ok so this is gonna be a longer one shot and I'm sorry if it's cringe 💀🤚🏻
-no Dream smp because it wouldn't make sense there just all good friends and are famous
-Ranboo lives in the UK 😃

No one POV.
Wilbur was streaming on twitch with Phil, Tubbo and Ranboo, when suddenly they heard a faint 'I'm hungryyyy'
"Then eat dumbass!"
Wilbur shouted back.
"Who was that?"
Ranboo asked
"I bet that was Tommy!"
Tubbo said excitedly.
"My little brother."
Wilbur said while going out of his room.

"We DONT have food Wil."
Tommy said as Wilbur entered the kitchen.
"Mhm, I bet we have some food."
"No, not a fucking crum you bitch."
"Ok ok, let's just order pizza"
Wilbur said trying as fast as he could to go back to his stream.
"Where do you think your going?"
Tommy said going in front of the door.
"Back to my stream Toms"
"Cant we just watch a movie together?"
Tommy said giving him the puppy eyes.
"Ok sure, let me end it"
"Yayyy :D"
Wilbur smiled at his little brother at went into his streaming room.
"So your leaving us hanging huh?"
Ranboo said sarcastically.
"Yeaaa, I'm gonna watch a film with Tommy. So gotta end the stream!"
"We'll have fun mate, and say hi to Tommy for me-"
Phil said
Tommy shouted from the other room before he could say anything else.

With that Wilbur ended the stream and left the call, where his friends were. Tommy orderd a pizza and when it came they started a movie together.

                                      ~time skip~

No one POV.
Wilbur wanted to film a vlog today with his friend George. And Tommy would be alone at home so he decided to take Tommy with him so he wouldn't die of boredom. It was just going to be a normal shopping vlog because people wanted to have vlogs and some just wanted content with Tommy.

As they went into another shop Tommy found something interesting.
"OOoOooO Gogy glasses!"
He said as he took them onto his hands.
"George I found somethings that I think belongs to you?"
Tommy said.
"What did you find Toms?"
Wilbur said as he fix-aided the camera towards Tommys hands.
"Omg, my glasses Tommy! From where do you have them?"
George said in his surprised tone.
"From your bag George."
Tommy said pointing to Georges bag. And surprisingly they actually weren't there.
"Wait- where the actual fuck are they-?"
George said.
"They're in you pocket gogy"
Tommy said. And George found them. Guess Tommy really planned it out.

Wilbur was editing the video while Tommy and George were cooking some pasta for dinner. Tommy was just joking around with George and when they were done they decided to go live on Wilburs account and play geogeusser (I hope I wrote this correctly), but Tommy didn't want to play. He decided to watch a film instead.

Tommy shouted from the other room.
"Whats up Tommy?"
George said because Wilbur was very concentrated.
Tommy came inside the room wearing a large yellow hoody and it looked like he wasn't wearing any shorts.
"I stole Wilburs hoody, so it'll be gone forever now."
Tommy said and then simply smiled.
"NoOooOoO- TOMMY!"
Wilbur raised his voice in shook as he turned around to see his younger brother.
"What's wrong-?"
He said before getting cut off by Wilbur.
"it's looks like your not wearing anything under the hoodie!! >:("
He said and George started to laugh at the comment.
"Oh, maybe I'm not?"
Tommy said back with a smirk.
"HUH? You better be wearing some shorts-!"
"I am Wil, chill out bitch."
Tommy said as he sat himself to the other boys.
Wilbur said. After that Tommy joined the stream for the last 30 minutes.

After they ended the stream, they began to eat the pasta and just talk about what they could do while George was with them.

They decided to also meet up with a few other people that lived near by like, Tubbo, Fundy, Niki and well Ranboo. Someone Tommy never met and just heard about or watched a few of his streams.


No one POV.
Ranboo was watching Wilburs steam, while making some pancakes ( ik that it's late ok-?), every few minutes looking to the stream. He wasn't paying attention to the stream till a certain blond came in.

The blonds name was Tommy, he had a very large hoodie on and a big beautiful smile.

{wait-. What am I thinking?!}

Ranboo was confused of his thoughts for Tommy. He just wanted to be able to hug him and he looked so perfekt in Ranboos eyes. As the stream ended Ranboo knew he had to somehow get to know Tommy and for now he just let his feelings be, maybe he just wanted him as a friend and not more.

A few minutes after the stream ended Wilbur texted Ranboo asking if he was free for the next day. He also said that Tommy would be joining them, so he would know that another person would see his face if he agreed to meet up.

Now Ranboo was even more excited to meet the blond, so of course he agreed. They decided to go to Tubbos place first and after a day or two they would go to Wilburs place (the meet up would be for some days).

~the meet up~
No one pov.
Tommy was very well known on a platform called Tik Tok so he decided to post a video of him and Wilbur boarding a train. People were asking like crazy where they were going and Tommy said to Florida to meet Dream.

That's when Tommy got a text from Ranboo.
He texted
Tommy texted back while holding Wilbur back from looking His phone.
"Who texted you?!"
Wilbur said trying to grab Tommy's phone.
"Get your filthy hands of my phone bitch!"
Tommy said back.
'Wait a sec Wilburs being a bitch'
Tommy quickly texted Ranboo and then put his phone away so Wilbur would calm down.

After a good 20 minutes Wilbur fell asleep and Tommy took his phone to text Ranboo again.

When Wilbur woke up he saw Tommy smiling at his phone (but not like a normal smile yk?). So Wilbur quickly looked at who the contact was and he was surprised.
"Since when have you been texting Ranboo?"
"HUH? WIL do not look at my phone!!"
Tommy said putting it away.
"Well I me a how could I not? You were grinning at it and you are redder then usual."
Wilbur said.
"Oh well gotta get out of the train! Let's talk later!"
Tommy said picking up his stuff and thanking god for the savior.

A/N: ok so this is gonna be a longer one-shot but just of like 2-3 chapters! I hope you liked it so far! Also I'm working on multiple one-shots so I'm sorry I can't post everyday, I try to make them always around 1000 words so it'll not be so short!

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