👤Littel secrets👤

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-this chapter starts where Tommy was still in a very young age.

Third person POV.
It was late at night and mumza (idk if she is comfortable with using her irl name in ff) was walking home to her three children and her husband.

That's when it hit her. literally. A car was speeding over a red light right over her. There wasn't much traffic but one car saw it all and immediately called an ambulance.

She didn't make it.

They tried everything. But it was to late. Three children and a grown man were sitting in the waiting room. All sobbing or crying just not Tori.

She couldn't understand what was happening. No one could blame her, she was four. Asking where mama was and asking when they could go home.

Wilbur and Techno tried to explain that mama wasn't going to come home, but she just shook her head rapidly saying "NO mama wouldn't leave us alone... right?.." some tears left her face while hugging Wilbur. Slowly understanding that mama wasn't going to come back so soon. But she would still come one day!


From there on it was always silent on the house. Techno was just in his room and Phil would go to work every chance he got. Wilbur was the only one that helped tori do the dishes, which she would usually do with mama. And play with her and her dolls or mostly Barbie cars or lego.

"When's Papa coming home?" She asked looking at her brother.
"I don't know Tori, probably when your sleeping..?"
Wilbur said again looking a little bit sad.

He would almost do that everyday. Tori never saw him, only on Sundays if Phil would stay home. She didn't like it of course, but what could she do? Her only escape to having a normal life was trough kindergarten with her best friends Tubbo and Eryn (I don't really know how's he is like so sorry-).

-Little time skip-

"What are those?" Tori asked her babysitter Amelie.
"Oh Tori you you'll also get them! But only when your much older" she said (if you don't understand she is referring to her 🍒yk)
"But I don't want them.. why don't Wilbur and techno have them?" Tori said sad and confused.
"Because their boys Tori.. and your a girl!"
She said trying to cheer her up.

She'll get over that stage, right?

She didn't.

She always said how boys probably have everything better and she just hates being a girl. She was always complaining to Wilbur.

When she was eight she stopped.

They all thought, that she had passed that stage but oh god she didn't.

She always asked her someone in the Familie to cut her hair a bit. It was to her shoulders someday. Not like when she was younger, there she had long blond hair that went almost to her waist.

Now it's short. And she liked it so much more.

(I don't know what it's like not feeling comfortable in your own body, so I'm sorry if I'm writing something wrong about being trans!! <3)

Tori met up with Tubbo and Eryn to show them her now haircut! She was very excited because now she started to look a little bit more like..
well a boy?

She didn't know why she liked looking more like a boy then a girl, but one thing was sure. She didn't want anybody to know.

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