A nice family💕 (tomboo)

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-Tommy and Ranboo are married and Tommy wants to have a daughter really bad so they both go to the adoption center to help an orphan (before techno kills it-👩🏼‍🦯)
-Wilbur got revived but is nicer-

No one POV.

Tommy always wanted a child that's his to keep, but he never knew if Ranboo wanted one or how his Family would react.

He was hinting that to Ranboo with always saying how cute he thought were children looking/buying stuff for children and other stuff.

Ranboo was not understanding why he loved children's toys so he asked Wilbur about it.

"He just probably wants to have a kid or he is getting a chance to be a child you know? Because of trauma and shit."
Wilbur said as if it was completely clear to anyone.
"oh I didn't think of that. That Wilbur!"
Ranboo said while going back home.
"Am I really that clueless?"
Ranboo mumbled while thinking about all the stuff that would make it so clear that Tommy wanted a child.

~At the same time somewhere else~

Tommy shouted confused af
"I don't know toms he's just really dumb."
Tubbo answered as he got himself more chips.
Tommy groaned and slapped his forehead. Until a certain half enderman walked through the door panting.
"You good man?"
Tubbo asked.
Ranboo said shaking Tommy.
Tommy shouted back excitedly. Ranboo got his breath back and felt really stupid.
"You know I would like to have a child with you!"
Ranboo said.
"rinG riNg, uh Someone calling me I need to go- BYE!"
Tubbo said awkwardly and ran out of the house.
Ranboo and Tommy started to laugh at that.
"Well then let's go to a adoption center tomorrow?"
Tommy said excited and they continued to talk about children.

~time skip~

No one POV.
Tommy and Ranboo got a train to the city. The lady at the adoption center was nice she introduced them to the kids and they were all well behaved.

Ranboo and Tommy took interest in two girls. A mooshrom hybrid and a moth hybrid.

They spoke to them and decided to adopt both of them. But before they could do that they had to fill out a lot of paperwork.

After a week Tommy and Ranboo could finally adopt both the girls (btw. Mooshroom hybrid= Hailey 6 years old, Moth hybrid= Clementine [; 7 years old ) Both girls were very happy and before they went to their new home hey could get some clothes and toys.

After a long day in the city they went home and Tommy made pasta because he didn't know what they liked. In the evening they watched a film together and invited Tubbo too. Tubbo was happy for them and now he had two cute nieces.

Tommy POV.
I was really happy that we adopted to girls. We already set up a bedroom for them both, which is looking very good.

We decided to watch Bay max and the girls loved it.
But Hailey fell asleep at the end, so we decided to stop so she could also see the ending.

"When are you gonna tell Phil?"
Tubbo asked.
{shit, I didn't think of that} I thought to myself.
"I don't know, we're only 19 what is he going to think?!"
I asked slightly panicking.
"It's okay I'm sure they're gonna love them!"
Ranboo barged in trying to calm me down ( which I appreciate very much).
"You know what, your probably right. The girls can get comfortable here and then we can tell them!"
"Good idea toms!"
Tubbo said patting my shoulder.
{I hope they aren't going to freak out..}

~time skip~

No one POV.
Almost two weeks passed since Tommy and Ranboo adopted Clementine and Hailey. It was all going well, Ranboo and Tommy would sometimes go out for work meanwhile someone (mostly Tubbo) looked after the girls.

Tommy completely forgot that he didn't tell anyone but Tubbo and Wilbur about his kids. That was until he got a letter from his dear father, Philza Minecraft.

"Tommy, you got a letter!"

Ranboo walked towards the blond and handed him
the letter.
"Oh thanks Ranboo!"
"So, what does it say?"
"Phil wants to do a family reunion.."
Tommy said realizing that he hadn't told them about their daughters.
"Well you wanna go there?"
"Ranboo, did you forget we never told them anything. And I haven't spoken to them for so long."
"Well then, I guess it's time we tell them."
Ranboo said reassuring Tommy.

So Tommy decided to go to the family Reunion. But before he called Wilbur to ask him if he was also going. And of course the said yes.

Tommy and Ranboo decided to go to the city with Clementine and Hailey to look for some nice clothes to wear to the dinner.

"Why do we need to buy new clothes papa?"
Clementine asked.
"Because we want to look pretty when you girls meet your second uncle and grandpa!"
"Really we have another one?! Is he also as cool as uncle Wilby?"
Hailey asked with excitement.
"I don't know you decide Hailey."
Tommy said.
"Ok well we're here pick out a nice dress girls!"
Ranboo said.
"Ok dad!"
Both of the girls said.
"And of they go-"
"We better go after them"
Tommy interrupted Ranboo.
"Yea you're probably right."

Hailey picked out a dress that had a pink/ reddish skirt and a white top. It fitted really good with the little mushroom on her head.

Clementine also picked out a white dress with little pink flowers on it.

~time skip~

It was finally the day, where Phil, Techno and probably everyone would find out about Clementine and Hailey.

"I'm really nervous.."
Tommy said to Ranboo in front of Phil's door.
"It'll be okay Toms, I promise"
"Ok.. let's go inside girls"
Tommy said while knocking on the door.

"Hey Tommmy-!"
"h-Hey Phil! What's up?"
Tommy said
"Um who's that behind you guys?"
Phil asked as he lookups closer.
"Um I'll explain later.. can we come in?"
"Oh of course mate"

The little family went inside and Techno was in shook seeing two little kids.

"Are those orphans?"
"No were not! Papa and dad adopted us!"
Hailey said proud.
Techno said completely in shook and Phil also froze.
"Aww hey clementine, hey Hailey!"
Wilbur said going towards the little girls.
"Uncle Wilbur!"
Clementine shouted while running into his arms.
"Mind explaining Tommy?"
Phil asked gesturing to the table.
Tommy said picking up Hailey and going to the table.

Tommy told them why and how they got the girls and for his surprise Phil and techno weren't mad or disappointed. Tommy was releaved and was actually happy that he told them.

"Can we have some candy uncle Techno?"
Hailey asked Techno.
"I don't know if your allowed tho-"
He said before it came. Hailey and Clementine started to do the puppy eyes.
"God, how can I say no to that?"
Techno said
{god they got the puppy eyes fron Tommy, how am I gonna survive with them?}

A/N: I hope this was okay! I'll have summer break soon so more one-shots are gonna come! Bye bye

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