You dip-shit (tomboo)🤚🏻

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No one POV.
It was a autumn night and pretty cold. Ranboo was taking a stroll in the park and he had clothes on, that you would be wearing in summer. He didn't care though because when he went out it wasn't cold for him, but now it was actually getting cold.

Tommy lived close by the park so Ranboo decided to go to Tommy's place for a little bit. He knocked at the door two times before (a wild) TommyInnit opened the door for him.

"Huh? What are you doing here Ranboo?"
"Oh Uhm just wanted to visit?"
"Why are you dressed like your going to the beach at 1am on a cold Autumn night then?"
Tommy asked raising an eyebrow.
"Uhmm it wasn't as cold as now when I went out"
"Mhm, come in dip-shit your gonna get a cold."
Tommy gestured Ranboo in.
"Awww does Tommy actually care for me??"
Ranboo said clearly teasing him.
"No, the cold was getting in the house that's why."
Ranboo frowned at that.

Tommy made a cup of tee for Ranboo and himself and they sat down on the couch. Ranboo sneezed and Tommy looked at him with a 'I told you' look but Ranboo knew that at the end there would be a 'you dip-shit'.

"I know, sorry."
Ranboo interrupted Tommy.
"Well what was I going to say then?"
"That you told me and im a dip-shit.."
"Huh? What were you gonna say then?"
Ranboo asked at Tommy just sighed at him.
"Let me please finish. I was going to say: you can stay here for the night if you want to.."
Tommy said and Ranboo was kinda surprised, he didn't expect Tommy to let him stay or well say that he can say because Ranboo didn't ask.

Tommy started a movie and went to the kitchen. He made Ranboo some chicken soup at 2am.
"Thank you!"
"Your welcome."
Ranboo tasted the soup and it was actually really good, he did not know Tommy was good cook.
"Damm Tommy this is really good!"
"Thanks! Wilbur always made it when I was sick."
He said with a proud smile.

Tommy got two blankets and a few pillows. One blanket for Ranboo at one for him, he didn't plan to go to his bed and leave Ranboo on the couch. At the mean time Ranboo finished his soup. Tommy also got a Thermometer and Measured Ranboo's
temperature. Tommy was shocked.
Ranboo said whining like a child.
"I can throw you out anytime Ranboo."
Ranboo said and Tommy laughed at that.

Ranboo laid down and Tommy sat next to him. After awhile Ranboo fell asleep and Tommy laid down on the other sofa and also fell asleep.

A/N: well I just wanted to post something so I'll probably make a part 2! And :O first tomboo one where you can also see it platonically but the second part idk-

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