🖤Ender kisses for you🤍(tomboo)

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No one POV.
It was a normel day for most of the people, George was sleeping,Techno was farming potatoes and the people were just doing what they normally did. Except for Ranboo who would be normally gathering resources or hanging out with friends.
Ranboo got himself a dirt block and was walking around the prime path. Most of the people knew he had an 'enderman phase' so they would just say hello and go on with the day maybe with a dirt block handed to them. Tommy didn't know but didn't really care right now, he just wanted to have a relaxing day.

"Imma see what Phil is doing, maybe he'll give me some gold or other stuff :0"
Tommy wonderd as he made his way to the prime path. Carefully he looked if there was a wandering Ranboo around and he didn't see one. Tommy exhaled and made his way down the prime path.
"Huh? Tommy
(Sorry Idk how to write stuff in enderman)
Ranboo saw Tommy and followed him but didn't go to close because he saw him hiding from something.

~like 5 mins later~
Tommy saw tubbo and ran over to him.
"Hey Tubbo!"
"Hi Tommy!!"
"What are you doing?"
"Oh I just wanted to get some more resources for my house!"
"Ahhh big man's productive I see"
"Jup, and you?"
"Just going to Phil"
"Ok well I gtg bye!"
"Bye big man!"
That's when Tubbo saw Ranboo but didn't say anything. After some walking Tommy almost tripped and the enderman thought he was gonna die so he caught the boy.
"Ranboo?! Since when are you following me ?!?!"
"*enderman that I still can't right :p*"
"Oh your in your enderman Phase"
Ranboo didnt do anything and just kissed Tommy on the forehead
"Huh? (/////)"
Tommy blushed and then proceeded to start walking again. Ranboo followed him but Tommy didn't think anything of that. Ranboo would constantly Grabe Tommy and give him a little kiss somewhere. When Tommy arrived at Philzas house and knocked.
"Doors Open Techno!"
"Hey Phil!!"
"Oh hey Tommy and Ranboo!"
"What up old man"
"Huh?!? Tommy whats going on!?"
"Uhmmm yea he won't stop"
Ranboo grabbed Tommy's waist and hugged him laying his head on Tommy's. Both of them were blushing and Phil started laughing.
"Don't laugh old man!..."
"Oh yeah and Phil.. can we maybe stay the night..?"
"Yea sure pal I have a spare room, mind sharing with Ranboo?"
"I probably have to, he won't let me go!"
Tommy tried to break free but Ranboo hugged him tighter as Phil laughed harder at that.

                                     ~time skip~
Tommy POV.
Ranboo would literally not leave me alone and it was kinda annoying but cute... when I wanted to sleep (because it was 2am) Ranboo pulled me on his lap [that sounds weird..] and put his head on my shoulder. He was holding me really tight so I couldn't go away. It was getting a little uncomfortable so I moved as much as I could and later my head on his chest and began to fall asleep.

In the Morning I Heard a Click sound and it was Phil taking a photo.
"Good Morning Mate! Slept well?"
He said sarcastically and I frowned.
"Leave me alone Phil it's super early!!"
It was indeed 8am. Very early.
"Techno was looking for Ranboo so I wanted to wake you up but I guess Ranboo's still in enderman phase"
"Huh? Really how do know?"
"Uhm mate he's been staring at you the whole time and since you woke up he's been looking at me as if he wanted to kill me.."

No one POV.
Ranboo indeed wanted Phil gone because he made Tommy wake up. But he didn't do anything because Tommy didn't seem upset. Tommy looked at Ranboo and he saw this as an opportunity to give the boy a little kiss.

A/N: sorry this is all I got idk how to continue this- so yea hope you like it!
And thank you for voting on my stories it really gives me motivation! And YAYYY we hit over 160 reads on my first story (Pic-nic date)!!! Thank you so much I didn't know I would even reach out to so much people I just started this for myself and maybe like a few people who also ship it. I would never guess I would hit such a big number. So thank you again for all the support!!💕💕💕✨

Tt: mint0.00

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