You okay?

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- Origin smp (with slight changes for my au)
- fluff


Spring has started and Tommy was walking around with one of his good friends, tubbo. They knew each other well, always there for one another, so tubbo decided to go exploring with Tommy to help him find new materials.

Materials for what? Tommy was half avian (my au: he has bird like instinct's, like Phil, but just his wings aren't fully developed yet), so it meant he wanted to nest. But he wasn't quite sure for what exact reason, it's the first time he has the desire to do this. Phil said it would be a good idea for him to look for stuff, so he invited tubbo to join.

"Omg Look a cow maybe I should take it with me!" Tommy said excited.
"Or maybe you shouldn't! You already have two and I doubt it would help your 'problem'" he said signaling quotes on the word problem.
Tommy pouted but quickly found something new.
"What about those nice flowers!" He asked once again.
"Sure, wait I'll help you get them out properly" tubbo said.

After some time they both went back to Tommy's house, having collected a few flowers, some ores and lastly a few others materials like clay and wool.

"Looks like Phil's out.." Tommy said a little disappointed.
"He is probably also looking for stuff, let me help you make yours!" Tubbo quickly replied trying to kee the mood up. Tommy agreed and they went to make nice pots, blankets and pillows and generally nice things for Tommy to have in his room.

"Ok well I gotta go Boss man" Tubbo said standing up Form Tommy's overfilled bed.
"Aw, okay bye big T" he said giving him a long hug.

"So I see you got some nice things huh?" Phil asked slowly opening the door.
"Mhm, but how do I set up a.. nest..?" Tommy said unsure of how he should've phrased it.
"How you want to mate! Maybe a pillow fort or something like that?" Phil asked patting the place next to him, gesturing that Tommy should come to him. Tommy sat next to him. He hasn't seen phil do something like that for a long time, but he always was especially affectionate in that period of time to him and his brothers techno and Wilbur. Well technically half brothers, as they were adopted but he always thought of them as real family.

"Well I'm gonna make some food and bring it here 'Kay mate?" Phil asked. Tommy nodded and started to set up his 'nest'.

After some time, Phil came back and they ate together in Tommy's half build blanket nest.

"Ughhh something is missingg" Tommy groaned, angrily searching his room for something that would help him. He wasn't quite sure with what but he knew he needed something.
"Oh my fucking god, I'm just gonna watch a movie" he said to himself, stomping into his nest of many blankets and pillows surrounded by a nice lamp tubbo made him that didn't shine to brightly.

"Who the hell is bucky" he quoted quietly snacking one the chocolate he had in his room.
"What?" A familiar voice asked.
"Huh- WHAT?" Tommy jumped up, the person scared him.
"When did you get here dickhead? Couldn't tell me you were coming or what?" Tommy said to the ender prince, he didn't often give him an attitude.
"Well I wanted to but you just started to mumble!" He defended himself.
"Mhm, why are you here Ranboo?" He asked.
"Just because I want to? And what are you sitting in" Ranboo asked getting closer to Tommy inspecting his nest carefully.
"My nest.. it's spring I don't know why I need to do this but it's nice" Tommy said getting shy.
"Ah okay.. can I watch the movie with you?" Ranboo asked taking off his coat because it was very warm.
"Sure" Tommy said looking up at him with a bright smile and tinted red cheeks. Ranboo got in his nest and put an arm around him (slick my guy). Tanks o all the blankets on Tommy's bed, it wasn't an actual two person bed anymore.

They both look away from each other for a good two minutes before resuming to watching the movie. There was a tension between them, neither could really point out what it was, but they somehow still knew what it meant for themselves.

They weren't in a rush to solve the tension, it was somehow comforting to know there was something there without having to confirm it with words. They would rather do it with actions.
For instance, now, cuddling with each other while watching a movie. Ranboos arm around Tommy and his head on Ranboos chest.

Of course no one knew about what ever they had going on, that would be too much stress. Others wanting to know what was going on and wanting updates or just having some kind of expectation of them. And it also made Ranboos life easier, knowing Wilbur wouldn't constantly stalk him.

"I liked the movie" Ranboo said as it ended.
"Me too, I don't know how many times I've already watched it" Tommy replied with a slight chuckle, moving slightly away to put in another one.

"Huh since when are they a thing?" Ranboo asked.
"Since this movie, but I like her with cap more" Tommy said not bating an eye once, while Ranboo has been watching Tommy's eyes light up with excitement, joy, frustration and every other emotion he felt during that half an other they have been watching the movie, only sometimes watching the actual film like tommy.  Oh god how he liked the boy, he just wanted to tell him. But how? He didn't want to ruin the nice atmosphere and what if he has been reading the signs wrong the entire time? Then what!?
"You okay?" Tommy asked out of nowhere.
"Huh-? Yea of course" Ranboo said calling down.
"Your sure? You were almost glowing just then?" Tommy said getting a little bit closer, placing his hand on his forehead.
"Mhm, I'm fine" Ranboo said panicking a bit more now. Tommy wasn't convinced yet, but let it slide.

"God I love that movie too!" Tommy said letting the end credits play, being to lazy to skip them.
"Mhm it was really good I like the new characters" Ranboo said getting little bit more red.
"I know right? Their great" Tommy said taking his time with getting up to watch the third movie. He wasn't tired at all.

Ranboo stopped Tommy in his tracks of getting up, talking his arm making Tommy turn to him confused.
"Shit, please tell me if I shouldn't stop" he said before pulling Tommy into a soft kiss. It wasn't rushed, he had one of his hands on Tommy's arm and the other or Tommy's cheek. He moved his hand to Tommy's waist to pull him a little closer. Tommy was surprised but melted into the kiss putting his hands on Ranboos shoulders. It was a sweet kiss, with many emotions, they broke it and looked at each other not saying anything. Happy with the confirmed feeling.
'Now I know what was missing' Tommy thought to himself blushing madly and getting pulled into another kiss.

I hope I can still write a normal story, but really wanted to post this! So hope you guys liked it!!
(I've never kissed anyone okay idk how to write that stuff)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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