👀Meet up👀

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There are more then one ship here but the main one is Tomboo :P
This is an au where it's like in irl and everyone lives in England :D

No one POV.
George and Tommy and Karl had a very similar style, a skirt (maybe with fishnets), a crop top, let's just say a 'feminine' style. So they meet up to go shopping together. Dream also wanted to Tag along but George said that he should hang out with sap nap.
~time skip~

Tommy POV.
George and Karl kept saying that I also should get a boyfriend so we could go on dates together, but I still think that being single is better and I also have a crush that's why I don't go out on dates when people ask me.
"Come on Tommmmyyyy why don't you go out with the guys that ask you?" Karl asked
"Because I'm not interested."
"Urghhh you can't stay single forever, sap nap proposed to Karl two weeks ago!"
"Yea i know but I just want to find the right person.."
"It's ok we understand, but tell do you have a crush or why don't you try it out with dating?"
George asked curios.
"Uhmmm yea I do so shut up, your lucky were good friends!"
"OOooOoOo tell us!!!"
Karl insisted.
"Nop, now let's go shopping!!"

-at the mall-

No one POV.
The three boys were looking around the shops for some stuff. They also got recognized a lot.
"Wait this water fountain is so pretty let's do a photo!"
Tommy suggested. Karl asked if someone could take a photo for them and they gladly did. Tommy posted ok Twitter and/or Instagramm:
Shopping with the boys!
(A/N: they were all wearing the iconic stuff just with a skirt :3)
After that they went on with shopping. They into a shop and found really pretty stuff.

George got/found this cute outfit

George got/found this cute outfit

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Karl found/got this one

And Tommy found this one

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And Tommy found this one

He posted himself in it and asked'SHOULD I BUY THIS ????'Many answer were yes but one Answer got him flustered

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He posted himself in it and asked
Many answer were yes but one Answer got him flustered. It was the one from Ranboo aka his crush
"He saw my picture..!"
He tought to himself.
George and Karl kept bothering Tommy because of his crush.
Karl screamed back
George also screamed. Karl and George looked at each other and smirked.
"Why are you guys looking like that.."
"You should ask him to have sleepover"
Karl Said very proud of himself
George said and took Tommy's phone.
Karl Held Tommy so he couldn't go to George. George ofc knew the password so he opened the phone and texted Ranboo.
Hey Ranboo!!
Hey toms
What's up?
Wanna sleep over at my place? :p
Yea sure
I'll be over at like 7pm
"Ranboo's comming over at 7pm so let's get ready!"
George said excited.
"WTF WHY???"
"So you could confess, duh?"
George said and he and Karl started to drag Tommy back home.

~time skip~

George and Karl left and Tommy was left alone before Ranboo would come, in an hour. Tommy relaxed a bit. That 'bit' turned out to be an hour. Ranboo knocked at the door and Tommy answered
"Hey Tommy"
"Come in"
Ranboo went in the house and sat on the couch Tommy sat next to him.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
Tommy asked
"What do you wanna watch? I have Netflix, Disney plus and amazon prime"
"Hmm let's watch 'insert a movie because I don't have an idea'?
"OOoOo sure I didn't watch that one yet!"
Tommy said excited and Ranboo blushed a bit.
That's when Ranboo noticed what Tommy was wearing: fishnets and a oversized t-shirt...
(He looked really hot- ok lol- imma continue)
Tommy put on the movie and got chips.

~time skip~

Tommy POV. (Short)
At the end of the movie I got tired and laid my head on Ranboo's shoulder. I could feel my cheeks heat up really hard and a pair of eyes on me. But i didn't care right now.

Ranboo POV. (Short)
Tommy put his head on my shoulder and I blushed at the touch. I looked at Tommy and he was also blushing. He feel asleep pretty fast so I carried him (in bridal styl) to his room and laid him down. I was also really tired too and I thought he wouldn't notice that I also laid down with him... so I did.

~next day~

Third person POV.
Tommy felt something big and warm next to him so he hugged it. Not knowing it was his crush, Ranboo.
Ranboo also woke up and looked at Tommy full of awe.
"Hey Tommy?"
Tommy shot his eyes open and looked at Ranboo blushing a completely dark crimson red. Ranboo started chuckling.
"Good Morning sleepy head!"
"Ah-uhhh morning"
Tommy buried his head in Ranboo's chest and Ranboo hugged Tommy tighter.
"I love you Tommy.."
"I-I love you too"

~fin bitches~

I combined my own idea with a from a request and I know it probably wasn't what you wanted but I'm writing a test tomorrow so yea rip me :D!

Tt: mint0.0

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