☁️TommyInnit fell from a high place☁️

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Kinda angst Ig? Please do not read if your uncomfortable with: suicide, ghostInnit and I think that's all pls tell if I missed something!

No one POV.
Exile is a terrible thing. Especially when your Best friend did that to you.

Tommy was struggling with his mental health and know one was noticing except for Ranboo. He visited Tommy. The visits from Ranboo were the only positive things for Tommy. Not even Tubbo visited him and Dream only visited him to either take his stuff away or kinda manipulate him.

Everyday and week it got worse for Tommy, he stopped collecting supplies only food so he could survive.

At first Dream was suspicious of Tommy but after a few weeks it was already normal.

Sometimes Tommy would sleep for almost a whole day but that only happens once in like two weeks. He usually only had four hours or less of sleep. Tommy already often thought of ending it, but he didn't for two reasons. 1. Ranboo, 2. His flower garden.
Whenever Ranboo came he brought something with him, often flowers. So, Tommy decided to make a flower garden, so they wouldn't die/rote so fast.

Dream found out and blew up the flower garden while no one was around. And he told Ranboo that he couldn't come visit Tommy anymore. He actually got that demanded by Tubbo because he wouldn't listen to him.

{where is he..?}

Tommy thought, Ranboo would always come at this time.


Tommy said excitedly.

"Oh.. it's you.."
"Well that isn't nice Tommy! I always come to visit you!"

Dream said acting as if he got sad at that.

"Well yeah but..-"
"Ranboo this, Ranboo that. Cant you see, he's just feeling bad for you! He doesn't care Tommy! I mean you are a bad person"

Dream said going to Tommy, who actually believes him. For Tommy it all made sense, no one cared so why would Ranboo? He did have better things to do.

"N-No, Ranboo's different!"
"No he's not Tommy. He's replacing you"
"You Heard me Tommy"

Tommy started to tear up. Dream walked over to him and hugged Tommy. Tommy didn't care that it was Dream, he needed that hug right now. Tommy sobbed into dreams shoulder, while Dream patted his head.

"Am I really that bad..?"
Tommy asked through sobs.
"I thought you knew Tommy? Didn't Wilbur tell you, that you are one of the main problems?"
Dream said, Tommy hugged him tighter and started to apologize to him.

After a few hours Dream left and Tommy was once again alone. Tommy was so miserable of himself.

~ time skip~

"I don't wanna do this anymore Wil.."
Tommy mumbled as he started to build a tower. After an hour of building, Tommy reached the height that he wanted.

He had an envelope and paper with him. Where he has written his death note.

[ hey, it's me Tommy!
I'm sorry that I can't say this to each ab every Person, but you probably wouldn't even listen. I'm sorry that I caused so much pain to everyone, that I started Wars, that I wasn't a good enough brother, son and friend. I'm sorry Ranboo that you felt like you needed to spend time with me. I don't deserve a friend like you. I kinda wish we could've been more then just friends. And I'm sorry to who ever , well probably Dream, found my body. (....) I hope you can forgive me

-TommyInnit ]
He grabbed the paper put in the envelope and stoop up.

"Im coming wilby.."

Were his last words before he let Gravity guide his body down to the ground. The last thing he heard was a crack and then silence....

The next day Dream was visiting again, he was furios because he couldn't find Tommy. He thought that he had ran away, so he was shouting his name. Until he saw a tall Tower.


He said as he ran there. And then he saw it, Tommy's dead corpse. Dream ran back to the main land and demanded that Tubbo and Phil should come with him. Techno and Ranboo just followed. He lead all of them to the tower, where they saw him and another two figures. Tubbo burst out crying and Vertrieb else was tearing up. It was unusual for Ranboo to tear up because he was a half enderman.

Thats when one of the figures disappeared and it was a sad ghostbur there. Tubbo ran to Tommy and that's when he saw an envelope. Dream took the letter and read it out loud. Everyone got even more sad especially Ranboo because he also wished to be more then just friends with Tommy. Phil couldn't believe he lost his youngest son and Tubbo lost his (best) friend.

"Who was the other person ghostbur?"

Techno asked.

"Hm? Oh come on out ghostInnit!"

That's when a ghost which was very similar to Tommy appeared behind Ranboo.


Ranboo said as he looked at the ghost.

"No, I'm ghostInnt."

GhostInnit had some blood running down his head, well half of his head and a few scars on his back but one thing that made Ranboo feel special is that Tommy had a allium flower in his hand.

A/N: ok lol I tried to do some angst idk if it's good or not so yeah hope you liked :D

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