✨Date night✨(part 2 of meet up kinda)

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Tommy POV.
After that sleepover Ranboo and me started dating but we didn't tell anyone. Ranboo asked me to do a stream together so we did one. I shouldn't have agreed tho-.

No one POV.
Ranboo said he would set up the stream the only thing he said about it was that they were gonna read a lot. So Tommy kinda thought would do a weird game or read DNF Wattpads.
Ranboo called Tommy and said to start his stream.
So he did just like Ranboo.
"So we're having a special guest guys! It's Tommyinnit!"
Tommy screamed to Ranboos chat. Ranboo started to laugh at that.
"Well today is a special stream!"
"Im gonna kill you if it's something weird so better watch out."
Tommy said completely serious, kinda scary...

Ranboo gave Tommy a link with a few story's from Wattpad and  they would decide which one to read.

"Let's do a Pole about which one to read first!"
Ranboo said and made a pole:

1. Ranboo x male reader
2. Tommy x male reader
3. Dnf one shots
4. Mystery story only Ranboo knows oOooOoo

They would eventually read all three but who knows maybe they have some plans after the stream.

The watchers chose to read a Ranboo x  male reader story and some parts were really funny or you got second hand embarrassment. But there were also cute parts were Ranboo got all cheesy-.

Second story was the DNF story and Tommy would literally call George and embarrass him.

The third one was the mystery one and who would have guessed it was a Tomboo fanfic!
[ok lol I'm sorry just had to do it would find it really funny-]
Tommy would constantly get red or shout some shit and it was just really funny to watch him get embarrassed. Ranboo ofc put his face cam on for this one but with his mask and sunglasses. And even through the mask you could see him get red sometimes, people took notice and were asking about that. Ranboo denied that he got red but Tommy knew the truth.

                                    ~time skip~

Ranboo and Tommy had a date planned after the stream so they did a early one. It ended at 4pm. Tommy had half an hour to get ready so he instantly got to work. Tommy showered and put this cute outfit on:

 Tommy showered and put this cute outfit on:

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After a around ten minutes Ranboo arrived.
"Hey Ranboo!"
"Hey Tommy, you look very beautiful"
"Awww thank you! You don't look to bad yourself Ranboob!"
Tommy started to laugh at his lover.

~time skip~
No one POV.
When the two arrived at the restaurant Ranboo Reserved, Tommy got recognized once. The person asked for a photo and Tommy ofc agreed. But the person got curios about who the guy with Tommy, aka. Ranboo, was. They asked and Tommy said a good friend. The person looked closer at him
"You look very familiar.."
"Oh sorry but I don't know who you are"
"Hmm guess my mind is playing tricks on me sorry!
But wanna do a photo all together???"
The person asked also inviting Ranboo to the picture. Ranboo wasn't sure at first but then agreed.
After that 'fan meeting' they continued with their date.

It was going really well, Ranboo made complements and they had small talk the whole time.
"Hey Ranboo?"
"What up Tommy?"
"Are you actually planning on doing a face reveal?"
"I still don't know maybe I'll do one.."
"Cool :D , then we can do vlogs together!!"
Ranboo chuckled at that and agreed to do that someday.

When they were done with eating, they went to the park. Some random dude came over
"Hey cutie, your TommyInnit right?"
He said with a smirk ok his face.
"Yea I am why?"
"Well you know I would really want to take you out on a date sometime?"
"Sorry but he's taken."
Ranboo barged in the conversation
"And who are you? Look I'm popular on Insta and you probably only have like 10 followers so back off!"
"Heh, sorry but what's your name on Instagram?"
"*random name* what wanna look it up?"
"Sure why not I want to see if you have even less followers then I expect"
"What do you mean you-"
"Ok I think this is enough let's go back home boo."
Tommy said before Ranboo made an unannounced face reveal or some shit.
Ranboo was mad and the dude was still following them.
"Would you please mind and stop following us?"
Tommy asked politely.
"Why would I? Just trying to save your 'friend' from an embarrassment?"
"You know what. Give me his Instagram acc right now boo."
Ranboo gave Tommy his acc and he posted a tweet:

Guys *random user* is really disrespectful and won't stop hitting on me. Like ik im hot but still he's just a creep and wants me just for Attention he even asked me if I was TommyInnit (this is not hate or something to say to hate on him, this is just so you know how he really is).

"Ok posted now leave me alone mf"
The guy went away and Tommy just grabbed Ranboo and got to his house.
Tommy shouted while making his tea.
"Hey, it's ok he won't bother us anymore!"
"I know but he made this night unnecessarily stressful.."
Tommy said while he sat down next to Ranboo on the couch and started to sob.
"Why are people like that? I literally have a boyfriend.."
"It's hard to keep this relationship a secret I know that Tommy..."
Tommy just drank his tea and put his head on Ranboos shoulder. Ranboo patted Tommy's head and hugged him. Later on after a lot of cuddling they both fell asleep on the couch together.

A/N: idk what made me write this but it's like probably because of a film or experience so yea lol maybe I'll do a part three where they will come out as to the chat that they are dating :0
Hope you liked it!!!

Tt: mint0.0

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