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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Following up on Mr Brown after the surgery, Bella found Dr Avery and Dr Ross inside the patient's room, with her intern for the day on her heel. Along with a woman she did not know but assumed would be a relative. Jackson went ahead and told Bella that the patient's ear had been found, and considering that it was in great condition, he could work with it and reattach it successfully. Hearing the great news, Bella smiled and went on to explain to the girlfriend what she did during the surgery.

Standing closer, Bella checked the patient's neck through the cast that stabilised and held the spine in place. "As expected, the spine is still very fragile but you'll be glad to know that the procedure went well," she highlighted the most important aspect while making note of her check-ups in the chart.

"You know, I can't believe this," the woman scoffed, shaking her head as she stood up from the chair beside the bed. It came out of nowhere but she seemed rather pissed. Bella glanced up at Jackson, standing across from her, and they shared a look but said nothing. "I told you not to drive like a damn race car driver! And you ignore me every time."

"Babe, this wasn't my fault!" Mr Brown exclaimed, about to sit up.

"Mr Brown, try not to move, okay?" Bella pushed him back down by his shoulder, not looking up so she could carry on scribbling away. Even then, her words seemed to have found deaf ears as the argument resumed between the patient and the partner, leaving Mr Brown in such agonising pain that he screamed in Bella's face as she helped him lay back down, Dr Avery using most of his strength to keep the man at bay.

Holding onto him, Bella said, "I'll stabilise his neck."

"Alright, move your fingers for me," Jackson instructed, standing by the edge of the bed to check for movement, only to find Mr Brown screaming again. "Your toes—Mr Brown, move your toes for me."

"Oh my goodness. Is he okay?" the woman practically shouted over Bella's shoulder, worried. Repeatedly.

"I'm not sure yet," she said. "Anything?" Bella questioned, glancing back at Dr Avery.

"His lower extremities just went limp," he told her with a much more serious look in his eyes.

"Mr Brown, try and move your feet for me, please," she spoke but Jackson shook his head lightly. "Now wiggle your toes," but again, nothing. "Alright. We're gonna need some tests to check what has happened. Wilson, Ross. Let's get him up to CT."

"Ma'am, please, step out of the way," Dr Ross talked to the woman who had no other option but to move.

"Is he going to be okay?" she asked. "Please tell me he is going to be okay."

"That's what we're going to find out now," Bella smiled and left the room. Not expecting Jackson to be there when she got out, a little sigh erupted from between her lips and said, "I'm fine."

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