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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Bella Ledford was not a quitter.

Growing up, she had a businessman for a father, and an assistant for a mother. In fact, the Ledfords met through work which led to a one-night stand and that's how Bella came into the world. Not a very easy story to tell a kid when they begin to wonder how their parents met and how they decided to have a child.

She was a mistake, her sibling liked to remind her from time to time. It was funny and Bella never took it to heart. Though, it would be a lie if she said she didn't wonder every once in a while, if that was the case. After all, when her sibling was on the way, she could already tell that their parents wanted that child. That child became their golden star. The one that made them proud. The one that carried the family legacy.

And not just because he was the one to continue to take the family name forward by passing it onto any future child.

Ethan Ledford chose to go down the business path. Actively seeking approval from their parents in every way possible, he succumbed to their begging eyes. Choosing to work for the business their father nurtured from the ground up was exactly what they wished for Bella to do but she refused.

Bella Ledford was smart. Naturally. Learning was in her blood. To progress and become something more. It was always there and she felt like she was doing herself a disservice by following in her parents' steps. Needless to say, when she chose medicine, she didn't receive the support she thought she would.

But it didn't stop her. Nothing could stop her from proving to her parents that just because someone is not in business, they can't be successful.

So, no. Bella Ledford was not a quitter.

She thought she wasn't, anyway. Just because she took a step back from a situation that could've escalated impossibly fast and in directions, she wasn't ready to face, didn't make her a quitter.

This was survival mode. Although, by spending some time at home she began to wonder if she needed to be in survival mode. After all, she did not reach out to her mentor. She did not ask for the spot back.

Was that pride holding her back? Or the possible idea of her going back to Seattle Grace Mercy West?

The option was there. With the freedom of choice in her hands, Bella could either opt for moving back to Baltimore and take her spot at Johns Hopkins, or she could stay where she was and remain Head of Neuro at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Could she be department head at Johns Hopkins? That was all Koracick. There was no way he would've let go of that role. The man had a legacy there. He wouldn't let it go for no reason.

Plus, she had all her people here. The very people she chose to ignore because that's how Ledford dealt with life. The sudden disappearance called for texts from April, wondering where Bella was and why she had to take some personal time off. It warmed her heart to know that Kepner worried about her because she hasn't had anyone care for her like this in a while. At the same time, she wished April would stop and mind her own business.

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