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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Bella was running late. Arrived the last. The look on Tom's face when she finally made it into Amelia's room resembled all kinds of smugness, but with so many people present—Hunt, Bailey, Alex, DeLuca, Pierce, April, Webber—she couldn't possibly flip her mentor off. No matter how much she wanted to do that.

"Apologies," she said, nodding once while looking around to acknowledge those present. Bella pushed her hands into the pockets of her lab coat, then glanced to Tom. "Go ahead, Koracick."

"Thanks, boss," he mocked her, and DeLuca chuckled. Bella sent the resident a quick wink. She never actually ended up punishing him for aiding and abetting Shepherd in keeping her tumour a secret. "I'll go in through a subfrontal craniotomy real clean, small incision in the dura, and then scoop the tumour out. I don't like the oedema around the tumour, but I got to dance with the girl who brough me, so..." Bella nodded, agreeing with his plan, not that the world-renowned surgeon needed his protégée's approval. Tom glanced at Amelia, who pulled a tight-lipped smile at him. "I imagine you have questions."

"Yeah, uh, how many of these have you done?" Bailey wondered, and Bella chuckled under her breath. Fair question, she supposed.

"He's done plenty, Chief."

"So, so many."

Koracick and Ledford looked at each other. They smirked. Everyone else in the room shared a glance, eyebrows pulled upwards, almost-smiles on the edge of tipping. Bella never knew what others thought of her relationship with Tom but then again, she never stopped to notice or care. To her, he was a saviour—though only in her mind. If she ever spoke those thoughts out loud, she'd never live it down. Instead, she showed her gratitude in other ways. Keeping friends with him and teasing the hell out of the old man was one of those.

"And what's the recovery time?" the question of concern came from Webber, leaning against the door frame.

"I took a thirteen-centimetre tumour out of a cop in roughly the same place," Tom motioned towards Amelia's scans beside him. "He was walking day one, talking day three, back at work end of the week, so..."

"Thank you, Tom," Amelia interrupted him, nodding like she was ready to send off their mentor in that instant.

"Yeah," he moved from the bed quickly. "See you at the after party. Ledford, a word?"

Bella nodded and, arms crossed, she followed her mentor out without a sound. Once they were fairly distanced from the room, Bella turned her head towards her mentor and asked, "Having second thoughts?"


"Hm," she looked forward again. "You're surely not here to convince me to talk to Amelia before her surgery."

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