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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Recovery of any kind is tough. Recovery challenges a person on levels they may not have been challenged before, and it takes a whole village.

Prior to this, Bella Ledford never faced anything as frustrating as getting her swing back. The fracture of her wrist bothered her the most. Her hands gave her a living and without them, she is completely lost. Frustration built in her every day for two consecutive months and she cried every night for two weeks.

Everything hurt.

The realisation of what had happened to her. The neck and head injury. The broken bones. She had bruises all over her body, some of which still hasn't healed properly. Her skin remained greenish-yellow as the hurt areas were in their final stages of disappearing but they were there. The empty uterus that held a baby she managed to lose. Thinking about it made her go crazy because she didn't know how to feel about it other than hurt.

Two months without working at the hospital gave Bella plenty of time to read some of her books. Between going to physical and mental therapy, and forcing people like Arizona, and now April and Alex, to send any consults her way, she felt bored.

Boredom led her to read. When the words began to wash together, she picked up her phone and reached out to her brother. Surely, he had to have had his kid already. Bella was never informed of the birth, or anything that led up to it, and that hurt. She also, somehow, managed to bring this up in therapy so she was dealing with it in some way.

A few days after that particular therapy session, she received a response from Ethan. More than happy to share photos and videos of the first moments of his son's life, he flooded Bella's messages. They spoke for hours on videochat and Ethan finally introduced the little guy to Bella. The baby looked a lot like Ethan which wasn't surprising but Bella didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, it was good because it meant the kid was definitely Ethan's. On the other hand, it was bad because Ethan already looked like their father and now that Ethan's son looked like him, there were two photocopies of Christian Ledford in the world.

Bella went to sleep that night, knowing she had a nephew on the other side of the world. Noah Blake Ledford. Apparently, they chose to give him a middle name starting with 'B' in honour of Bella and as much as she enjoyed taking the mick out of her brother, she felt touched.

Speaking of children, she couldn't believe the state in which Callie and Arizona were planning on raising their daughter. While Bella was busy being kept in the dark, as usual, they went to court and back to settle who would end up with sole custody of the little girl. Apparently, Callie asked Jackson if he'd testify for her and he had agreed. Most of the hospital staff said yes, and Arizona only had Webber to back her at the hearing.

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