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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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It would be safe to say that the morning after Bella and Jackson decided it would be best for them to cuddle away the last couple of days' troubles, they just happened to create more.

Lucky enough to be rounded on by a fellow colleague and Jackson's little girlfriend, also known as Bella's star student, they couldn't have explained the sight even if they were given the chance. Neither of them had to see how their legs were intertwined under the duvet, or how his hand rested on her stomach ever so gently. The way she laid on his arm, or how he felt more than comfortable sleeping with his face tucked to the back of her neck. They were both aware of the thoughts swirling in everyone's mind who was present.

Following the check-up, then shortly getting discharged, Bella was said to be able to come back to work the next day. The idea definitely altered her mood for the worse because she couldn't even last a week before she got benched again. Jackson told her it was for the better, given how much shit he seemed to be with his girlfriend. Thinking about that, made Bella's frown turn upside down.

Before they parted, she promised him, "You did nothing wrong and if she wants to act up because you decided to give your very unwell friend a little cuddle, then that's on her and you better walk away before she makes you grovel."

Granted, that did not happen. Later that day, Bella got a call from him where he told her he was on time-out. Unfortunately for Jackson, he let it slip that this wasn't the first instance where Bella's name caused some trouble between the happy couple. Ledford wondered about that comment for a while after the call ended but she couldn't find it in herself to feel any way about it.

Getting up the next day, then the one after that, and the remainder of the mornings for whatever was left of the week, Bella decided to ease into work. Even she realised that what happened on the day of the storm was out of order, and she should've known better when to take back.

This is how she ended up having an extended lunch break. Work-lunch-break, actually. After she pulled some important files from her office, needing a change of scenery, she chose to sit outside and eat there, occasionally flicking through the papers. Her initial plan had been to stay in the cafeteria but she chose against it.

After some time, she noticed that she had a few missed calls. In Bella's defence, this happened on more than one occasion so it wasn't deliberate. Alex wanted to get a hold of her but seemed to fail. She opted to drop him a text but he didn't answer—he called instead.

"Hey," she greeted him.

"I thought you were working today," he said, almost accusing her. Even through the phone, Bella could hear how tense he was. 

"I am," she confirmed. "I'm having lunch right now."

"Are you in the cafeteria?"

"No. Sitting outside on the tables."

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