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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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It turned out Snow White would be becoming a permanent member of the surgery staff. Somehow, the revelation of this truth failed to shock Bella. At the same time, she knew the new add-on wouldn't be staying long, which left the question of 'how long, then?' linger with a strange taste in her mouth. She had come to realise not many new doctors took a particular liking to the hospital for whatever reason—though she could definitely think of a few with its past events that were incredibly well known around the world—and they ended up packing their bags just as they hit a year of their contract.

Bella did not care. This gave her no sort of headache at all since she didn't belong to the board of the hospital—thank the fucking lord, she thought. Too many scandals, too many issues, none of which she wished to waste her time on. She felt it to be too precious and too small to do anything but focus on her own goals and career.

With that being said, she felt slightly suspicious of the new addition. Dr Eliza Minnick. Often, she almost called her Snow White and it amused her more than it most likely should have. Bella had never been made aware of any nicknames she had at the hospital, honestly because she didn't want to know nor did she care for longer than perhaps two minutes to figure it out but it was sort of fun to give them out to people.

The entire reason behind her suspicion had come from the sudden cold shoulder she noticed from her colleagues. While she only joked about not liking the woman since Bella had no real reason to actually dislike her, it appeared everyone else felt some sort of deeply rooted envy for her. Automatically, that made her question the situation.

Why was it that everyone stood against Minnick? What could she have done in less than a week to piss the entire surgical staff off? Obviously, it had to be something crazy—or nothing blown out of proportion.

After all, so many of the people who used to have it out for Bella are now civil with her—friendly, even. Upon her arrival, she did nothing to make those around her feel uncomfortable or threatened because she had literally just arrived then. Granted, replacing someone as legendary as Derek Shepherd is practically impossible. Although, that had never been her intention, knowing very well she could never replace the surgeon. Bella was a fantastic surgeon, talented in ways that others envied and she knew this. But she most definitely did not match Shepherd. That man held his own talents, his own power—the personality with which he made his peers and patients love him set him apart entirely.

In the current situation, Minnick came to oversee the interns and residents and how they progressed with their learning, not to replace someone or take over an entire department. It called for the question of just how unjustified their behavious was toward Eliza.

Bella caught her colleagues meeting during lunch. Just two days ago when she popped in to get some food from the canteen, she saw a few familiar faces huddled together. Jackson happened to be there, seeming like the lead of the argument. She knew they disagreed on something because he slammed his hand on his thigh then threw himself back in the chair and shook his head. The moment she got to the front of the line to order, she turned away from the group and she felt someone's attention shift to her. It would've been useless to pretend she didn't know it was Jackson.

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